I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 524 Pack your bags and pack them all for me!

Jingshu packed her bags, and there were very few daily necessities. Just like men, they had a mobile phone, a charger and a razor. Bah, just replace the razor with toilet paper. For a change of clothes, I just brought a small underwear. Anyway The time away was not long, and a set of luxurious single-person windproof and warm tents, bedding, mats, and moisture-proof pads were squeezed into a small space. This was Jingshu's luggage.

As for the other two large boxes, one of them contains a set of simple pots and pans from Jingshu, which includes a multi-functional pot holder: a stove that can also be used as a barbecue grill; a set of convenient seasonings; a sufficient amount of alcohol fuel, etc. Outdoor water filtering device, first aid kit, thermos pot: you can have hot milk tea anytime you go out; hot water bottle;

The remaining space was filled by Jingshu with milk powder, oil noodle tea, brick tea, oatmeal and five kernels and other convenient foods that can be eaten with water. After all, in the winter, you still need to drink more hot drinks.

Jingshu filled another big box with meat sauce, luncheon meat, braised pork, sausages, smoked pork legs and various kinds of meat. Jingshu couldn't stand it anymore, so she stuffed some dry goods, dried vegetables, pickled vegetables, fried rice, etc. , he also put some previously dried vegetables in and stared at Jingshu:

Eat more vegetables. You have eaten so much meat that you have forgotten that you were constipated some time ago and couldn't get rid of it? Besides, bring more vegetables. What if you eat so much and get hungry?

Jing Shu blushed and retorted: It's not that it can't be pulled out, it's just that it's too much and the front is too long.

But in the end, she didn’t object to Jing Nai bringing more dishes. In fact, there were dozens of cooked food and various fruit juice drinks in her space, not to mention a cubic meter of deli grilled steak, which she usually worked hard for. She had worked so hard to save it, so she would probably eat some secretly when she was hungry. Jingshu already knew a lot about how to chew delicious food quietly and eliminate the taste.

Even at ordinary times, Jingshu's mouth wouldn't stop. She was used to eating chocolate, candies, pine nuts, cashews and the like.

Of course I didn't feel at ease with just these frozen milk. In a short period of time, I fried a lot of twists, sweet potato balls, and kang pancakes, and I didn't stop until I couldn't stuff them anymore.

As expected, there was no place to put the smoked pork leg in the end, so Jingshu put it through a rope and let the fat chicken carry it, How can you not do some work to eat so fat?

The fat chicken is very aggrieved, but in order to go out with its master, it can only let the master do things on it, but it cannot resist or show its displeasure. It is difficult to be a chicken, but it is even more difficult to be a good chicken with both civil and military skills. Disaster!

The fat chickens must go, otherwise, they won’t be able to eat fresh eggs every day. How pitiful and pathetic is this?

When Jing's father hurried back, Jing Shu had packed up. She changed into outdoor equipment and wrapped herself up tightly. Not only did she put on wool socks, wool boots, but she even put on a pair of rubber shoes.

Drinking Lingquan is naturally powerful, but it has no protection against cold. Jingshu is as afraid of cold as ordinary people, or even more afraid of cold than ordinary people, because she will get frostbite when she gets cold.

So when Jing'an came back and saw her daughter with exposed eyes blinking at her, she felt so heartbroken that it turned into a puddle of water and flowed into Jing'an's heart, softening it.

Is everything ready? Jing'an breathed, her cheeks turned red from the cold, and she checked again before feeling relieved.

Wait a minute, granddaughter, I heard that you were going to stay in the wild for a few days, so I just modified this for you. It's convenient for you as a girl to be outside. Master Jing handed over the closed raincoat.

What's this? Jing Shu took it.

Portable toilet clothes.


Then I saw Mr. Jing come over to demonstrate in person again, putting on a closed raincoat. The upper part of the raincoat remained unchanged, but the lower part was changed to be the same as a big skirt, but it was fixed by a bracket.

It's kind of funny, like wearing a cape skirt.

When you don't use it, just fold it up like clothes. When you use it, just put it on, find a clean place, and then open the brackets at the back like a tent, and it will open like an umbrella and stand on the ground. I made a woolen mat for you, so you can sit on it and go to the toilet just like you do at home. I know you have to squat for half an hour every time, so you will suffer to death when going to the toilet outside.

There is only one toilet in the villa now, and it is Jingshu who sits in the toilet for half a day every day and makes the whole family queue up. Fortunately, Jingshu gets up late, and by the time she gets up, everyone else has gone to work.

Jingshu's mouth gradually grew bigger, and she looked at Jingye, who was shorter and sitting on the cushion surrounded by a big skirt. The hem of Jingye's raincoat was supported by brackets, and it was surrounded from all directions. It was impossible to tell what was going on inside, and the privacy was excellent. , but there is no sunshine in the last days. In fact, you can’t see it without wearing it, but it is mainly anti-freeze and windproof.

Thinking about it being such a cold day, the time to go to the toilet is slipping away. Is it cold outside? Freeze or not?

Mr. Jing said proudly: Well, this way you won't freeze your buttocks. You can do it as long as you want.

Jingshu took the raincoat, oh no, let's feel the toilet clothes. It's actually just sitting on a hollowed-out shelf and letting daddy fall down freely. It's the same as squatting. There is a fixed shelf outside to support it, otherwise the wind will blow. Wouldn't it be embarrassing if my clothes and skirt floated when I blew them?

Master, my good master, you are really a genius. However, I suggest adding a layer of leather to the raincoat to make it more windproof, otherwise it will still be a bit cold.

Master Jing's eyes lit up and he nodded matter-of-factly: My granddaughter is really smart. She is in such a hurry this time. Next time you come back, I will successfully modify it for you and get a small stove for baking.

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Jingshu was originally worried about going to the toilet. Last year it was okay and the temperature was not too low, but this year the temperature was very low. Going to the toilet was a pain. However, she was not prepared for this rush. She thought that she had survived ten years in her previous life. , just stick to it this time.

She didn't expect Master Jing to give her such a big gift.

Master, just wait. When you come back, I will find the seeds of the tobacco you want and plant them for you in the stone garden. From now on, you can smoke as many cigarettes as you want. Secretly buried in the space A few tobacco seeds were obtained.

Nuan, my good granddaughter. Master Jing smiled so hard that the wrinkles on his face folded together.

Jing’s father clicked his tongue, This is all too much. He would beat me or scold me when I was a child. He didn't give me face even after I married a wife and had children. He never made me any gadgets, as promised. How about a father’s love like a mountain? It’s really unreasonable!

He smiled naively and said, Daughter, don't forget your dad.

Smoking, smoking, smoking. I know how to smoke all day long. I don't have much but I still want to smoke. I'm so stupid and I have to send people away quickly to stop talking. What time is it? When Master Jing heard that someone was trying to grab tobacco from him, he immediately I'm not happy anymore. I just can't stand the way my son looks at me. I've almost inherited 10% of his bad habits. He doesn't have any of the advantages of an old woman. What do you want from this kid?

By the way, the weather is getting colder, but my appetite is getting better and better. I want to eat everything. What should I do?

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