Perhaps it was because he had been watching for a long time that Jun Bao was a little embarrassed and said: Although it is only in the development stage now and there is still a long way to go before it is truly completed, if it succeeds, the rewards will be extremely rich and it is possible that it will last forever. It’s all in the research and development stage.”

Jingshu blinked, did she really want her to buy shares?

Of course. You only have 1% of the shares, and you are responsible for the black and red liquids required in the research stage. Jun Bao said seriously. He didn't know whether the black night color was useful or not, but the red liquid as one of the main raw materials is There is demand, but unfortunately, Zhen Nantian only handed over a small amount of it, and he had to do it thousands of times every time he tested a drop. In fact, he had long been thinking about how to get more red liquid, if Jing Shu could provide it.

Then if the research is successful and a large amount of these liquids are required, I will not be responsible for it? Jingshu's eyes lit up. As a reborn person, she clearly knows that in another year and a half, this food will be in great demand, and by then there will be a large amount of it. It is not like Jun Bao who doesn’t know how long it will take to successfully develop this thing before it is put into the market, and is full of anxiety.

Now that they have been developed, we will be able to analyze the ingredients inside and figure out the source and cultivation method. In addition, under normal circumstances, we can also copy the gene chain inside. Naturally, we don't need you to provide it in large quantities.

Jingshu's eyes lit up. If this was the case, could she get more of these liquids then?

No problem! Let me give you a drink first. Is one glass enough? If not, there will be more.

Jun Bao: ...

I'll sign a contract with you on big data when I get back. As for how much it will cost, I won't know until I get back.

Okay, you go and wait up there. I'll do it by myself. It'll be bad if Yang Yang gets up soon and there's no one around. Jingshu rubbed her hands together excitedly and moved everyone away.

This puddle of water didn't look like much, but it was actually a pit. Jingshu went into the space first to collect some, and filled two large wooden buckets with the rest. Then they were full. Jingshu didn't even want to put away the mud on the surface. Yes, it's all in the bucket.

It is estimated that this pool is about 200 kilograms at least, which is much less than the red liquid collected. However, it took a month to collect the red liquid to reach that level. Jingshu felt that the mountains were so big that they should be found in other places, and they could go back. There should also be some in the puddles on the road.

Jingshu excitedly carried the bucket up, but within a few minutes of being happy, her whole face was filled with praise. She knew that black liquid could upgrade the space. She had just received the liquid into the space, and the space was like a wolf and a tiger. After swallowing, there was no fart sound at all.

Jingshu poured half of the black liquid into the bucket, and after a while it was all absorbed again, but there was still no reaction at all.

It's like a bottomless pit. The feeling of hunger came from the space again, and it seemed to be much worse.

Cool~ Jingshu’s heart is cool.

There must be no less liquid in the bucket, otherwise the count will no longer be accurate and Jun Bao will be suspicious.

Is everything done? Jun Bao looked at Jing Shu who had a pulled face and couldn't help but wonder, she wasn't crazy with joy just now, but now she suddenly wilts, the woman's face is indeed faster than flipping through a book.

Well, okay, let's go.


Jingshu discussed with Wenjun and Xiaowei to take a gastropod away first. They were going to find someone. After finding the person, they would return and go on the road with the insect. In this way, Xiaowei knew that Jingshu In the direction of the group of people, Jingshu and the others will not get lost if there are bugs to guide them back.

Let this fighting-type little red follow you. If there is anything on the way, he can help you.

Thank you, you really helped me a lot. Jingshu said, hanging the two large wooden barrels on the three-meter-long small red giant tongs, carrying the Yang Yang in one hand and walking away. At the end, she waved her hand: Thank you. The leg hair you gave me, I will bring you something delicious next time. She then inserted it randomly into her hair. I heard that with this leg hair, all the gastropods would surrender to her.

This is the hair that Xiaowei just ordered himself to pluck out from one of his legs. It is very hard. I heard that in addition to making gastropods surrender, it also has other mysterious functions. What else can a piece of leg hair do? effect?

Xiaohong had an instinctive resistance to the black liquid. She pulled out the 36 legs in disgust and swam on the ground with the millipede. The huge abdomen was not a burden, but looked like a shield.

Guotou also took two people to see Jingshu off in person. His attitude was extremely good. When he came back and passed by the quagmire, Guotou personally got on the boat and sent Jingshu and the three people over, and looked at the others with a smile. He waved his hand like a boss, See you next time. Have a nice trip. If you need anything, just ask.

The boss on the other side, Hongbin Luliu, opened his mouth: What is going on? Isn't this the person who robbed us?

Of course, when they saw the huge gastropod, several people were stunned again. Didn't they go on a trip, hand over compressed biscuits, and come back with a big insect?

Jun Bao quickly explained the situation, and Jing Shu threw Yang Yang into the minibus. After putting the barrel away, she rode the gastropod into the quagmire.

Gastropods are simply born to be mire bugs. They usually just dig into the mire like dung beetles, and then eat the mud inside. After a long time, they just come up to breathe.

Soon, the gastropod sneaked down its entire body and exposed its head. Jingshu carefully stepped on the insect's head. The gastropod's large pincers stirred back and forth in the mud at the center, and then quickly pulled the muddy water to the bottom. In its own mouthparts, just like a hippopotamus, the gastropod began to eat! No wonder a gastropod grows so big. It eats too much soil, right? When the mud and water disappear this year, will these gastropods still be able to develop?

Jingshu couldn't care less about this problem, because the gastropods hadn't even finished yet!

How deep is this quagmire?

The quagmire was extremely cold, but she didn't want to go down to look for it herself. She couldn't find the black liquid with a stick. Jingshu tinkered for more than ten minutes but couldn't find a solution. In the end, she had no choice but to give up on this place. She was helpless because she still had to go on her way. She still needs to find her seed, so she can only mark it and come secretly to find a way next time. With so many people around, she can't even use it.

It happened that Jun Bao had also discussed it, Let's activate the sea water mode. We are already deep in the mountains and there shouldn't be long to go. Besides, we don't have much gas, so we can't go on foot, right?


By the time Jingshu breathed her last and got on the minibus, Hongbin was already getting on the pedal with her face flushed, and the minibus started to move slowly.

Crunchy moves slowly.

Jing Shu sighed: How about I do it?

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