I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 516 Debris flow breaks out in the fourth year (second update)

Jingshu hesitated for a moment, then grabbed the red envelope very honestly, holding the bright red 0.01 mercilessly. Jingshu turned off her phone and just wanted to be quiet now.

I won’t grab any red envelopes next time.

It wasn't until each of Jing's father and Jing's mother sent her a red envelope of 600 virtual coins that the 26-year-old Jing Shu felt much better. Although she was an old girl, in the eyes of her parents, no matter how old she was, no matter how old she was, no matter how old she was, , we are all children forever, and we all need to be given lucky money.

Jing's mother gave 100 virtual coins to each of Xiao Shu'en and her uncle's son Su Long. Li Yun looked at it eagerly without saying a word. After all, he was almost 30 and it would be bad to ask for lucky money anymore. As for Jing Shu, the boss He also said he was envious of the new year's money.

Jing Shu and Wu Youai both gave Xiao Shuen 50 virtual coins as a lucky gift. Li Yun was about to cry. He only had 10 virtual coins in total, which he had saved for a long time. He could only act like an ostrich and remain silent.

It was rare that there were many people this year and the house was warm. The adults had no intention of going to bed and said they wanted to keep vigil. Jing Nai and Jing Ye couldn't bear it anymore and went to sleep.

But Sangu and Jingma still have a lot of work to do: they need to prepare feed for chickens, ducks and cows. In order to save feed, there are no rotten roots and leaves at home, so they can only mix in more insect cakes. Fortunately, insects are high in protein. , so that the chickens lay more eggs.

Even if you add a little Lingquan, you still need to supplement the nutrition, and you also need to add some beans and grains. The trouble is that the weather is cold now, so you can't mix food with cold water, you have to use boiled water. Only poultry likes to eat food mixed in this way. Only then will they grow well and produce abundant crops.

The crops on the balcony have to be taken care of, the pigs and cows in the backyard have to be looked after, the milk has to be squeezed out in advance, the mushroom room in the front yard has to be taken care of, etc. Even Jingshu has to inspect it every night before going to bed, and she also has to take care of the fruits in the greenhouse. , bees, and so many pets to take care of, as well as being exposed to rain and dew.

It makes sense that Jingshu's family is rich, and having plenty of meat and fish on the table every day also has capital.

The TV was playing programs, and the children were drinking milk tea and eating candies on the sofa, watching the TV very happily.

Mahjong is played on the dining table and landlords are fighting on the coffee table. This is a lively New Year scene that has not happened for a long time.

Jing Shu thought, maybe this is happiness in the ordinary. It would be great if such ordinary happiness could continue.

But obviously, it won't be so satisfactory.

The warm time has only passed a few days, and the whole country is still immersed in the welfare of the Spring Festival carnival and cannot extricate itself. Those who are hungry every day can finally eat at the buffet in these few days. Can you not be happy? The food is also better than usual. This time, two dishes are added, one wild vegetables and one rice porridge, but each person is limited to one bowl and can only choose 1 out of 2.

This is just like the pre-apocalyptic buffet. You have to choose between abalone porridge and hairy crabs, which is very confusing.

The second uncle's family saw that they could no longer live in the villa, not even an ordinary residence. They were secretly worried and couldn't stop eating in the big dining hall. We will think of a solution in the next few days.

The canteens in this city are delicious, but the insect cakes in the countryside are not very particular. Look at other people in the city, there are more than a dozen ways to make them.

How can it be compared? The pancakes in the city are pure meat, but the pancakes we make in the countryside add half of the soil.

Yes, canteens in the countryside have long started adding soil. Because there is a red thread worm cake factory in Wucheng, which supplies some worm cakes every day as a buffer, and there is some old grain inventory in the warehouse, it does not go to the point of eating soil. But after the Chinese New Year, Jingshu will probably be fine.

The soil is not Guanyin soil, but a kind of expansive soil. This kind of soil can fill the stomach to a certain extent, but it is not easy to digest. It will be fine in the short term, but if you eat it for a long time, you will get a big belly, which will get bigger and bigger until... Boom!

This is a kind of edible soil that has been specially processed and screened layer by layer. It is also rich in certain substances needed by the human body.

If before the end of the world, someone told Jing Shu that this soil was edible, not only could it be eaten, but it could also be made into biscuits and dry food, Jing Shu would not believe it at that time.

But now that we are at the end of our rope, what can we not eat? Some people are hungry because they eat dirt. After all, the smart and thrifty Chinese people learned how to eat dirt from their African compatriots.

Although it is not as harmful as Guanyin soil, and you will die after just a few meals, it is still seriously harmful. Ahem, but in this situation where you are about to starve to death, who cares so much?

Besides, I can still eat some dirt now, but next year I won’t even be able to eat dirt.

Jingshu then thought about it, Is the job of digger also about to come out?

This work is very hard, because you have to dig deep pits of several meters to find the fine soil, and then go through steps such as crushing and filtering to get the finest soil.

Finally, it is handed over to the canteen. At this time, the canteen aunts add some flour and salt, or add some worms to the soil. After stirring continuously to form a paste, they dig out a small piece and spread it out to make a cake or strip. Made into cake embryo.

This kind of food, which costs very little but can feed many people, quickly became popular.

And they often only need to be pasted around the burning garbage station, and then pieces of dry food soil insect cakes are ready.

The mudslide in the fourth year is the best time to make earthworm cakes, especially when it has not yet begun to solidify. As long as the diggers can endure hardship and do not need special tools, they can get enough raw materials with just their hands, so that they can obtain A lot of virtual coins.

But after it completely solidified in the second half of the year, the diggers were exhausted. Coupled with the cold, the earth completely solidified into a cement-like earth. Even the soil could not be dug out. All the edible food was eaten, and the weather was extremely cold. That's when the test really comes.

So being able to eat dirt is also a blessing.

There is muddy water on the mountain!

More and more mud and water are pouring out from around!

At first, everyone didn’t take it seriously. After all, there had been floods and major earthquakes back then. There was just a little muddy water on the mountain. What should we be afraid of? It's not a life-threatening matter.

But soon everyone discovered something was wrong.

And the facts also proved that something was wrong.

If muddy water occasionally flows in one place, forget it, but muddy water begins to gush out from more and more places. Some volcanoes even erupted into turbulent muddy water, directly flooding several surrounding towns and villages!

The footage from the drone could only capture that in just one night, these mudslides poured down from the mountains crazily, swallowing up everything in front of them. There were tens of thousands of people in the towns and villages. Fortunately, there were early warnings, and the mudslides also It was not as fast as a flood, which gave them time to escape. The mayor was also very experienced and organized everyone to escape with the necessary food.

On the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, Jingshu and her family were huddled in the house having breakfast and watching the news, so they saw this live broadcast.

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