I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 536 Insect Girl Xiaowei

Jun Bao originally wanted to meet the queen, but seeing how wary she was, he decided to proceed step by step and study step by step. Now that he has artificial uteri | palaces, he also has the most advanced breeding methods in the imperial capital. He plans to cultivate more Several queens come to reproduce in large numbers.

From Wenjun's words, it is not difficult to know that this kind of gastropod survives very well in the apocalypse. It may be a new species that has evolved and mutated in the apocalypse. Just like the dinosaur chicken, it can eat anything in the apocalypse and its products are still good. Yes, it can form a good biological chain, but unlike dinosaur chickens, this gastropod reproduces faster and matures faster. If used as food rations, it can fill the stomachs of more people.

If we have to say the value of the two, the dinosaur chicken takes the high-end route. After all, eggs are delicacies, while gastropods are more valuable. Jun Bao thinks that they are equally valuable.

Xiaowei was a little moved. There was no food in the mountains, and she was a little greedy. She looked at Wenjun pitifully, so she didn't realize that in the dark house, there were two small snakes swimming against the wall.

In fact, no one noticed that the house was cold and had no lights. Only the silhouette and general appearance of the person could be seen through the dim light.

But Wenjun said firmly at this moment: No! You can't study it. He knew very well that these people couldn't study it, and they were the only ones in the entire mountain who had gastropods!

Xiaowei sighed in disappointment and lowered his head.

How about we exchange an egg? You decide the price. Jun Bao retreated and settled for the next best thing.

Seeing that this person seemed to have really set his sights on their gastropods, Wenjun started to chase them away: No, no, no. We Before he could finish his words, something unexpected happened, and something suddenly fell from the quilt of this big bed. It bounces around normally.

At the same time, there were two little snakes that were thrown away. The little snakes had no time to make other changes, and were quickly clamped by the amazing pliers under the bed. Before everyone could figure out what was going on, they took the little snakes away. The snake swallowed into the mouthparts on the lower abdomen, and there was a clicking sound of chewing.

The huge quilt was bounced to the ground, making a dull sound, and the comrade revealed the ferocious scene under the bed. Jing Shu could see it clearly in the darkness, and couldn't help but open her mouth. She had lived in the apocalypse for ten years, and she had never seen anything like this before. Have seen such a phenomenon! Today, her outlook on life was completely refreshed.

Time seemed to stand still for a moment.

What Jun Bao wanted to say was stuck in his throat for a while. Although the room was dim, he was blinded. Such a huge creature was so close that he could see it clearly.

This is not the look of a sickly girl who has lost her legs, lying on a big bed, covered with a quilt. Now there is no cover up, everything is revealed.

At first it looked like she was lying on the bed, but now she looked at it. The whole bed was just a hollowed-out wooden frame. The girl's upper body was leaning on the bed, but her lower body was connected to a huge abdomen that occupied the big bed. Thirty-year-old girls on both sides Six legs were swinging like millipedes, and two large pincers were waving in mid-air, as if they were still looking for food.

The reason why the bed is close to the corner of the mountain wall is because there is a huge cave below. Many gastropods, as Wenjun said, come in and out of the cave. Some of them bring things that should be food, and put them there. It entered the mouthparts of the girl's lower body and abdomen, like a worker ant, constantly working as a porter, passing food to the queen's mouth.

Some gastropods also carried the newly laid eggs into the cave, probably putting them into what they called the brood chamber. No wonder the village is so big, but no insects were found. They are all under the cave.

After Jingshu was stunned for three or four seconds, she quickly realized that this half-human, half-insect girl should be the queen of gastropods mentioned by Wenjun, but the lower half of the insect body was not under the girl's control. Within the range, otherwise, the two snakes that just swam in to inquire about the situation would not have been dealt with in public.

Doesn't this just expose yourself?

Also, this obviously seems to be spliced ​​together the day after tomorrow. Jingshu is a little confused about how humans and insects can be combined. Judging from the previous words, this person named Xiaowei should have been a normal child before. If something unexpected happened, it should have started with the change of the mountain range.

There was no way before. Jingshu's little bugs were afraid of this place and were not very controlled. Jingshu took out the little snake that had been fed to Lingquan to explore the way. She originally wanted to see what was going on, but she never expected that she would directly Eaten as a snack by the gastropod queen.

Jing Shu grabbed the sleeping Yang Yang and pulled Jun Bao back, as if she could already see that this was a fierce battle.

Wenjun finally came to his senses. His heart was beating wildly. He hurriedly picked up the quilt and wanted to cover Xiaowei again. However, his hands were shaking so much, as if his important secret had been discovered. Average.


He remembered what the first villager said to Xiaowei when he found out. Over the past six months, Xiaowei had finally accepted the fact, and now this happened again.

It's okay, Brother Wenjun. There's no need to hide it. They've all noticed it. You hide behind me and they can't hurt me. Xiaowei sighed longly. After her lower body transformed into an insect, her eyesight became blurry. Changed, she clearly saw the reactions of these people.

Guotou was already shouting and going out to call for people: The outsiders discovered our secret, they all copied the guys, took the eggs and threw them on these guys, turning them into food for gastropods. No one can leave today!

Jun Bao said to Jing Shu with a surprised look on his face: Jing Shu, have you seen it? It turns out that Xiao Wei is the queen of gastropods. There is such a magical thing in the world. Her lower body is connected to such a huge creature. This It’s symbiosis!”

The focus now is not to pay attention to these problems, okay?! Jingshu said with a headache. The two pairs of huge pliers were fast and accurate. Just now, they killed the little snakes and ate them before they could react. This shows that they are not ordinary. Creatures such as queen ants lose their attack power.

She wasn't afraid, she was just afraid that this idiot would rush forward stupidly, and his head would be cut off by the pliers and he would be swallowed.

The outside suddenly became lively, and Jingshu was afraid that if these people planted eggs on them, the consequences would be troublesome.

Xiaowei, Wenjun, don't be nervous, we don't mean any harm, Jingshu explained quickly.

Xiaowei looked at Jingshu calmly, There are also many little bugs around you. The two snakes just now belong to you, right?

snake? insect? Jun Bao and Wen Jun were a little confused. Where are they?

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