I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 560 Are you going to requisition the second phase of the stone garden?

Jingshu's thoughts were quickly brought back. Transportation and other issues could be solved. In fact, it was good for her parents to exercise. It was no better than before when they were forced to go to work hungry. Now they drank Lingquan's strong Wagyu beef. Likewise, if you have endless strength, you can exercise just like running every day... Ahem, as for her, she shouldn't go out if she has nothing to do.

The Maybach was so dazzling that it strengthened Jingshu's determination not to modify it.

The further you go towards the west mountain, the less mudslides there are. Perhaps because of the rolling mountains here, the mudslides did not submerge this side. When we arrived at the Stone Garden, the super fortress base built with huge stones, the ground was only thin. Just a layer of thin mud.

I have to say that Shiyuan is really the product of the right time, place and people.

There are more people in Shiyuan. Since last year, Qian Duoduo has hired tens of thousands of temporary workers from Zhengfu to carry stones, divide them and expand the second phase of Shiyuan.

At that time, half of the expansion of the Stone Garden was forced. Why?

Ahem, so many jobs are provided every day, and so much food is handed over, so it can’t be in vain, right? Well, if there is nothing else to do, let’s expand it. The free labor can’t be wasted, right? It’ll be good for you, me, and everyone. So the stone garden has been expanded like this for a whole year, and every day is proof of that. Fu provided food for tens of thousands of people, reducing the burden on Wucheng.

But I didn't expect that a large number of people would move into Wucheng after the stone garden was just expanded this year. What does this mean?

Jingshu showed an unknown smile, got out of the car, and saw the side dishes waiting for her at the door.

Come on, come on. I'm waiting for you. Xiao Cai, wearing a thin black and white suit, huffed and welcomed Jing Shu in. As soon as he stepped into the stone garden, there was warm air under his feet. The whole stone house, A wave of heat came over me.

So warm!

The first thing you see when you enter is a huge open space. Different from the crowded circular room before, you can hear the echo of people talking in the open space. It is very big. This area is at least several thousand square meters. Looking from a distance, there are several For the same hall, these can be blocked by sliding doors and turned into multiple small halls, or they can all be removed to turn into one hall.

You haven't been to the newly expanded Stone Garden, have you? Look, the huge venue on this floor is a multi-functional hall. It is usually an exhibition hall. When necessary, it can be converted into a canteen and temporary conference hall. Mr. Qian plans to open it every month Let's build a movie theater and a broadcast hall here. This hall can accommodate tens of thousands of people and even be converted into a shelter when necessary. Xiao Cai said meaningfully, Put thousands of bunk beds in it, and this place alone will be enough. It can solve the problem of where tens of thousands of people can go.”

Jingshu nodded, that's right. At least this environment is much better than the underground garage, but don't even think about having a good sleep. Such a noisy place is destined to be noisy all the time, but this place is warm, at least it won't freeze. Many people died.

I will take you to the third floor of the conference hall now. After the meeting is over, I will show you the second phase of the stone garden. I think it will be interesting for you to come. Xiao Cai said with a smile.

Jingshu nodded and didn't ask what the reason for today's meeting was.

It was said to be a conference hall, but Jingshu felt it was more like a private bar. The decoration was very retro, with torch-like lamps hanging on the wall, which gave it a very atmospheric feel.

This may be Qian Duoduo's private wine bar. The shelves on the wall are filled with all kinds of unnamed wines, and it is full of luxury at first glance.

There were about twenty people of all kinds sitting around the bar, either rich or noble, dressed neatly and formally. Several of them looked familiar to Jingshu, and one of them was deeply impressed. That was the person who presented the armed helicopter to Qian Duoduo. The position is also there.

These are the shareholders of Shiyuan.

When Jingshu arrived, the atmosphere was heavy and there were no whispers. It seemed that something serious had happened, so Jingshu's arrival did not cause any sensation. Qian Duoduo was sitting in the middle of the bar wearing a fur coat and saw Jingshu. The hand holding Hu Tao stopped, and he waved his hand to tell Jing Shu to come in quickly.

A man in a black suit opened the bar stool for Jingshu and served a glass of red wine. The side dishes were served silently and the door of the conference hall was completely closed.

Qian Duoduo plated walnuts and took a sip of wine before saying: Everyone is here, let's get started. You must be aware of Zhengfu's latest decision. Not only will it take over the residents of several surrounding cities, but it will also The merger of Ningshan City will take over their millions of people, as well as the merger of various administrative staff, various departments will also have to reduce their personnel, and Wucheng will also have an influx of new forces.

Jing Shu raised her eyebrows, so many people from Ningshan City are coming to Wucheng? Moreover, the problem here seemed to be more complicated than she thought. If people from various departments also followed, then Jingma's Ministry of Agriculture couldn't have two directors, right? Someone is bound to step down and be demoted. In this case, the personnel will be affected, and Jingba's breeding farm will also be affected. Is this more than the background?

Then I saw a middle-aged man with a beard and said: That's an order from the imperial capital. Wucheng can't merge even if it doesn't want to. The problem is that in addition to Ningshan City's own resources, the surrounding small towns are all poor, so just bring He just opened his mouth and wanted to enter Wucheng, which put a lot of pressure on the superiors.

If there is pressure from above, they will put pressure on us again. Mr. Qian, just tell me, what does the above mean? We will give in if we can take one step. Should we also ask for food donations? We still have a batch of insect cakes, so just donate them all.

There aren't many bug cakes left now.

As long as we are not allowed to produce rice, anything will do.

Qian Duoduo, who had always been a smiling tiger, could no longer laugh at this moment. He frowned and said, It is said that the second phase of the stone garden will be requisitioned, and a management team will be required to create a second stone garden.


How can that be done!

No way, they are dreaming!

For a moment, everyone in the conference hall was in a panic. They had made mental preparations. They were used to asking them to provide some food every time there was a difficulty. But they didn't expect that this time it was too much.

We spent a lot of money to hire people from Zhengfu to build this second phase of the stone garden. It took more than a year to build it. This is bigger than the previous stone garden. Now it's expropriated when the government says it's expropriated. Already? Is this a robber?!

This is a waste of money! We spent a lot of supplies, but in the end we made wedding dresses for others!

Jing Shu squinted her eyes. It turned out that before the tyrant took office, Zheng Fu had taken a fancy to this fat sheep. She looked at these people and shook her head vaguely. Next year, they will all be cut off, and she is still struggling with this now.

So, I called you here just to ask your opinion, should I give this stone garden or not? It said that after the requisition, we will pay us a monthly rent of 200,000 virtual coins. Qian Duoduo said.

Bullshit, what can virtual currency do?

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