I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 539: One worm for 5 kilograms of rice

I still have some questions. Jingshu rubbed her chin in thought.

Please tell me. Wenjun said as if he knew everything. Since both parties intend to tie their interests together, the other party can know anything they want. On the contrary, the other party will also have to provide them with enough food in a while. They It’s been more than half a year since I’ve eaten rice, salt, or vegetables, let alone luxuries like eggs and milk.

Although the insect meat is sufficient, the meat also contains protein and a certain amount of salt, and each of them looks very strong. This is the advantage of eating meat, but there are also many disadvantages.

Can these more than 2,000 eggs hatch according to the specified species? For example, all of them will hatch into soil-digging gastropods. This is a very important information point, because different types of gastropods vary greatly.

Wenjun shook his head and said: This is a proportion determined in the mother's body. Digging gastropods only account for about one tenth, and fighting types only account for a small part.

Then please save up the fighting and digging types first. Maybe they will be of great use in the future. Jingshu was a little regretful, that is, only a few digging gastropods hatched every month, otherwise she would She also wanted to hatch more and dig insect tunnels, but it was still too early to calculate the time. She could use these time to praise her. She had a vague plan in her mind, and she always felt that gastropods that could dig insect tunnels would be of great use.

No problem. Anyway, if you don't want to exchange it, it will be frozen in the brood chamber.

So Xiaowei, how far can you control these bugs? Or how to make them obedient? Our handover and transportation will also be a big problem in the future. If you are not here, these bugs may not be so friendly to us, right?

Xiaowei thought for a while: They are all insects without intelligence. If I give an order, they will do it, even commit suicide. If they encounter difficulties, the order can also control their bodies. The genetic chain is given to them when they are born. Their life mission is very strange. I know which direction each insect is in. It seems that no matter how far away we are, we can receive signals from each other, but there is no sense of distance.

That's good. You are deep in the Tianshan Mountains now. If you want to reach a deal every month, the best way is for you to send the bugs out on your own. Our people will be at the gate of the mountain range and let your bugs pull the supplies back. , As long as the bugs keep listening to you, there will be no accidents. It's just that it will get colder and colder in the mountains. Can other people adapt? You really don't think about it and find a place closer to the mountains.

Jing Shu had a headache. At the speed of an insect, it would take at least ten days, right? It took them a long time to drive, even though the speed was very slow. Letting the bugs come out on their own also saved transportation consumption. Besides, how to transport so many bugs? How many trucks need to burn as much oil are worth more than the bug itself

Jun Bao responded from the side: Yes, when we came, many people from villages and towns had already moved to the city. There was an abandoned town at the entrance, and the conditions were much better than here.

Xiaowei looked at Wenjun, and Wenjun hesitated: This is a big deal. Let's think about it again. The outside world is too dangerous, which means Xiaowei is more likely to be exposed.

Jing Shu suggested: Then let the gastropods dig a tunnel leading to the mouth of the mountain. The road will become more and more difficult to walk in the future. There is a special trade road and it will be convenient for us to transport anything. If something happens to you again, It’s better to retreat.”

Xiaowei was a little embarrassed: I dug when I wanted to go out, but unfortunately I didn't know the direction. I dug for a long time and couldn't find the exit.

It's easy. Just follow us this time.

Seeing that there was no problem on Jingshu's side, Xiaowei rubbed his hands and asked with a hint of expectation: So, how to redeem it? What can be exchanged?

Jingshu planned this: she would collect these bugs, and then sell them to Qian Duoduo at a slightly higher price in exchange for the supplies Xiaowei needed. After all, Qian Duoduo needed to stock up on a large amount of low-priced food.

Jingshu's family does not have enough food to satisfy dozens of people. The things in her family are precious, and Jingshu will not exchange them. Besides, it is difficult for her family to even eat vegetables now.

Let her just be a second-rate dealer.

They might even sell a batch to Zhengfu to pay off their debts (I bought a big factory with nothing, enclosed the land, renovated it, and bought a lot of equipment. I was happy for a while, and I cried when I paid off the debt). Jingshu glanced sideways at Jun Bao, If this guy knows about this, it means that Jin Tianci knows that she has a batch of worms in her hands, and it can't be justified if she doesn't sell some to Zheng Fu.

Thinking of this, Jingshu thoughtfully asked Junbao: Would you like to buy some bugs too?

Jun Bao waved his hand: No, no, no. He had a bolder idea.

Very good, there will still be a batch left to prepare for next year.

Jingshu turned around and continued: Xiaowei, the market situation outside is like this. Food is relatively the most expensive. Fruits, eggs, milk and snacks are luxuries. Since we can't grow food now, the rice and noodles are almost exhausted. So rice and flour are also very expensive, followed by vegetables.

In the back row are quilts and coats for winter, and finally some daily necessities. Salt and vitamins will be slightly subsidized, but it will be very expensive to buy extra.

Wenjun smiled bitterly and nodded, that was the case last year.

One gastropod can be exchanged for 5 kilograms of rice or noodles, or 15 kilograms of sweet potatoes, or 10 kilograms of vegetables, or 3 kilograms of dried vegetables, or one quilt, five cotton coats, or 20 eggs, or 2 kilograms of milk, or 1 kilogram Salt, or 1 kilogram of seasonal fruit, or 50 kilograms of garbage fuel. Or if you want anything else, just tell me and I will find it for you.

Jingshu thought about what else she could exchange for the money, but it seemed that there was nothing. Recently, Shi Yuan had tightened his belt and made all the fresh vegetables dry to avoid future problems.

A 400kg insect can only be exchanged for 5kg of rice.

Although it is less than expected, fortunately, everything can be obtained, and there are many kinds. Wenjun calculated and found to his surprise that if they follow the breeding volume every month, they can not only feed the village People, and there are many more supplies that can be exchanged!

Xiaowei and Wenjun added up and said: Let's change to 200 this time. Give us 100 rice noodles (500 kg), 10 sweet potatoes (150 kg), and 30 dried vegetables ( 90 kg), 20 quilts, 10 eggs (200), 10 milk (20 kg), 5 salt (5 kg), 10 fuel (1 ton), and the remaining 5 Just see if you have any snacks for me to change? Dried fruits, chocolate melon seeds, instant noodles and ham sausages are all fine.

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