I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 537 The half-eaten Xiaowei

Jingshu did not deny it, If I knew this was the case, I would definitely not disturb you. What Wenjun said was that you saved everyone. I was still thinking about how a girl like you who lost her legs did it. It turns out that you saved everyone. This is how your food comes, we are too presumptuous, it is our fault, you are not born like this, right? Do you want to go out with us to find a doctor for surgery to restore your condition?

Yes, yes, technology is so advanced now that even conjoined people sharing a heart can be separated. You can do this too. If you are willing, I can find someone to help you with the decomposition surgery and then help you install prosthetic limbs. , of course, in exchange for your recovery, the lower half of the insect body will be given to us for study. Jun Bao said beside him, he still hopes to study the real queen of gastropods and multiply them to solve the problem of human rations.

He didn't lose money on the deal, and what he got was a queen that could reproduce.

Recovery? Bug Girl Xiaowei smiled mockingly, How is it possible? We are already symbiotic. Without me, how can it survive as if it has no head? Without it, I seem to have no heart, and How to survive?”

Jun Bao sighed slightly, which was a bit of a pity.

Jing Shu asked with a complex expression: What happened to make this happen? If you tell us, we might be able to help you.

The first impression is still very important, especially when seeing this kind of infiltration, the two of them did not shout monsters and monsters, which made Wenjun's face look much better. In addition, Jingshu and his party did not Malicious, after shouting to Guotou outside to calm down, and looking at Xiaowei to get her approval, Wenjun began to speak:

This starts from more than half a year ago, when our village suffered a sudden change. The mountains swallowed up more than half of our village. There were countless casualties at that time. The village chief's home was in the middle of the village, and of course it was completely swallowed up. The little boy Wei’s family members were also gone, and we didn’t expect Xiao Wei to be alive at that time. When we found her, it was the fifth day after the village was devoured.”

The village ran out of food, so we decided to clean up all the places to see if there was any leftover food. Finally, we cleaned up the half-eaten house. We found Xiao Wei unconscious in this hole without thinking much. Why did Xiaowei appear here in the center of the village? At that time, we were very happy to drag Xiaowei out, but halfway through we found something was wrong, and there was this insect body underneath.

Xiaowei's hands were trembling. Thinking of what happened at that time, she was still frightened. She said slowly:

The bottom of the village was occupied by gastropods. There was a labyrinth of insect tunnels. The place where the Queen of Insects was was just under my house, so we were not crushed into meat pies, we just fell down and many others in the village were crushed into meat pies. The corpses of all the corpses were dragged to the mouth of the queen of gastropods and eaten by gastropods... I was no exception, but an accident happened when I was halfway eaten by the king of bugs.

Jingshu pricked up her ears.

Jun Bao opened his eyes wide, What accident?

Xiaowei slowly closed his eyes: I woke up from the pain. I would rather be eaten clean like my family, but it really hurts. It hurt so much that when I was struggling on the ground, the stone I grabbed randomly suddenly suddenly It felt like it turned into liquid and entered my body, and then I fell into a coma. Then I saw Brother Guotou and Brother Wenjun dragging me. I realized that I had turned into a monster.

This monster may have eaten my whole family, my friends and relatives, and now I'm one with it, does that mean I've eaten these people too?

No, Xiaowei, stop thinking! Wenjun hugged Xiaowei, caressed her gently, and turned around and said, Xiaowei was about to commit suicide at that time. She said that life was meaningless... but how could it be meaningless? ? She saved all our survivors, otherwise we would have died long ago. She is our savior. If it weren’t for her, the Queen of Gastropods would send two or three meters of gastropods to kill us all. Light.

The fighting power of gastropods is very ferocious. This is a new species that has evolved in the last days.

Yes, the meaning of my life is you. Brother Guotou said that he must live and avenge the whole village. Didn't these bugs eat the people in the village? Then they will eat all these bugs now! Tooth for tooth! Xiaowei smiled softly and found her reason to live. Even if she turned into a monster, these people still need her, and that's enough.

If one day she is no longer needed, she will die together with all the bugs, and die cleanly. If Wenjun and Guotou take people away, maybe she will leave this world with complete peace of mind. She has long since not wanted to live. .

The mouthparts on Xiaowei's lower body and abdomen are still eating, and insects are constantly feeding it.

Jingshu approached Xiaowei with some excitement, and a more obvious reaction came from the space, Is it a black stone crystal?

I couldn't see anything at that time, I only knew that there was a monster eating me. Later, I never found this kind of stone in the cave, but I found a pool of black water, but many gastropods were afraid of it. If it’s not as good as it is, I think it might not be a good thing.”

Jing Shu's eyes lit up even more, and even Jun Bao's eyes lit up. Could this be what they have been studying in the past few days?

At this time, Guotou's voice came from outside: Wenjun, have you discussed how to deal with these outsiders?

Wenjun gritted his teeth: We can't let the outside world know about Xiaowei. Since you know so much, just stay. Who knows if you will move people to destroy our village and treat Xiaowei as a test subject? Take it back and study it.”

Jun Bao nodded seriously: You have thought very well. This is indeed a hidden danger, and Xiaowei really cannot return to the city in this situation, at least now is not the time.

Jing Shu always felt that Jun Bao was plotting something. By the way, didn't this person have some kind of anorexia? How could he be interested in people's livelihood and how to increase food rations in the apocalypse?

We really don't have any malicious intentions. How can you trust that we will keep your secret? How about this? I have an idea.

Xiaowei blinked, Actually, I believe you, otherwise I wouldn't have said so much. I know that food is tight now, and I know that you have a trump card, but you still gave us compressed biscuits. You are just like Auntie and the others. Feel for me too.”

Xiaowei! Let's first listen to what this lady has to say. Wenjun frowned. First of all, he had to absolutely guarantee Xiaowei's interests. He really couldn't guarantee what would happen if outsiders knew about this.

“It’s actually very simple.”

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