I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 559 Go to Shiyuan to hold a shareholders’ meeting

Master Jing took another breath before saying: Wuxian County is about to be flooded by mudslides. Your aunt and second aunt and their families can't enter Wucheng now. They say that Wuxian side has not been completely flooded. Wait until the other side I can only go to Wucheng after receiving the relocation order. I asked your father to give him a gift and be accommodating. He said he was going to Wucheng to visit relatives and see if he could live here.

Is it done? Jing Shu asked.

Master Jing shook his head: No way. And even if you sneak in secretly, as long as you don't have registration information here, you will be considered a shady account. If you are found out, you will be arrested. The community has been checking every few days recently, so you are afraid of sneaking in. population elsewhere.

So now you have to either wait or get the pass recognized above.

Nowadays, a legal migration pass cannot be bought for several thousand virtual coins, unless the account is originally here. The key is that I'm afraid if the higher-ups don't approve it. When Ningshan City lets a large number of people enter Wucheng, your two aunts and their family won't even be able to get in.

Jing Nai was also worried at the moment, her palms and backs were full of flesh. Although she was usually more partial to Jing Shu's father, but now she learned that her two daughters were suffering outside, without enough food, clothing or warmth, and no fixed place to live. The most important thing is that I still can’t enter Wucheng!

Ningshan City, that million-level city. Jing Shu pondered, but unfortunately she didn't care about this at the bottom of her previous life. The topic everyone talked about every day was what work they did today, how many virtual coins they earned, and how much food they could buy. , it said that a buffet or something like that would be added on a certain day.

I also knew that Wucheng had been merged several times, and many new people had joined, but people still died every day. As for the details, I don’t know. Oh, by the way, I also knew that the leader of Wucheng was called a tyrant, just like he was seven or eight years ago. I only know who the leader of the country is.

Don't worry, sir, hasn't Wuxian County been completely flooded yet? This means that you can still live there for ten days and a half. Don't worry, I'll check with you during this time to see if I can give them legal relief. Identity pass. Jingshu said.

Hey, it's best if we don't get flooded. Who wants to leave their hometown? Jing Nai clasped her hands together and muttered, hoping that the muddy water would slow down and not flood Wuxian County or Banana Community, so that everyone could Just stay in the house peacefully.

Next, Jingshu told all the fun things on the road, omitting the thrilling parts. Because she called and sent messages to her family every day this time, Lao Jingshu didn’t feel special at home, and she hadn’t made it to dinner yet. Jingshu couldn't hold it anymore and went back to the house to sleep.

Jingshu was still practicing the Rubik's Cube in the space while sleeping. Jingshu also found time to reorganize the space. She wrote the latest schedule, accurate to 1 cubic meter for each material, because by the time she moves next year, she may only have For this 729 cubic meters of usable space, oh, dozens of cubic meters of land must be removed.

With the newly expanded 200 cubic meters after the upgrade, Jingshu had to carefully plan what to pack. Before moving, she had to bring supplies that she couldn't carry into the space. If the plan wasn't right and she couldn't pack it, it would be a disaster.

Now that the third form can eat in the space, giving her a greater sense of satisfaction, Jingshu also decided to adjust the type of farming. Even if a certain amount of spiritual springs are consumed, more food must be stored to provide her with She can eat it anytime and anywhere in space, so that she can eat less on the way out and save some food for the migration.

Jingshu suddenly discovered another advantage of the third form, that is, in the space of the third form, Jingshu felt that the space was particularly warm and comfortable. This feeling of bathing in the sun was really great, and it was not like this third form. Five years later, it will be so cold at minus 70°C that I’ll be out of breath wherever I go, feeling like I’m stomping my feet in the cold.


Jingshu broke open dozens of kilograms of large watermelon and ate it in big mouthfuls with a spoon. She used to eat it secretly in her own house, but she couldn't make too much noise, and she couldn't take out the food that tasted too fragrant. Now I am not afraid of the food coming. It feels so good!

I wonder if I can also cook and store food in the space? This is much more efficient and convenient than outside. Jingshu decided to try it in two days. If possible, she would save the time she spent sleeping at night to prepare things, and she could do other things during the day.

By the way, Jingshu planted all the 6 extra plots of land with various fruits after the upgrade, and collected them for storage while eating. After getting the seeds, Jingshu divided a few plots of land to plant various fruits that she had in mind. Plant rice and find a way to get it to your home to cross the open road before migrating.

The weather in Wucheng is getting colder and colder, and the mud and water are getting higher and higher. It is already difficult for all kinds of cars and buses to drive, but this is not difficult for the rich.

You can't imagine the happiness of rich people. In the eyes of rich people, there are no difficulties.

Jingshu sat in the modified Maybach, the car's engine roared noisily, the propellers rotated crazily, and the car moved forward in the mire at a turtle speed of 30 yards.

It's still the same driver, with a little sense of humor but not too many words. He is also a little proud when talking about modifying the Maybach, because he modified the car himself.

Qian Duoduo took Jingshu to Shiyuan to hold a shareholders' meeting. Originally, Jingshu didn't even know about it, but Qian Duoduo heard from somewhere that Jingshu was back. He was about to start this early morning, but he had to stop. Come here specifically to get Jingshu.

All the shareholders are waiting for you. The driver increased the power, but this speed was already the fastest.

That's really an honor. The corners of Jingshu's mouth twitched. It was a meeting, so why did she have to wait for her? Does the early morning prevent her from having a good sleep?

Jing Shu yawned, remembering that Jing’s father and Jing’s mother had to rely on the skateboard shoes given by Jing’s master and two paddles to go to work this month. Naturally, they couldn’t use their own cars. These six or seven kilometers were really difficult. It's a bit hard.

Dad Jing has used a Shark yacht before. It is very powerful and can pull the wind. Unfortunately, in this thigh-high quagmire, the land mode is too high and the water mode is too shallow. It is completely submerged in the mud. The resistance is too great and it cannot be pushed. It can be used, but it is too troublesome. The key is that it is a gas-hungry machine.

Master, is this modification expensive? Does it consume a lot of fuel? I also want to modify my car at home to make it easier to travel. I just don't know if it can be restored after modification?

The fuel consumption is more than 20 points, which is pretty good. I can't say whether it's expensive or not. I removed it directly from Mr. Qian's private yacht. As for refitting it back, I'm afraid it won't work, because the car is permanent. Sexual destruction. If you want to modify it, Mr. Qian also has many private yachts.

Oh, let me think about it again. Jingshu tutted. After all, the millions are gone. This is the only car she has at home. It can still be used even if it freezes to a hard surface or snows.

“It’s just that it’s not convenient to travel for a year and a half.”

The past two days have been a bit busy. My father’s 21-day chemotherapy has started again.

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