I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 543 It’s coming, it’s coming, it’s bringing...

Chapter 543 It’s coming, it’s coming, it’s bringing

Luliu said: Let the drone try it first? It's just that the magnetic field here is a bit strange, and I'm afraid the drone will be out of control.

So, Luliu controlled the drone to go down the canyon. It went smoothly at first, but once it entered the range of the waves, the drone seemed to be blocked by the signal. It hit the bottom directly and was crushed with a bang. .

The people below were shouting something, but unfortunately I could only hear the sound, but I couldn't make out what they were saying.

Jingshu rolled her eyes and turned her attention to the fat chicken again. She was very anxious now. She found the seed but couldn't get it down! And Fei Ji is her most trusted assistant partner.

Feeling Jingshu's gaze, the fat chicken shuddered. The master always wants to harm the chicken! The fat chicken shrank back subconsciously.

Let my chicken carry the message. Xiaohong's words will frighten the other side to death. I heard that there is a wooden warehouse on the other side. What if it is killed like a monster? It's so far away, and the people below are also afraid of it. I didn’t know Xiaohong was ours. Jingshu suggested.

Everyone's eyes flickered back and forth between the gastropod and the fat chicken.

Yang Yang nodded matter-of-factly: If I see a monster on the other side, I'm afraid I'll kill him, but if I see a chicken, I'm afraid they are thinking about the game they haven't seen for a long time, and no matter what, they will let the chicken fall into their hands safely. within the range.

Then, it’s time to kill the chicken and eat the meat.

Jun Bao said with some pity: The chicken is a good chicken, but the situation down there is also more dangerous. It would be a pity if it was killed by the waves.

After hearing this, the fat chicken immediately nodded his head and looked at the owner with tears in his eyes. It was so dangerous down there, so let the chicken die!

No, my chicken can fly, Jing Shu said proudly.

Fat Chicken: ???

Who can fly when riding a horse? It's just a few flutters out of joy. Hey, it's so far down there. Aren't you afraid that the chicken smoke will disappear and the jade will be destroyed? No more chickens can lay many eggs every day! Nai will be very sad if she finds out.

In the end, Fat Chicken was strapped with a large speaker, recorded some words, and was also equipped with a skeleton umbrella stand specially developed by Jing Ye last year. This was so that when a large area of ​​land around the earthquake collapsed, he could jump out instantly. It's a gadget that can glide a certain distance, but it's a pity that it has never been used.

In addition, there are some compressed biscuits, which is why Jingshu is so anxious. If she brings food to the other side earlier, her seeds will be eaten less. Another one, in case the fat chicken is trapped below and cannot come up. , if you finish eating the compressed biscuits, you can still lay eggs to eat. Oh my god, don’t eat her seeds again! These are all extinct!

Yang Yang curled his lips with some regret and continued to discuss the next rescue strategy with Luliu. The flight plan may be canceled because the magnetic field here seriously affects the rescue.

Perhaps we can mobilize the zipline to transport the goods. It is visually estimated that there is a diagonal distance of one kilometer. If the slideway from a nearby tourist spot is placed, the transportation can be completed. It is more secure, but it is more time-consuming. I have to abandon this large cargo ship. .”

The fat chicken jumped off the cliff with the help of its owner.

The screams of chickens in the whirling valley were also heard. It was estimated that even the people below heard it. Jingshu looked at the chicken nervously. She had a good field of vision. The reason why she dared to let the chicken fly down was because she had no requirements for the landing point. It's not high. As long as it falls around the village, there is no danger to life.

The fat chicken flapped its wings desperately. However, it had gained weight a few times recently, and with the weight on its body, it could still fly for a while. After a while, even if the chicken flapped again, it would fall vertically, and it was about to hit the ground. Fat Chicken quickly opened the skeleton umbrella frame, and finally successfully landed around the big ship.

Jingshu exhaled and frowned, there were still people in the village below! There were many people who seemed to have come out of the house at this moment, but they were too far away and she couldn't see them clearly.

Look, something fell down!

It's what the rescue team sent!

We are saved. Our ravine is saved. The people above are giving us food. Everyone, hurry up and grab it!

Back off, everyone, back off!

It was a mess.

The fat chicken was beaten to a pulp, and before it could react, it noticed a pair of hungry green eyes nearby looking at it, and rushed towards it.

Save the chicken! Cack! The fat chicken flapped its wings and ran away like flying with all its belongings tied up.

It's a chicken. It sounds like a chicken! It's a chicken sent down from above for us to eat! Everyone, grab it! We have a chicken to eat!

The fat chicken ran faster when he heard this.

Until the sound of bang came from the wooden warehouse, Li Dayou put away his skinny hands with a gloomy face, feeling extremely weak.

The sound of the lively crowd suddenly stopped, and he shouted loudly: Everyone, stand back. No one is allowed to touch these things until they understand the order from above! Wang Dan, go get the things.

Some villagers were not happy: That's food for us. I also saw a lot of things tied behind the chicken, which are all food. Why don't you give it to us? This chicken is not given to us to eat. That's right. What's the matter? Do you want to keep this food for yourself?

Wang Dan sighed: Captain, I told you that we shouldn't have saved these evil people at that time. They still couldn't understand the situation. If there was no distress signal from us, would the rescue team come? They were obviously coming for us. Who knew? If there are any people from Gashangou here, even if they want to give, they will be given to us!

The wooden warehouse rang, and people around him hid in the house like a flood. Some people spoke loudly in the house: Then you should save us, and you should serve the people.

Wang Dan was furious: Didn't we save you? We ourselves are reluctant to eat these precious seeds and eat dirt every day, and we will not hesitate to violate the orders of our superiors to give you the seeds for the mission. You still don't know how to be grateful? Do you know how precious these seeds are? These may be the last healthy seeds in the world, do you know what you are eating!

Isn't that what you should do?

Li Dayou waved his hand, Stop talking nonsense to them and get the things thrown down from above. He really had no strength left.

Strangely, the chicken that many villagers couldn't catch just now, a very fat chicken that looked like it could make people drool, came by itself.

Wang Dan stammered: It, that chicken, it came by itself.

It's coming, it's coming, it's coming with chicken steps and its head held high, it's coming with a lot of food!

So, under the stunned eyes of everyone, the chicken seemed to know who the leader was. It ran up to Li Dayou and threw out the big trumpet. Then, the sound of the trumpet sounded: Collect the rags. Color TV, refrigerator, washing machine. Books, newspapers, beer bottles.”

Just when everyone was wondering, something finally changed.

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