I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 540 A pool of black liquid

500 kilograms of grain is enough to feed the 30 people in their village for two months. If there is meat and vegetables, it will be enough for three months. Of course, all of this is due to the relationship between the small and micro enterprises, so, Things must be distributed by Xiaowei, and the rest is Xiaowei's personal property. He also wants to persuade Xiaowei to save more food. What if one day there is no food supply outside?

A glimmer of light flashed in Wenjun's eyes. Recently, someone in the village has done something small. Now that he can get this kind of food, he will inevitably be jealous. It seems that the new system will also be changed. It is inevitable that these people are lazy and lazy. From now on, if they don't work, they will be jealous. No food!

Okay, but you should save some rice and noodles. I still have channels to exchange them for now. I'm afraid it will be dangerous after a while. I don't know that there will be less and less rice noodles in the future.

Jing Shu quickly calculated in her mind that she could bring back 1/400kg*200=80,000kg of food this time. It sounds like a lot, but if calculated according to a normal person's daily intake of 0.5kg, this amount It can barely feed 100,000 people for two days.

Of course, it's the end of the world and we have to plan carefully. If we add more water and soil, we can survive for five or six days. If we are really hungry, we can still look for it ourselves. The carrion worms have recently swam ashore from the ocean.

Jingshu has never been able to find a word that can accurately describe the taste of carrion worms. She only remembered when she killed a pig some time ago and used pig gall to make medicine. The taste of carrion worms is just like gall. It is so fishy, ​​bitter and disgusting that it is impossible to swallow it. It's so painful that I can't even swallow it by force.

If gastropods are stabilized, it would be best to provide more than 1,000 animals per month, which will reduce the pressure on Wucheng.

Jingshu finally felt the feeling of having a lot of money but a drop in the bucket. Let’s not talk about the whole country. Let’s talk about Wucheng. There are more than a few million people. How much food is needed every day? Even if the certificates are searched every day, Can't afford such consumption.

If the current situation had not been fully stocked with strategic materials before the end of the world, it would have been impossible to just sit back and eat nothing. Although the higher-ups are also thinking of various ways, the food sources are too few.

But humans will eventually defeat the apocalypse and discover new foods through research, while extinct animals and primitive poultry that have not undergone mutation will become more precious.

After the two parties negotiated the business, Xiaowei finally led a few people to the black water deep in the insect tunnel.

The gastropods around here are all walking around this place and are very resistant to it. Xiaowei said that the black water killed the insects. I also drank it, but it had no effect. Maybe it was integrated into my body at that time. This kind of black water, I am completely immune to it.

The Jingshu space screamed crazily, feeling very excited. Even Jun Bao was very excited: This, this is the black water that has been studied in the past few days. I didn't expect that there is a big pool here! Xiaowei, please give me a price. Come on, I want all this black water!

Ahem! Jingshu gently stood in front of Jun Bao and dug hard from her bloated cotton coat. After a while, she took out a few pieces of hard cheese, a large handful of hand-shredded beef jerky, and some food from her pants pocket. He took out a piece of Dove chocolate from his pocket, and finally took out a trump card, a thick | king of kings beef ham sausage.

Several swallowing sounds came over, and Xiaowei said eagerly: Xiao Shu, you can take as much black water from this field as you want. If it's not enough, I can ask Chong to find it for you! I send Chong every day Go out and look for it!”

Jing Shu held back her laughter and handed the food over in a reserved manner: These are for this time. If you find it next time, it will be a pity that I will bring you more food. These are top-notch, and so is this chocolate. It’s the last piece.”

Jingshu was also a little reluctant to part with it. If the cocoa trees in her space hadn't grown up, she would have been even more reluctant to part with it. She felt a little distressed when she thought of having to make her own chocolate in the future.

Yeah! I will always help you find it. Xiaowei quickly determined the camp. Although Junbao's words of you can set the price casually were very tempting, but Jingshu directly took out the things and placed them in front of her. Who Do you know what Jun Bao will exchange for it, and when will you get it? Would it be as delicious as Xiao Shu’s? Although the candies I took out today are delicious, they are still not as delicious as these.

This black water was of no use to her at all, just like the muddy water on the ground, so she was already satisfied with Jing Shu's things.

Jun Bao opened his mouth and said weakly: Xiaowei, if I find it next time, I can trade it with you for Shaqima, osmanthus cake and candied haws.

We'll talk about it after you get it. Xiaowei chewed the shredded beef jerky gently and let out a long sigh. The food was so delicious, why did she want to commit suicide?

Jun Bao has eaten up all his snacks, and the last candy is gone. The next time he comes, it will be the Year of the Monkey and the Horse.

Jing Shu. Jun Bao turned his head pitifully, Share it with me? You can set the price as you like? With such a large puddle of water, don't you want to use all of it?

Jingshu was a little confused. Of course, others didn't know that she used the black water to upgrade the space. She was reluctant to give it to others, but how much should she give? Is one fingernail enough? Jun Bao has been quite generous these days. How about two fingernails?

Jun Bao coughed and decided to release a shocking news:

Our research institute in the Imperial City has found a way to make biological cells huge. We still lack a stable gene chain. The red liquid is part of it, but it still lacks some mutated genes. This black liquid is very similar to the red liquid. Then In addition, Xiaowei just said that he burst the bugs. So I guess this black liquid is likely to have the gene that can make cells giant. If it is really successful, the research on apocalyptic food will be a breakthrough. If you are willing to hand it in Black liquid, I can let you invest in this research.

Jingshu's eyes gradually became shocked. Damn it, what shocking news did she hear? Cell giant food? Isn't this horse a food that only appears in the second half of the fifth year? It is also the upper-middle-class food in the apocalypse in the future. This is indeed a major breakthrough for China's apocalypse. As for the food in the lower reaches, haha...

Having said that, think about it, a fish that was originally the size of a palm can become as big as an elephant. After taking the new medicine, all the cells in the body have expanded tens of thousands of times, and they have suddenly swelled up.

Of course, the taste of this food is indescribable. The original delicate meat is magnified tens of thousands of times, and it is like eating wood residue. It cannot be chewed and is difficult to swallow, but it is edible at least.

Jing Shu looked at Jun Bao in surprise, thinking about his true identity. If she remembered correctly, this food was promoted by the tyrant at that time, and indeed, it fed some people.

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