I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 531 Black Liquid VS Red Liquid

Jingshu's mouth opened. Of course she remembered that when she got on the minibus, she saw this thing at first sight. At that time, she was still wondering why the person who modified the car was so free and still in the car. Got a bicycle with pedals and want to exercise?

Only now did she realize that this was a pedal used for paddling. As for the principle, she quickly guessed it. It was just like the small boat for two people in the small lake in the park when she was a child. There was a pedal and you pushed hard. For boarding, there is a propeller underneath to paddle the water, so it can move. But the motivation, haha, is indescribable.

So, can such a big minibus be moved with just a bicycle pedal?

Of course, we are now faced with a large quagmire of problems that cannot be overcome.

Why don't you look for other ways first? Then think of other ways?

Everyone pondered hard. The transformation of minibuses is a one-time change. If it changes to waterway mode, it will destroy the structure of the land. This is very sad. Who knows how many roads there will be in the future? Therefore, try not to use that mode if you can. No matter how slow the minibus is, it has four legs. If it really loses power, don’t tire out the two-legged ones.

Yang Yang took a board from the minibus and tied it to his feet. He wanted to try out the quagmire in this area, and asked Jing Shu humorously: Do you want to go skiing?

Jingshu said, You go first, I'll take a look from behind. In fact, she was slightly looking forward to it. Jingshu was also very talented in playing.

Because the mire here is like a swamp, and is extremely sticky and elastic, it is very difficult for Yangyang to drive on the mire, and he can only move one board at a time.

Sure enough, it was not as boring as she imagined. Jingshu shook her head.

Hongbin went around to see if they could climb around the quagmire even if there was no road. Luliu sent a drone to see how big the quagmire was and what the surrounding area was like.

Even though Jingshu wore thick clothes that covered everything, the coolness from the muddy water under her feet still made her feel uncomfortable. She was afraid that her feet would get sores under the influence of such coldness. I really envy you. It's great, I can take a bath and wash my feet every day. She really wants to take a hot water foot bath.

No, Jingshu decided to wear thicker wool socks when she went back. Her feet were really cold.

The fat chicken wears its shoes and flies freely in the mud. It is very careful not to splash any mud. From time to time it slurps down quickly, and it can always pick up a little mud and swallow it with enjoyment.


The fat chicken crows more happily. The muddy water here tastes very good, which is what it likes.

Jun Baoze took out a bucket and went to dig in the mud again. He didn't dig indiscriminately, he always dug selectively. However, the anti-mud boots knew his knees, and he wanted to go deeper. He had some Unfortunately, I always feel that the mud in the quagmire is more valuable for research.

Maybe we can stop when we pass by the center later. As the person in charge, I can stop as much as I want.

The fat chicken flapped its wings while doing the dragonfly grabbing a little water motion on the mire, and still kept eating the mud in the mire. Looking carefully, the fat chicken didn't seem to be eating randomly.

Jun Bao looked at the chicken thoughtfully. Could it be that the chicken also discovered something? It is said that animals have the most sensitive six senses..

Your chicken also discovered the unique mud, which is the same as the unique mud I discovered. Jun Bao said to Jing Shu, as if there was still a little bit of your chicken that discovered how you did it. There is no meaning in it.

Jingshu raised her eyebrows, muddy water? What's different about muddy water? From her previous life to this life, she had never encountered any unusual muddy water. In the fourth year, a mudslide broke out, and everywhere there was muddy water. Aren't they all the same?

She originally didn't want to pay attention to this idle person, but Jingshu finally said perfunctorily: What's different? My chickens eat mud and water every day, which is normal. However, judging from the past few days, the fat chicken is indeed in a happy mood.

Jun Bao handed the bucket over and said without any concealment: This muddy water contains the genes of the red liquid you brought back from the United States last year. Although there are only one or two similar genes, I think they are of great research value. You Look, your chickens like them very much, which may also confirm my suspicion, maybe this is a threshold for a breakthrough in the study of dark food.

Jun Bao knew that Jing Shu also had red liquid, and it was Jing Shu who discovered this liquid. If there was another breakthrough in his research, he would still look for Jing Shu, so it would be a good idea to share the information generously now.

Jingshu's brows twitched, red liquid! She knew very well what the red liquid represented. It was the only thing she had ever seen that could compete with the spirit spring.

Moreover, the dinosaur chickens were cultivated with red liquid, which gave the family another way to make a living, and also provided an extra layer of protection in the apocalypse. At least, the dinosaur chickens could survive without any food, relying only on dark matter. Yes, it can also lay eggs. What this means in the apocalypse, no one knows better than Jingshu.

Unfortunately, the disadvantage is that reproduction is too difficult.

Last year, 99% of the red liquid that went to the United States was stored in her precious space. Only the missing bit was picked up by Zhen Nantian and Yang Yang. It must be reported and studied, but I didn't expect this little-known , Jin Tianci’s nephew will have first-hand information.

Jingshu turned her attention to the bucket. Her space was very calm and calm, without even a trace of fluctuation. She couldn't help but feel puzzled. She had a strong feeling of the red liquid at that time.

Jingshu took off her gloves, put her hand into the bucket, and carefully used the Rubik's Cube space to feel it, hoping to arouse some resonance, but there was no reaction at all.

Are you sure? How can you tell they are different? The mire here is so big.

Jun Bao then took out an iron spoon and said, It's very simple. If it reacts with iron, there will be a trace of the liquid we are looking for. When you take a spoonful of it, it will look like stars flowing in the sky. Look, this is what happened these days. I worked hard to refine it.”

As he spoke, Jun Bao took out a thumb-sized bottle with only a dozen drops of black liquid in it, estimated to be less than 1 ml.

At first glance, it seemed like nothing, but when Jingshu touched the bottle and then really touched the black liquid inside, Jingshu's mind exploded instantly, and big beads of sweat dripped down her forehead. There was a feeling in her mind that she wanted to put it away. The urge to keep it as my own almost caused all the liquid to be collected into the space instantly.

Jingshu suppressed the urge to cheer in her mind. She had a splitting headache. She forced herself to restrain herself and returned the bottle. These thoughts retreated like water, as if nothing happened.

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