Okay, okay. I understand. Jingshu had a headache. This kid was stupid too. How could he be reasonable at this time? Can quarreling solve things? When will the replacement procedures be completed?

Moreover, when Jingshu walked down the road just now, she didn’t see any people in better conditions queuing up. Even in the surrounding small cities, there must always be people with cars and transportation. What does this mean?

It shows that people must have entered through various relationships. It’s not that Wucheng doesn’t accept people, but it gives priority to those who have the conditions to support themselves, and then slowly resettles those who don’t. After all, every mouth is a meal. If Wucheng takes in so many refugees at once, what will happen if there is not enough food?

Jingshu took out two handfuls of fragrant fried rice and stuffed a handful into each person's hands. Just when the two of them relaxed a little, she used the hypnosis of the Rubik's Cube space, Brothers, please be accommodating. We will reissue it later, please let us pass first.

For people with strong willpower, the success rate of hypnosis is higher if they distract their attention and then hypnotize them, and there are other people behind them. Jingshu can't just say: Who is it? Let me go. Can you say that?

The two of them were a little dazed, and one of them said when Xiao Zhao was stunned: Okay, remember to go back and complete the procedures.

Another said: Come with me and take another path.

Xiao Zhao was a little surprised. It was just so simple? It wasn't until Jing Shu called him that he realized that he should quickly follow and drive the minibus.

This was just an episode after all, but Jingshu realized the seriousness of the problem. What Wucheng will face is a serious lack of food and daily necessities. They can still eat insect cakes during the Chinese New Year. Now so many people around are going to Wucheng. , where does the food come from?

What will happen if there is no food in Zhengfu? In the third year, Jingshu was requisitioned for food, and each district had to get supplies worth one million virtual coins. If Li Yuetian hadn't been behind, and she had joined I went to Shiyuan, and Shiyuan donated materials. I wonder if she would also donate materials.

Now that the situation is getting serious, Zheng Fu will definitely cut leeks again.

Moreover, all the cities that are moving here are still small cities. After so many days, Jingshu paid attention to the situation of Ningshan City with a population of one million before leaving. There are Qingshui Town and Zhuhuo Town over there, and the terrain is relatively low, almost It is almost flooded, and then it will be a big problem again.

It turns out that the severe food problem started in the fourth year.

The minibus was paddling along the road full of mire, moving extremely slowly. The mudslide in the fourth year almost destroyed all means of transportation. Some low-lying areas in the city have been completely flooded by mire. The former center of Wucheng was There is no trace of this basin at this moment. Everyone in Wucheng is migrating to the edge of the suburbs, forming a huge circular circle.

Previously a remote and uninhabited suburb, Banana Community has now officially become the three mainstream areas in Wucheng.

Jingshu took a pen to write and draw, and began to write down new plans. Now that the situation was tense, she had to make some plans in advance, so her mind was full of chaos. Jingshu arrived home.

Just one month after leaving home, the Banana community has changed drastically. Muds and rockslides are constantly happening in the back hill. The mudslides in the entire community have spread to the thighs. The community has taken emergency measures and closed all the entrances and exits of the underground garage. Only then can the community survive. Tens of thousands of residents live in underground garages, but the first floors of several low-lying buildings are covered with a lot of mud, making them uninhabitable. Moreover, as time goes by, mud is still dripping down the mountain.

Needless to say, luckily Jingshu brought a one-piece raincoat. Otherwise, she would have walked home step by step in the mire. The mud on her cotton-padded jacket would be all stained with mud that couldn’t be washed off. Not to mention how painful it would be. The key is that you don’t even know what to do in the mire. If you can't walk, it's easy to step on it, but hard to pull it out. Once you pull it out, it will be a foot of mud.

Mudslides have brought great difficulties to everyone's lives. Walking in the mud every day consumes a lot of energy.

However, there are still a lot of people in the community now. Many people are digging in the mud and filtering the fine mud with rags. After passing the inspection, a basket can be exchanged for 2 virtual coins and 2 earthworm cakes.

Not to mention that Chinese people are all industrious. Now as long as people are given hope, these people will work hard. Digging a few baskets of soil a day is enough for several days of dry food. In this apocalyptic world, there are virtual coins, there are Dry food can give people a sense of security.

Jingshu was very strong and walked in front carrying a big box. Fatty suffered a lot. She flapping her wings and walked in the muddy water. She was covered in mud. When she arrived at the villa, she turned into a ball of mud. As she got more and more The mud was heavy, and Fatty Chicken was a little exhausted. No, he finally ran home. Fatty Chicken shed hard tears. It was not fun at all outside, and he almost couldn't see his lovely grandma!

Jingshu chopped off her feet, took off her raincoat, and came to the dry door. She looked at the fat chicken and held her chin up, I heard that the beggar's chicken is very delicious when roasted, and then wrapped in delicious lotus leaves. Tsk, tut, this combo The formalities of wrapping it in mud are omitted.”

The fat chicken screamed in fear. There are always unscrupulous people who want to eat me. He crawled into the villa. Hearing the sound, Jing Nai ran out. When he saw that it was a fat chicken like briquettes, he felt very distressed. He was not afraid of getting dirty. The chicken baby ran around for a while, and then the chicken was given hot water to take a hot bath. The treatment was, tsk, tsk.

Jing Shu: ... The status of this family is clear at a glance.

Even though he said this, Master Jing still went to warm up the meal for Jingshu.

After returning to the warm villa, Jingshu took a shower and changed into clean clothes. She comfortably drank the caramel macchiato she made and the rice cooked by Master Jing. Then she felt that she was finally alive!

As usual, only Jing Nai and Jing Ye were at home, and everyone else was too busy to go home.

It was rare for Master Jing to lie on his massage chair, listen to opera, and smoke cigarettes. His brows were full of sorrow. Even Jing Nai didn’t complain that Master was smoking at home!

I'm actually willing to smoke? Ha... something unpleasant happened? Jing Shu joked.

Master Jing blew out the smoke ring, then frowned and said: Ningshan City has been struggling for a month, but it will all be submerged in the end. You must know that there was a big flood the year before last, and half of the city was flooded. Everyone has not moved, but they are still living well. , and now, I heard that people from Ningshan City will move to Wucheng in a few days, but Wucheng has already taken in several surrounding small cities. Although I heard that materials and food from the cities over there will also be transported, but it can How many people can you feed?”

Jingshu nodded. When she passed the checkpoint today, she probably knew the situation. There were many people blocked there, What's the matter? It doesn't have much to do with us now, so what are you worried about?

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