I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 542 Finally found it!

No, no need, I can do it! I'm very good! Hong Bin gasped and wondered in a low voice: It was so easy when I tried.

Luliu smiled awkwardly and said: At that time, I thought it would be able to drive even if it encounters muddy water. The propeller will have power. Who would have thought that this is a quagmire. The resistance is so great that it is strange to be able to move.

Click, click. Boom!

The minibus that had just entered the quagmire was about to get stuck. Even if the anti-sink plate was set up outside, muddy water still flowed in. The fat chicken patted its feathers and moved in. It cherishes its feathers very much.

Try harder, Hongbin, we are going to sink. Can you do it? Luliu said anxiously as he controlled the steering wheel.

Sure enough, I'll do it! Under the stunned eyes of everyone, Jingshu lifted Hongbin out like a little chicken, rolled herself in, and then kicked, kicked, and quickly moved her legs, and soon she became It became an afterimage.

The sound of popping was heard, and the minibus suddenly froze for a moment, then everyone leaned back due to inertia, and a gust of wind blew in from the outside.

Chinese, did the minibus fly?

Fuck, fuck!

Jingshu also heard a few swallowing sounds. Is it so exaggerated?

The minibus quickly got out of the quagmire and returned to the road. The speed slowed down again, like a classic car driving slowly through the mountains.

Yes, this is the fastest speed. It uses propellers to drive four wheels, and then human power is used to stare hard.

No matter how many pieces Jingshu stared at, without the quagmire as a driving force, the fastest speed was almost the same as a bicycle. After Jingshu stared for a few hours, she switched to Hongbin. After staring for a while, Hongbin switched to Luliu, a minibus. The slow speed is really annoying.

This kind of mental and will torture is very frustrating, because you don't know how long it will take to find it, or even whether you can find it.

I have good news to tell everyone. Luliu said while chewing compressed biscuits: People from the other teams currently have no news about the fleet.

This...isn't good news, I'm exhausted! Hong Bin glared huffing and puffing. He was not as strong as Jing Shu, and his endurance was not as good as Jing Shu's. Every time he watched Jing Shu stare while playing with the Rubik's Cube, It lasted only a few hours, and he was so envious. Won't Jing Shu be tired?

Hongbin was exhausted after staring for half an hour at a time. God knows how long he would have to stare until he reached his destination. But the idea of ​​getting a bicycle was his, so he had to stare until he reached his destination even while he was kneeling.

Jing Shu finally became happy: This means that it is either on our route or not in the Tianshan Mountains. This is indeed good news.

Xiaohong has been following the minibus. As a gastropod, it seems to be able to walk indefinitely as long as there is sufficient food on the road to provide energy consumption, which makes Jingshu very satisfied.

We walked like this for another three days. Jingshu's mood was up and down. The mountains seemed to have no end, which made people feel hopeless. There were more and more mire on the road. Many places had to be swam through. Fortunately, the minibus had water and land. model.

The Tianshan Mountains are very high in altitude, but currently we seem to be going downhill, with more and more valleys.

This is not important.

The important thing is that the more quagmire there is, the more black liquid there is, and Jingshu's response becomes stronger and stronger. Unfortunately, it is still not possible to go to the quagmire alone to get the black liquid, and it cannot be found. Jingshu is worried about gain and loss. .

Jingshu started to mark one by one. The best mark was to leave part of her insect behind. Although it was not as perverted as Xiaowei, she could feel the coordinates of the insect as long as it was within a certain range to avoid coming back in the future. Time to get lost.

The only food left in the minibus was compressed biscuits. Except for Hongbin and Luliu who continued to eat compressed biscuits, everyone else worked with Jingshu to cook. At that time, the rice given by Yang Yang and Hao Yunlai was almost eaten. Fortunately, Jingshu brought enough food in the two huge boxes. In addition, Jingshu also deliberately controlled her food intake and only dared to add extra meals quietly in the dead of night.

Just when Jing Shu didn't know how long they would have to walk, when the sky was slightly brighter, their minibus reached the end of the mountain range.

When the minibus wanted to move forward, there was a cliff below. Oh no, it was actually a large canyon.

But if you look carefully, you can see that this canyon is moving!

It seems like a wave, constantly pushing the plates on both sides, squeezing in the middle, and then making a banging sound! And all the stones or buildings in the middle were smashed to pieces by the collision.

What a spectacle!

This is obviously not a sea, but a real land, and it can roll like waves.

Look! Jing Shu pointed to a place and asked Lu Liu to control the headlights to shine there. Isn't it a big ship that is rolling and pushing?

If the big ship hadn't been blocked by a few rows of low houses, it might have been pushed to the middle and crushed into pieces. Then it would truly never be found again!

Feeling the strong light, a voice called out from under the dark ship. Although it was far away, the voice could still be heard.

It's them! Luliu said excitedly, Hongbin, send the signal first to determine the rescue target!

The radar signal is very weak! There seems to be a special magnetic field here. If we don't have our own satellite radar, we really can't transmit the signal.

Now in the fourth year of the apocalypse, many signal towers have aged without timely maintenance, making the already weak signal even closer to being blocked.

Jing Shu was also very excited. After searching for so long, she finally found it. Although it looked miserable, at least she was alive. She immediately got out of the car and watched the situation below.

So, how are we going to get down? The whole boat and people are trapped over there. There is a cliff below, and there are large waves that are constantly surging. If you are not careful, you will be killed.

Yang Yang pointed at the big bugs behind him unhappily: Ask Xiaohong to bring us a message. It's too far here and you can't hear the roar from the other side. Yang Yang had a deep grudge against these bugs, although he also came from behind. Jingshu knew the whole story, but she just couldn't get over the hurdle in her heart.

Jingshu pondered. A creature with a very low IQ like Xiaohong couldn't do anything. Besides, passing such a big bug would scare the other party to death. Finally, this is Xiaowei's bug. You have to return it when you go back. Next The waves pushed one after another, and she could see clearly that whatever was pushed by the waves, no matter what it was, would be crushed directly.

If the bug is crushed, it will be troublesome to find Xiaowei.

Jingshu turned her attention to her own fat chicken, and saw her combing her chicken feathers gracefully, riding on the gastropod, and enjoying its first mount.

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