I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 509 This is my granddaughter

The courtyard of the already crowded villa has become even smaller, and it can only be used for living. All the available space has been used, and just like Hong Kong back then, land has become very expensive.

Now it really can’t be stuffed anymore, Jingshu still wants to buy some more things.

The villa was so crowded that Jingshu had no choice. She could only pray that she would exchange her insect cake for a large mobile luxury villa and place it on the newly purchased land, so that she could grow vegetables and fruits. But it's still early after all, isn't it?

Besides, ordinary people outside live in a house with more than a dozen people. If one person farts in such a crowded room, everyone in the room can smell it. I wasn’t used to it at first, but I’m used to it now. It’s getting colder and colder. Everyone I wish I could sleep with them together. Isn’t this how a family sleeps in a parking space?

At any rate, Jingshu's villa is not filled with people, but with various supplies and food. Jing Nai and Jing Ye feel very safe. They really have food in hand and don't panic, especially In the last days.

The execution ability of Lao Jing's family was also extremely fast. As soon as everyone agreed, they started working on it immediately. As the master of the old banker, Jing Jing especially had a say and assigned tasks one by one.

Time is urgent, so I won't exchange the beans and rice at home. It's too eye-catching. The purchasing power of virtual currency is too low, so I will use the insect cakes from Jingshu's factory to quickly exchange for some materials. There can be no further delay.

Don't worry, dad. Food is tight now, so a fool would just go out and exchange rice for something.

After Dad Jing said that, he went to find cement shelves and various materials.

Jing Nai hurriedly cultivated various seeds and prepared to plant a batch of vegetables. Fortunately, the cotton planted a few days ago has been harvested. It is for everyone to lick the cotton clothes, otherwise Jing Nai would be really distressed.

Another unfortunate thing is that the apple trees and apricot trees at home are still alive. These are Jing's mother's darlings. She usually relies on the little apricot beard for teething festivals, so Jing Shu releases a lot of spiritual spring water. However, For safety reasons, the fruit trees will also be reorganized this time.

The third aunt began to clean up and keep the edible ones, and sort out the inedible, rotten roots, or those that did not grow well.

It was impossible to throw away, and waste would be punished, so the fat chickens and a group of dinosaur chickens were left as food rations. Ordinary poultry raised in captivity at home might get upset after eating these, but the dinosaur chickens and fat chickens that had been genetically modified No, they can eat anything and will not suffer from indigestion.

What a good chicken that is not picky about food. Seeing the dinosaur chicken eating happily, the third aunt also smiled. This is Jing Nai's baby, oh, it is also the baby of the whole family. Every time a chicken is sold, the family gets a solid income, and even Jing'an gets a commission.

The only drawback is that breeding is difficult.

Although it was the end of the world and some materials were difficult to find, Jingshu had insect cakes in her hands, and Jing’s father and Jing’s mother had connections. In the end, they were able to get various materials for building a vegetable shed.

Jingshu’s task is to dig out the fruit trees, and then dig out the soil in the entire vegetable field, and dig deeper so that there is more space for growing vegetables. If the backyard is not full, it is actually possible to grow vegetables in the backyard. Pretty good too.

Cart after cart of soil was transported out and dumped into the collapsed abandoned building that Jing Shu bought. The more he dug, the thicker it became, just like glue. After Jing Shu dug for a while, it became sticky. Panting tiredly.

Who makes Jingshu strong and capable, kind-hearted and beautiful? It can only solve the most difficult task of building a shed - digging a hole. Within half a day, the square vegetable garden was sunk into a large hole one person deep.

Okay, once we get the cement and apply putty to make it waterproof, we can build the structure to make sure the muddy water below cannot seep up. We will also reorganize the fruit trees. Jingye waved his hand and let Jingshu rest.

Jingshu didn't care about the next thing. After all, a busy person like her couldn't keep her eyes on a small vegetable shed all the time.

Moreover, the vegetables in the Jingshu space ripen faster. Not only do they have to be picked and processed as soon as possible, but they also patrol the various poultry in the space, collect eggs and duck eggs, and are responsible for delivering calves and sheep from time to time, and watching them every now and then. Look at how fat Piggy is.

As the space becomes more and more crowded, Jingshu has to find time to practice the Rubik's Cube so that the Rubik's Cube space can be upgraded quickly. Seeing that the fourth year of the apocalypse has come, can the fifth year be far behind?

Jingshu felt sad when she thought that the space would no longer be able to hold more food, and she would not be able to eat more delicious food.

The piles of raw and frozen meat in the space have become less beautiful.

So Jing Shu secretly made a new plan for herself. She needed to prepare more snacks and cooked snacks while the conditions were still convenient, so that she wouldn't be too bored while migrating. And she bought boxes of them before the end of the world. After several years of searching for snacks, I have almost finished them.

What Jing Shu looks forward to most now is to sit on the 270° viewing RV, looking out at the ice and snow world, enjoying the scenery, with a cup of cappuccino and afternoon tea snacks.

How can it be done without cake and black tea? How can it be done without crispy fries and macarons?

Potato chips and french fries are so good. I have a variety of fried potatoes to make them crispy. Oh, and I also need to get some corn flakes. I can't leave out the cookies. I just have a lot of eggs. I can make more and everyone can enjoy it. Eat. You also need to make more pastries, cakes and muffins are also indispensable, and my favorite donuts. There are so many favorite things that Jingshu herself can't count.

When she thought about it, Jingshu felt that she would be very busy next time. At the beginning of the end of the world, just to have enough to eat, she made a lot of cooked food and cooked dishes, which made her very satisfied.

But isn’t that what you said is good? I feel full and warm, and I start thinking about all kinds of snacks and snacks after eating. Now when I think about those kinds of food, I feel like gluttons are rumbling in my stomach.

Jingshu would not wrong herself. She immediately wrote the plan and executed it rigorously. Even the fields in the space began to make new preparations for Jingshu's next appetite.

The eggs at home were piled as high as the hill again, and the same was true for the eggs in Jingshu's space. So in the next few days, there was a sound like an electric drill in the kitchen of the villa, which was the sound of Jingshu constantly beating eggs. .

The two electric whipping machines took turns, and every few minutes the egg whites were whipped into fluffy cream, while the egg yolks were piled separately in the basin, which quickly became full.

My dear granddaughter, even if we have a lot of eggs, we wouldn't use them like this, huh? If you clean them all at once, we won't be able to eat them all, and they can't be stored in the refrigerator like braised eggs.

Hey, the candy is thrown in there as if it's free. What on earth do you want to eat?

Looking at the pile of egg shells, Jing Nai felt extremely distressed. This was her granddaughter, otherwise she would have been beaten to death.

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