I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 517 The situation is serious

The meal is a good meal. Everyone is squatting in the corner, standing in the aisle, or sitting on the sofa and staring at the TV; Jingnao baked egg and scallion pancakes, one big pancake for each person, rolled with sliced ​​meat, green onions, and sausages. Drink it when you are thirsty. The soy milk in the pot, Jingshu's was particularly rich, she secretly added meat grouse, chicken fillet, fish fillet and lettuce, her mouth was full of oil.

But the others seemed to have forgotten the big cakes in their hands and were watching TV. Oh, only the second uncle was eating and watching TV absentmindedly.

Now the victims of Qingshui Town have been resettled in the adjacent Zhuhuo Town. Mud water is also flowing into Zhuhuo Town, reaching up to the ankles. No one knows whether the mud water will submerge Zhuhuo Town as well... if The situation is really not good, and people in Candlelight Town will start running to neighboring villages.

Qingshui Town and Zhuhuo Town are organizing manpower to return to Qingshui Town to carry out the materials that have not yet been submerged. The bedding and cotton clothes at home and even daily necessities must be moved out. The subsequent rescue and resettlement of the victims will also be a big problem.

“The editor hereby reminds everyone that the scope of the disaster this time is so wide. Everyone must always observe the surrounding environment, pack their luggage in advance, and be prepared to escape at any time, otherwise the consequences will be serious. Judging from the existing examples, For those who were submerged in mud and water and received timely rescue, the survival rate was less than 0.1%! Next, please take a look at some of the more severely affected places.

If Qingshui Town is lucky, then the next few places will be miserable. The worst is a foreign city. Because it is around a volcano, a large-scale mudslide erupted directly, just like the flood that year. , the entire city was swallowed up by the mudslide without even a few people escaping.

This is worse than a flood!

If you get flooded, you can at least swim, and you can go back and carry supplies, but if you get submerged in this muddy water, tsk tsk, it really feels like you're stuck in a swamp!

The whole family looked ugly. During this time, sticky muddy water kept coming out of the fields. Even the eldest aunt and the second aunt's family were covered in this mud-like thing on their way. This showed that Wucheng was not immune.

Everyone's suspicions were soon confirmed. There were also relevant reports in Wucheng News. It was even reported that Ningshan City, which is very close to Wucheng, began to gush out muddy water crazily. The residents of Ningshan City were already preparing to relocate. .

The screen jumps to Ningshan City, which is familiar to Jingshu's family. The muddy water above is flowing down like a waterfall. The ones that are closer are already submerged. Two districts of Ningshan City are also half flooded by muddy water. Now they are seizing the time. Although Zhengfu dispatched trucks to transfer materials and daily necessities, it was only a drop in the bucket. There were still countless people running with large and small bags in the cold weather. If they ran slower, the mudslides would chase them.

Everyone is familiar with Ningshan City. It is right next to Wucheng and Wuxian, and is even closer to Wuxian. Although it is not as prosperous as a provincial capital like Wucheng, it still has a lot of people. It was also a good provincial capital before the end of the world.

Such a large city began to retreat, fleeing to a place where they didn't know where to call home, which made Jingshu's family feel even worse.

The aunt said sadly: When there was a flood, we were still envious of Ningshan City. After all, the terrain there was higher and it was not flooded. I didn't expect that it would be the first disaster-stricken area now.

The eldest uncle started to wolf down the pancakes: No, we have to go back quickly. Wuxian County is closer to Ningshan City, and they are all affected by the disaster. Maybe our Wuxian County will be the next step.

Master Jing frowned, pointed at his eldest uncle and second uncle and said, Don't eat yet. Take a flashlight and quickly go to the back mountain to take a look, and then go outside to ask about the situation.

Not caring about eating anymore, the eldest uncle quickly got up and put on his cotton coat, leather hat and thick shoes. The second uncle was a little reluctant to leave, and before leaving, he said: Don't take it away from me, I will eat it when I get back, and keep it again. Order some soy milk and put some sugar in it for me.

Go quickly!

Master Jing stared, it’s time to eat, eat, eat! There is also sugar. How precious is sugar?

Then he turned to look at Li Yun who was working hard and snorted, You can't get on the stage.

Finally, his eyes fell on Jingshu who was playing with her mobile phone while wolfing down her food. Her eyes softened and she said, Brother, bake a few more pancakes. Your granddaughter won't be able to eat enough. This baby has been working hard these days. She looked so thin. What's the point? Hey, it’s because of the lack of nutritional supplements. It’s all because he has been scrimping on food and clothing these days, which made the baby starve and lose weight. The baby is also very stupid. He got the food by himself, so he can’t secretly add some food. ?

The atmosphere in the house was tense. Jing's mother and father had already gone to work, and the third aunt had also gone to the cafeteria. At this moment, even Wu Youai, who had always been calm, was busy doing something on his mobile phone.

Only Jingshu was not affected at all, and was even a little busy: all the matters in the factory were left to her uncle, such as employee benefits, New Year red envelopes, etc. She didn’t have to worry about it, but recently because of the It has been replaced with a little power from the garbage station in Wucheng, so some interactive issues between the two parties are being dealt with.

With the expansion of red worms, we have begun to feel overwhelmed. The biggest problem now is the lack of fuel processing.

The garbage station is easy to provide both personnel and equipment, but the bigger problem is the lack of food distributed to employees and the ability to be self-sufficient.

No, the two sides hit it off immediately. The red thread worm factory provided some worm cakes, and the garbage station provided fuel, so that Jingshu could save more fuel.

After a while, the eldest uncle Wei Chang and the second uncle Li Zhu came back out of breath. The second uncle was so cold that he jumped on his feet and gasped. He drank a large bowl of soy milk and felt better, but his face also turned pale.

My eldest uncle reported the situation: It's over, it's over. There's mud and water flowing on the back mountain. It's just like the situation on TV. We just arrived at the foot of the mountain, and the mud keeps flowing over. Although the flow speed is not very slow, but who knows? It won’t be the same as Ningshan City.

Thinking of this, Wei Chang became even more anxious.

When Jing Nai heard this, she almost burst into tears: Well, if this is flooded, where can we go? Are we going to be forced to leave our homes and go somewhere else like what was shown on TV? This is flooded We are not afraid of flooding, but if the house is flooded by mud and water, it will be destroyed!

Wu Youai stood up and said: Grandma, it's not us who should be worried now, but the eldest aunt and the second aunt. Their homes are in Wuxian County, which is closer to the disaster-stricken city Ningshan City. The terrain of Ningshan City is higher, and the muddy water flows down. The flow rate is faster. If Ningshan City is flooded by muddy water, then Wuxian County is not far away. At that time, our Wucheng City may suffer.

Then, according to what you say, we will be flooded sooner or later? Master Jing was smoking a cigarette holder without lighting up. He didn't have much tobacco left.

Seeing that the family was so worried, Jingshu had no choice but to stand up. Thinking that the big 'tombstone' she had worked so hard to erect behind the villa over the years was all in vain?

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