I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 529: An opportunity to upgrade the Rubik’s Cube space?

What is the purpose of Jingshu and his team? They were just looking for seeds. Now that they knew they were completely separated from the fleet, they couldn't care less about whether to rest or not. If they didn't catch up quickly, they would only get further and further away.

Now even Jingshu has to envy Qian Duoduo's helicopter. If she also has a helicopter, she can fly over to see the situation immediately, but the situation is undoubtedly like finding a needle in a haystack, especially in the mountains. It's easy to drive, but even if it consumes a lot of fuel, it's still a little faster than them.

Jingshu could only comfort herself that while this had such benefits, helicopters also had their drawbacks.

Then which direction to go? Yang Yang said in a deep voice and began to discuss with the chief steward Luliu. If he goes in the wrong direction now, he will only get further and further away from the goal.

He heard Luliu say: Let's take the main road here. I'll let the team members detect the other directions. If there is any situation, we can go there immediately.

I'm afraid it will take a long time to walk on this road. Luliu sighed. In such a long mountain range, since the fleet cannot be there, they will have to walk all the way to the bottom.

But if the fleet is really rushed here, it's actually not bad. Yang Yang stretched out his slender fingers and scratched a piece: Where is Gadali? We can rescue it, but I'm afraid... Is it true? Say the worst.

Hopefully they're doing okay.

Speaking of this, everyone was not in a good mood, especially Jingshu. This was the seed she had worked so hard to get back from the United States. If it hadn't been for the lack of space at the time, and the fact that this thing had passed Minglu, it would have been impossible. If it is taken out openly, it will be handed over to the higher authorities for transportation no matter what. Hey, so this is fate.

They should be able to survive our rescue. Yang Yang comforted them, and several people got up without resting. They immediately got in the car and let Hongbin sleep while Luliu went to drive.

Jingshu added in her heart: Rescue them as soon as possible and eat less of my seeds. God knows, Jingshu's heart is bleeding. Every time a meal passes, she knows that she There are fewer seeds. It is not terrible to eat the seeds. What is more terrible is that the seeds and people are gone. This time is really delayed.

Jun Bao, the person in charge during the whole process, didn't say a word in the whole process. He didn't even ask for Jun Bao's opinions on what Luliu and Yang Yang said or when they made decisions. People couldn't help but feel that Jun Bao was really a mess. Of course, Jing Shu didn't care about Jun Bao, she just thought that this guy's brain circuit was different from others.

After all, everyone was in a hurry about the seeds. Only Jun Bao actually squatted on the ground and played with mud. Not only that, he also ran to the hillside to bring back a bucket of mud and said, I found some unique mud.

Only Lu Liu, a caring person, was afraid that Jun Bao would be embarrassed and ignored. While driving, he asked, Is it the same as the ones we found yesterday afternoon?

The scene was no longer cold. How could Jing Shu have any thoughts? Even when Jun Bao quietly picked up a few chicken feathers in the car while holding the hand warmer, she didn't say anything. After all, before going to bed last night, Jun Bao asked Jing Shu if she could pluck a few chicken feathers for him. At that time, the fat chicken looked at Jun Bao in shock. What kind of human being is this? Why do you want everything?

At that time Jingshu said: No, I want to keep the chicken feathers to make down jackets when I go home. The fat chicken also breathed a sigh of relief. Some people wanted to take off its clothes, let's just dream.

I've never heard of chicken feathers being used for down jackets. Can I just pluck one?

Not even one! Besides, goose feathers can be made, why can't chicken feathers? Do you look down on my chickens? The down jackets made from my chickens are warmer. Jingshu refused decisively. If an ordinary person just pulled out two feathers, forget it. It's possible, but this person's brain is obviously not normal and his thoughts are different. Who knows what he is doing with it?

She had to guard against and was troubled by such persistent people. Most people knew that her chickens could lay eggs and eat them. They were all envious, jealous and hated her for having a chicken that could lay many eggs. Even the most evil ones wanted to own this chicken. She was not afraid of robbing or stealing, and would kill anyone.

But this person's attention and curiosity are different... Forget it, whatever, she won't agree to anything anyway.

Jun Bao was speechless then, but looked at Feiji with no intention of giving up.

Even in this dark apocalypse, Jingshu could see clearly, but Jingshu still wished she had clairvoyance and could immediately see where the fleet was.

The minibus continued to move forward slowly and began to walk on the winding mountain road. What is the winding mountain road?

The mountain road here has eighteen turns, and the waterway here has nine links.

Climb up steep cliffs and circles. If you are not good at turning, the car and people will fall down.

The next four or five days were spent on winding mountain roads. After climbing one mountain and another, some places finally became flat. Jingshu couldn't help but feel happy, but within ten minutes she saw the endless mountains again. Mountains are not just a matter of two mountains. Judging from Jing Shu's eyesight, there is really no end in sight. There are mountains in all directions.

It was as if they were in the center of the mountains and could never get out.

Never get out?

Jingshu's heart skipped a beat. This scene seemed a bit familiar. Jingshu's head suddenly started to hurt. She had a flash of inspiration, as if she remembered something important, but she couldn't remember it. , it was broken again, and her memory has always been good, but now she actually forgot all the important things.

She is too familiar with this situation. Every time she encounters an opportunity to upgrade the Rubik's Cube, there will always be chaos.

Could it be that this is the rhythm of the Rubik's Cube space being upgraded? Jingshu felt happy and began to contact the Rubik's Cube more intensively. What can you do if you don’t practice Rubik’s Cube? In the minibus, Hongbin and Luliu were driving. Yangyang and Luliu took the main direction and plans. Apart from making food for everyone, she also practiced the Rubik's Cube crazily.

The Rubik's Cube has been stranded for more than half a year. She once thought that it had reached a bottleneck and that she would not be able to level up without a special opportunity. She did not expect it to come so soon. Although this period of time was not good, she did not want to give up. The time left to her was There is not much left. She has to take too many supplies before migrating. She must upgrade more. The current space is completely insufficient.

Since you can't remember it, stop thinking about it. Sometimes the more you think about something, the harder it is to remember it. Jingshu completely relaxed and immersed herself in the world of the Rubik's Cube.

Strangely enough, she had a flash of inspiration and finally knew what the problem was, I have been to the Tianshan Mountains, but there are not so many winding roads!

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