I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 551 Be reserved and low-key

The fat chicken said that its chicken life has reached its peak. It has never been treated so highly before. Isn't it just laying eggs? How common is this in Lao Jing's family? And in Lao Jing's house, you are too embarrassed to compete for favors if you don't have a unique skill. She just laid a few more eggs. Look at the big girl, she has to produce dozens of kilograms of milk every day. Is she proud? Look at the pairing of Goudan and Dahua, which they have to work hard every day. They not only have to lay eggs but also hatch them. Are they squirming?

Be reserved and low-key.

The fat chicken remembered the owner's motto and became more and more noble. It moved its plump butt and lay down completely in the comfortable nest. After drinking the last sip of warm water, it said it was going to sleep. It was off work! We can wait until we wake up to lay eggs. After all, chickens can't work 24 hours a day, right?

Li Dayou personally took care of the eggs, and he was very happy all night. Even if he didn't eat but just looked at them, he was very happy. He remembered that Wang Dan asked how many eggs this chicken could lay. No, So many eggs were laid in such a short time.

Jingshu didn't sleep well that night. Even though she laid out a thick mattress and got a warm water heater, and added several quilts during the period, it was still cold! There is also a dampness that penetrates into the bones, which is generally uncomfortable.

The temperature on the boat is about the same as that of a big ice cellar. Even if her tent is windproof, it is almost like camping in the wild. It is far worse than a luxurious minibus. But it is difficult to get a good night's sleep in these apocalyptic days. It is even more difficult to imagine how she survived in her previous life.

So when she heard the sound of people making fire and water outside and talking, Jingshu got up.

Aunt Wang is already waiting outside with her daughter stomping her feet, waiting to bring her today's compressed biscuits back to make earth cakes. She also sent a batch of earth cakes baked yesterday, which are made every day. The food must be handed over, and then distributed uniformly during meals. Controlling the food means controlling the lifeblood of the villagers.

Wang Dan scratched his head: What should we eat in the morning? Earth cakes too? The water has been boiled. Although he also wanted to eat yesterday's meal again, Wang Dan also knew that such good meals cannot be eaten every day. They all ate, and those meals were all Jingshu's personal belongings. As much as the dozen of them had eaten, the little girl definitely didn't bring much food.

Jingshu yawned and gave Aunt Wang biscuits. After arranging today's work, Aunt Wang said hesitantly: Some people in the village are dissatisfied with eating this local cake all the time, and some want to eat some meat, saying they do it every day. Life is too tiring.

It’s good to eat earthen cakes, these people.

Jingshu nodded and said she understood, but did not say how to solve or not solve it. Before leaving, Aunt Wang patted her chest and said: They said they did. I know those people just want to make trouble. I want to get more benefits. Now I can have The food is pretty good, and we can add oil to make local biscuits and food.

Watching Aunt Wang and her daughter get off the boat, Jing Shu asked as she walked: How many eggs did the chicken lay? I eat eggs in the morning, but I can't get used to eating earthen cakes.

Wang Dan chuckled and said: There are only 15 of them. The captain is so precious that they slept in his arms all night.

Jing Shu covered her face, and when she came to Li Dayou's room, she saw that he was really precious and still holding the egg. Next to it was the wooden warehouse, as if if someone came to rob it, he would be the first to kill him.

When he heard that Jing Shu wanted to take them all away, Li Dayou was shocked: There are so many eggs, take them all? There are only 12 of us in total. We can't finish them all. Let's keep half of them, just in case the rescue team needs more time. God, we don’t have enough food rations, one meal for so many people is a big waste.”

Even Wang Dan, who always obeyed orders, nodded: If the captain hadn't saved the rations a month in advance, we wouldn't be alive now. We need to save more food just in case.

Jingshu understands this feeling of being insecure without food all too well. Even if you don't eat it if you keep more food, there is hope in a desperate situation. Watching the food getting less and less feels like your life is about to come to an end. .

Okay, leave one, the chicken will keep laying eggs, don't worry. Jingshu finally left one for Li Dayou to hold for thought, and then took the other eggs forcefully and went to cook without saying a word.

We ran out of flour for kang cakes yesterday, but this didn't bother Jing Shu.

Jingshu cooked the noodles in the boiling water, took out all the noodles and spread them into a ball on the oiled stone pot, leaving a gap in the middle. Crack the egg yolks into the gap and slowly fry them till brown. Fry it into a round pancake, fry 12 pancakes like this, and add 12 egg yolks.

Do not throw away the boiled noodle soup water. Boil vermicelli, various dried vegetables and beef cubes in it. Beat all the egg whites and a few more eggs and put them into the pot. Boil out rich and large pieces of egg droplets and sprinkle them on top. Pour a lot of pepper and vinegar, and the homemade spicy soup is ready.

After a while, the aroma of omelette pancakes came out, and the rich smell of broth also came out. Jingshu happily finished the food in the kitchen, and after touching the corners of her mouth, she called everyone to come for dinner. They were all wet, and the bits and pieces had already flowed to the ground. They looked at Jingshu eagerly, and their stomach growled unsatisfactorily.

Okay, let's have something simple in the morning. Jingshu waved her hand, and everyone was given a pancake, a large bowl full of thick soup with vermicelli, vegetables, egg drop, and meat cubes.

Wang Dan drank it in one gulp, and the delicious egg flakes and meat were mixed together. The spicy, sour and hot soup made his body boil. He took a bite of the pancake, and there was an egg yolk in the soft pancake. He felt like his whole body was shaking. Floating up, he stammered: This, is this simple? This is simply the feast of my lifetime!

Li Dayou exhaled a sigh of satisfaction, and his whole body warmed up in the cold weather: I thought that eating boiled eggs in the morning would be my biggest dream in the past six months, but I didn't expect that eggs could be made in this way. , but it is much more durable than boiled eggs.”

Speaking of this, Jingshu started to feel proud in the corner alone. Before the apocalypse, she downloaded the recipe book, especially One Hundred and One Ways to Eat Eggs, and now she is just trying it out. There are only a dozen kinds. When she has time, she will make them all to try. However, Li Dayou was right. Jing Shu's favorite thing is to eat the simplest eggs in the most unpretentious way.

High-end ingredients are often cooked in the simplest way, with boiled eggs in plain water and sprinkled with salt, they are so delicious!

Just when this joyful scene made Jing Shu sigh with emotion, the screams of ghosts and wolf howls came from outside again, which was not peaceful at all. Wang Dan picked up the weapon and ran out, Jing Shu followed, and Li Dayou Holding Fat Chicken in his arms, his eyes with little stars of hope seem to be asking Fat Chicken, when will you start work?

The first update, the second update is being written, will be uploaded after finishing.

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