I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 552: Pull off some of your legs and give them to me

After getting off the transport ship, the villagers shouted: Monster! Kill it! Help, there is a monster! It's eating people, it's eating people! etc. Wang Dan rushed forward and shouted to step back. , and asked where the monster was, Jing Shu saw a huge figure in the distance, rustling and tearing the corpse into pieces on the ground.

Aren't the corpses on the ground the same as the five people who died yesterday? At this moment, they were being devoured by huge bugs. Seeing that only two of the five corpses were eaten, everyone became even more anxious. It was self-evident what the bug would do after eating the corpses.

The village chief is so miserable. His head was split open by a chicken, and now he's been eaten by this monster.

Who said you were envious of Ergazi for grabbing a few pieces of compressed biscuits yesterday? Are you still envious? Today he was eaten as food. He was really dead without a whole body.

Under the dim light, fear and uneasiness were written on the faces of the villagers. Some people held torches and threw them at it from a distance, completely illuminating the huge insect monster, and fear spread even more.

Have these villagers living in the mountains ever seen such huge and terrifying bugs?

This insect is not afraid of anything. It is useless to hit it with stones or torches. Even if Liu Dali just hit it with a shovel, it was just swept away by the insect's giant pincers. If it weren't for the food under its mouth, Liu Dali would be too lazy to care about it. Dali, I guess he was not just injured.

What is the origin of this monster? We only have so much room to move around now. If we don't kill this monster, we will all suffer. Even hiding in the house will not work. Seeing how this monster has eaten these corpses, it will definitely eat us. !”

How about we hide in the boat? The boat is high, so the monster may not be able to get up.

You're stupid. This monster hasn't been squeezed to death by that realm. The fact that it can still come here shows how capable it is. Let's just pray that it will be full after eating the corpse and won't eat us.

You are even more stupid. Have you ever seen a tiger not eating meat? The door of our house has been used to burn materials. It is not safe to hide anywhere.

We can only rely on the people above. They have wooden warehouses.

Is Kotekura useful? Even if it penetrates the insect, it won't die.

Here we come, Wang Dan's manager is here.

Everyone immediately gave way to a road and looked at Wang Dan with trembling eyes. At this moment, everyone couldn't help but sigh. In times of danger, the first thing they thought of was the corruption and the police.

Wang Dan frowned and looked at the huge insect. He picked up the wooden warehouse and aimed to open the wooden warehouse.

Wait! Jing Shu pulled Wang Dan and asked, What do you want to do?

Wang Dan said inexplicably: That bug is eating the corpse. It may come over soon. Give it a fatal blow while it is eating to prevent it from turning into a monster. What if it comes over and wants to eat us?

Jingshu sighed and didn't know what to say for a moment. This bug was not a monster, but Xiaohong, the general who showed her the way. Although she didn't know how Xiaohong came down from such a high altitude. Fortunately, it was okay, but now that Xiaohong appeared safely in front of her, how could anyone hurt it?

These cute bugs will be her source of wealth in the future. Oh, these are the cuties she wants to exchange resources for!

Besides, Xiaohong just eats a corpse. This is such a normal thing. Why are these people so afraid? Uh. If she didn't know better, she would probably kill the bug as soon as possible and use it as feed.

So, let Wang Dan stop now, let everyone disperse, and ignore what this monster said. She can't say something so irrational and difficult to explain, nor can she explain too much and reveal the news.

Hey. Jingshu sighed again. It's really hard for ordinary people to explain. Jingshu waved her hands and didn't want to explain too much. She said: Come on, come with me. By the way, you guys Two people are here to help carry things. She wanted to tell these simple villagers with actions, don't be afraid, this is your future ration, and you must give it plenty of friendship and care.

The person identified behind him asked tremblingly: Carry, what are you carrying? Carry the body?

For Jing Shu, everyone who is alive in the entire Gashan Valley knows that those five corpses are the best shock. For Li Dayou, he is reasonable, but for Jing Shu, this is a murderer who does not blink an eye. The devil woman is not to be messed with.

Jing Shu asked inexplicably: Didn't you say you don't want to eat earthen cakes anymore and want to eat something meaty? Aren't you going to get you some meat now?

Another named person nodded sadly and said: I won't eat anymore. I don't want to eat meat anymore. I can just eat dirt. I don't want to eat corpses. I was wrong. You sir have a lot of them. Please spare me. I I will never eat human flesh again.

Jing Shu frowned. She seemed to have heard something very informative.

At this time, Liu Dali, who was holding a shovel in the crowd, limped out and said, What do you want to lift? I'll go with you.

Let's go. Jingshu led Liu Dali towards Xiaohong. She knew that it was useless to say anything now, so she didn't waste her words. Wang Dan ran over with the wooden warehouse in hand. He said anxiously: Jingshu, what are you doing? What are you going to do? Those bugs eat people. It’s too dangerous. You can’t go there!”

Follow me, don't talk, don't open the wooden warehouse, or you won't have lunch. Jing Shu said.

As expected, Wang Dan didn't dare to speak anymore. He ran all the way holding the wooden warehouse close to Jing Shu, insisting on getting in front of Jing Shu and blocking it with his body. He looked like he would eat him first if he wanted to eat some insects soon. Let Jing Shu Shu couldn't laugh or cry.

The villagers behind him began to talk. They were curious, what on earth was Jing Shu going to do? So bold?

Xiaohong stopped, with thirty-six huge feet swinging in the air. It raised its head and looked at Jingshu, who had a leg hair from Xiaowei's abdomen stuck in her head.

Wang Dan was very nervous, and the villagers behind him were also very nervous. They were afraid that the insects would suddenly burst out and start killing everyone. They didn't care about Jing Shu's life or death, but they cared about their own safety.

Jingshu stopped five meters in front of it and thought for a moment. Xiaohong was connected to Xiaowei. This insect had no intelligence, but she just didn't know if the message could be conveyed to Xiaowei.

Jing Shu asked tentatively: Hey, pull off some of your legs and give them to me.

Wang Dan: ???

The villager behind him: ... This, I'm afraid I met a fool. Talking to a bug like this, it seems that this bug doesn't have big ears and melon seeds to throw around Jing Shu.

Xiaohong tilted her head and looked at Jingshu quietly, staying where she was.

Jingshu scratched her head. Sure enough, she was overthinking.

Then I can only come and get it myself. Jingshu approached the gastropod. Its huge abdomen was pressed against the mud, and it was more than two meters high. It was a little at a loss because the red leg hair was still trembling slightly. .

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