I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 523 Operation Seed Rescue

But there is still good news. Yang Yang said again.

Jingshu hummed and was not in a very good mood. Not only was her seed at risk of being lost, but it was also at risk of being eaten. What could she be happy about?

But Jingshu was not unhappy to be able to save people, especially the heroes who protected her seeds. She just prayed that she would not eat the seeds of the rice that she cherished so much, such as American black rice, Thai fragrant rice, etc.

But there are hundreds of thousands of them, covering all categories in the world. It's impossible for those people to be so lucky, right? Jingshu cheered herself up, It's not that I'm stingy. It's not that I'm unwilling to eat it, I just know how to do it.

Just as he was thinking this, Yang Yang's voice came over:

In view of the fact that you want to sell part of the seeds to Wucheng Zhengfu. Although the sale has not yet been successful, this can be regarded as part of Wucheng Zhengfu's property. Therefore, the person in charge, Jin Tianci, decided to send a special team to go there. Rescue.”

Jing Shu rolled her eyes, No need, this is still my own private property, there is no need for higher-ups to worry about it.

Although there is a special team that is faster and has a better chance of winning, she is also very bad. She can't use the space when she wants to, and she can't move when she wants to perform the moves, especially when eating is very inconvenient.

The last time I went to the United States with Nantian and his group from Tank Town, although she had been trained to eat and drink in front of these people without changing her expression, it was not good to have people drooling while watching.

If you eat, others will drool; if you don't, your stomach will growl. Isn't this embarrassing?

It has been decided from above that the slogan of this operation is to rescue the hamster. We are a group of five, you are not included, we are free people. After all, the original intention of the above is to retrieve the seeds, and it is not to embarrass you. Yang Yang said as if It was the same as seeing through everything, and she didn't give Jing Shu a chance to object.

Okay. It was not good news for Jing Shu, Who is there? Do I know them? Who will lead the team?

Since the superiors intervened forcefully, she just let it go. Besides, that batch of seeds was really important.

Yang Yang was silent for a while and then said: With Hao Yunlai, the superiors decided to use his weird ability. The one who leads the team this time is Jin Tianci's nephew. The other two people came with the captain this time. I don't have them. Information.

Jingshu raised her eyebrows, Is this a related household? It won't mess up, right? Jingshu was a little worried. Although she saved the life of the powerful man Jin Tianci and seemed to be quite respectable and dignified in Wucheng, this The relationship between the younger generation is the most difficult to deal with.

If you are not careful, everything will go wrong and the previous relationship will turn into a negative number.

I have never seen her. I only heard that she came from the Imperial Capital. She is Mrs. Jin Tianci's natal family. They have roots in the Imperial Capital. Yang Yang's voice also had a hint of doubt.

Jingshu had already made plans, fearing that the playboy would delay her big event.

Jing Shu covered her face and said, That's it. Don't you know what kind of person his brother-in-law Junjia is? He's probably the same person. If he's not an arrogant person, I won't do it. At worst, we'll go our separate ways and find our own thing. Although brother-in-law and Jin Baba Jing Shu also suffered a loss, but Jing Shu is a cautious person.

For anyone who wants to know about Jingshu's food supplies, Jingshu will write it down in his notebook for the rest of his life.

Don't worry too much. You won't mess with something as important as seeds. That person is very capable of carrying it. Yang Yang comforted.

Yes. Jingshu also felt relieved. If she still worried, Jin Tianci was pretty good, and the seeds were also very important to Wucheng. Although the price had not yet been agreed upon, as a protective umbrella in the future, Jingshu was willing to let A little step.

Besides, do you think the Imperial City is awesome? I didn't buy her seeds politely. Although it was a little unpleasant in the middle, the ending was still good. People like her who have the courage to contribute will not be treated badly, especially in this season.

It also said that she would be awarded an award and included in the list of China's top ten contributions, but Jingshu refused, Be low-key, be low-key. Jingshu seemed very indifferent to fame and fortune at the time.

Of course, she is really indifferent. If you don't want to give Jingshu some extra virtual coins, why would she want these? Can they be used as food?

According to the head office, Jin Tianci should not just send an unreliable person, right?

Then we will meet at Nanshan in Wucheng in two hours. This operation is expected to take five days. Bring your own bedding and food, and we will provide transportation, weapons, and water.

After the communication was cut off, Jingshu started packing her things without saying a word. At the same time, she called Jing's father and asked him to drive her home after a while. Nanshan was more than ten kilometers away from here.

After hearing Jingshu call and explain the situation, Jingnai ran over with a shovel in one hand and a rolling pin in the other and asked: Why are you going out again? Where are you going this time? How long will you be going? How long have you been living in peace and want to go out again? Dayi If Jingshu couldn't answer the question, the rolling pin would be knocked down.

It's coming menacingly.

Milk, my good milk, this time I was in the city around Wucheng. I was going to vaccinate, which would only last a week or two. You forgot, I got a lot of supplies from the United States last year. Now, Here we are, Yang Yang and Hao Yunlai are coming together. Jing Shu explained in detail.

Jing Nai was really frightened by Jing Shu's visit last year and a half. When she heard that Yang Yang was also going, she looked better. That boy was still very sensible.

Nai, there are hundreds of thousands of seeds in that batch. They have basically all the plants that can be seen in the world. Think about it, we can plant whatever you want to eat when we bring it back this time. We have everything.

Jing Nai's eyes lit up: Do you really have everything?

Jingshu nodded.

Okay, then you go ahead. You have to give a video to your family every day. Then I will prepare rations for you now, and then I will make some big cakes for you to eat on the way. Bring all those milk powder, oil tea, and so on. Jing Nai Started to chatter.

Needless to say, Jing Nai, since she is acting with others this time, she must bring everything that can pass the clear road, and the person in charge is Jin Tianci's nephew, so the things she uses must be consistent with what she brings. The total amount must be logical, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous if someone with a serious intention discovers the suspicion.

Jingshu is already familiar with the business. The two large boxes made last year are still there. Fortunately, this time they are responsible for weapons. Jingshu does not need to bring special weapons, which can save a lot of space.

And the scope is also within the territory, not too far away, and the time to go out is definitely not long, so there is no need to carry a mountain as exaggeratedly as last year.

When others pack their luggage, it must be daily necessities, emergency supplies, food, a change of clothes, etc., neatly packed in the suitcase.

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