I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 530 Road closure in quagmire

So Jing Shu immediately expressed her thoughts. At this juncture, everyone would talk about whatever they had in mind. Now everyone is anxious and wants to find the fleet as soon as possible. However, after so many days, apart from moving forward, There is simply no other way.

Judging from the situation of Luliu's reaction, it was not good, because the other teams did not find the fleet.

You have only been here once, can you remember to take the road to this mountain range? Maybe you took a shortcut when you came here before, but now we may take the road to the entire mountain range. Luliu said on the side, and Added: However, it does not rule out that our speed was too slow, so we never finished the journey.

Jing Shu frowned, feeling that what Lu Liu said was correct. There is no light now, and everyone can't even see clearly what is outside. They can only see half of the road. That is, Jing Shu is not affected by this, so she can always see clearly. see.

Yang Yang asked, Jingshu, do you have any ideas?

Do you think this place is like the last time we went to the United States and were trapped in the mountains? Jingshu just finished asking, her head hurt as if it was exploding, and her memory seemed to have been fragmented. Sure enough, there is something fishy here. , there must be some connection here.

Yang Yang frowned, If that's the case, it would be bad. Yang Yang understood the danger that time, and made a lot of reports after going back. He was able to escape from danger last time. It was definitely not for nothing, Yang Yang Looking at Jingshu, Jingshu must have a secret. She should be someone like Zhen Nantian and share the same secret.

Why is it bad? Luliu asked while taking care of Jun Bao's outfit. If Lu Liu was not driving, he would be taking care of Jun Bao's housekeeping, serving him as carefully as a personal butler. In comparison, Lu Liu was more like an almighty superman, while Jun Bao seemed extremely incompetent.

Jing Shu's bet was lost successfully. At that time, she said that Jun Bao was wearing white clothes coquettishly, but within a day or two he was covered in mud. As a result, after all these days, he was still as white as snow, with only a little mud every day. The ideas were also carefully cleaned up by Luliu.

This involves a confidentiality agreement. In short, our current situation may not be good. If I guess correctly, we will be trapped in a certain area like the fleet and unable to get out. Yang Yangmi Said with eyes closed.

How is it possible? We have radar and satellites and can contact the outside world at any time. How come we can't get out? Luliu frowned in disbelief and confirmed the planning map again. Everything was normal, and there was no loss of contact or loss of contact. Regarding safety, If we encounter danger, we can return at any time.

But when will we reach the end? How long will the oil be enough? Are all other resources enough? Jingshu asked. If it didn't work, she would secretly get some oil, but this family must have a certain number. Yes, it would be bad if she added it secretly.

You must know that they have no supplies. They originally planned to complete the mission within five days, and at least find the fleet, because the rescue signal sent by the fleet is near here, and there is only one road, so no matter what You should be able to meet them all.

And now? Not to mention rescue, even the fleet could not be found, and they were completely stuck in the first stage.

There is still enough gasoline for us to drive for five days... but as long as we can find the fleet, it is not a big problem whether we have gasoline or not. You don't have to worry about this problem. Even if there is no gas, CMB can still drive. Luliu said explain.

If you save water, you can still use it for ten days and a half.

“Don’t worry about food. Although we no longer have any snacks we brought, we did bring a lot of compressed biscuits and energy bars.”

After all, Luliu's words made everyone feel at ease. They were not afraid of being trapped in the mountains. The supplies they brought were quite sufficient. They couldn't come out for rescue, but they would need to be rescued again, right? How embarrassing.

No matter how anxious Jing Shu was, it was useless. After all, she couldn't walk with her legs. It was much better than the time in the United States. She could only practice the Rubik's Cube desperately.

They walked like this for another three or four days, but the winding mountain road was still not finished. They were still among the mountains. After climbing one mountain, there was still another mountain, and endless mountains were rolling up and down.

Even Luliu realized something was wrong. No matter how slow they were, they had already walked hundreds or thousands of kilometers in these days, right? No matter how long the border mountains were, it would only take them one day at most to complete it. How could it take so long?

We won't encounter ghosts hitting the wall, right? Luliu asked, will we wander around in the same place?

Hao Yunlai had the most say on this point. He shook his head and said, We have never encountered ghosts trying to beat the wall, we are all following the down-to-earth approach. He was surrounded by a neat family, who would dare to play tricks on him?

Facts quickly proved that they were really not spinning around, because the originally low muddy water suddenly turned into a quagmire. When the muddy water spread over the calves, the minibus had to stop. If it continued, it would probably Turn off the engine, and the rising quagmire may creep through the door cracks of the minibus and let water seep in.

The high beam shines on the cold mountains, and you can also see the mudslides starting to flow down from the nearby black peaks. The large area of ​​concave mountains in front of Jingshu has turned into a large quagmire, which is not deep. The bottom of the quagmire.

Jingshu and the others put on their shoe covers and looked at the large quagmire with ugly expressions under the illumination of the high beam lights.

The road is blocked.

Even Jing Shu saw such a large quagmire for the first time.

When we came here, we passed through high-lying roads. Although we were in winding mountains, the terrain is getting lower and lower now, and all the mud and water flowed to the lower areas, which gathered together to form this big quagmire. Luliu began to introduce. .

Yang Yang stretched out two fingers, One good news and one bad news. The good news is that the winding mountain road we have walked is not the same. We have encountered a different section here. The bad news is that this quagmire seems to be blocking our progress. Apart from the road, there is no other way around.

The mud in the quagmire is even more viscous, and it is difficult to pull it out when you walk in. Not to mention that if a minibus really drives in this quagmire, the resistance it will encounter is really unimaginable.

Hong Bin's soft voice came: There is still good news, Yang Yang. We modified the minibus the day before to make it capable of both land and sea. However, because the temporary modification was not perfect, the function was one-time. , if you change to waterway mode now, you will never be able to change it back. If you encounter land again, you will have to

What can we do?

Hongbin pointed to the bicycle installed at the door of the minibus and said: We can only use bicycles to add power manually, which is very slow.

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