I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 570 Seed Project Mission

Although people from the Pharmaceutical Association were curious as to why they brought so many Bodhisattva to the Imperial Capital to participate in the competition, it was because Jingshu’s reputation was too powerful, so it didn’t cause much commotion, and the medicinal materials brought to the Imperial Capital were all the same. Once sorted, they were shipped to the plane.

The Medicinal Materials Association is extremely busy, and Jingshu is not idle at home either.

The mudslide in the fourth year changed the land in the field, and a vegetable shed was rebuilt on the planting area of ​​Jingshu's villa.

If there is no sunlight, then use daylight-like lamps to illuminate for 8 hours a day; if the weather is too cold, then make a greenhouse in the greenhouse. Today’s vegetable greenhouses can be said to be the hard work of Lao Jing’s family, and the electric ones used by Jingshu’s family As well as coal for boilers, air conditioning, etc., it is impossible for anyone without financial resources to do so.

Jingshu is going to plant a batch of things that cross the road in this vegetable greenhouse. For this, Jingnao Jingye’s cooperation is necessary.

Jingshu's seeds are still stored together with the seeds for Zhengfu, but Jingshu has taken out part of them from the library, a large part of which she has stored in the Rubik's Cube space, and the other part is placed in Jingnao Jingye's before.

This is a large, professional box for storing seeds. There are densely packed grids inside, and each grid has been labeled with a name by Jingshu.

These are the seeds I brought back from the United States. There are so many types. Each species has dozens of species. Everything you can think of, including those you have never eaten, seen, or heard of, is here. .”

This was a sacred moment and a solemn scene. Jingye put the cigarette far away, the two of them washed their hands and opened the box carefully, very excited.

Master Jing's hands were trembling a little: Good boy, good grandson, you not only left roots for old Jing's family, but also left hope for the country. With these seeds, there will always be hope in the end of the world.

Master Jing rarely praises people so seriously. Even if Jing Shu has done so many amazing things in the past, even if he has brought a lot of food and wealth to the family, he always smokes a cigarette. Master Jing is a simple person who thinks that things are Enough food is enough. In these last days, the requirements are not high. It is enough for the family to have enough food and food.

Not so with Jing Nai. Jing Nai is stingy, greedy, and stingy. Like a hamster, she just doesn't feel like it's enough to fill the entire house.

Jing Nai pulled Master Jing away, glared at Master Jing, and then smiled: Okay, okay, look at so many seeds. Our family is short of a lot of vegetables. I heard that the vegetables in the south are tender and smooth. Yes, we have never eaten in this life, but we will be able to see it before we enter the coffin.

Jing Shu also smiled and nodded: Sir, there are several kinds of tobacco in it. Find a land and grow some for you.

Master Jing then wiped away his sadness and started laughing.

Plant more tobacco, there will be no conditions on the way to migration.

Miscellaneous, I've thought about the next planning issues. Jingshu started to get into the topic.

Say. Master Jing also became serious.

Our vegetable shed is very big. After improvements, we can grow twice as many things. Now this floor can meet our family's daily needs. I'm thinking if there will be a mudslide this year, what kind of disaster will it be next year? If we If we no longer have the conditions to grow, or the power will be cut off, what will we eat then?”

Both nodded.

So, we need to take advantage of the conditions now and plant more vegetables and fruits. The vegetables can be dried or pickled like the year before, and made into dried goods, pickles, etc. They are not only small in size but also easy to store. It’s also convenient to eat. The fruit can be made into dried fruit or frozen fruit. You all don’t know that the frozen pears that my aunt brought are really delicious. I’ve been craving for them for a long time. I heard that there are also frozen peaches and so on. Jingshu swallowed.

Jing Nai was very complimentary: “I’ve finished the pickles from the year before last, and the chili pepper sauce is gone. I really need to make it again. The dried vegetables in the first year were really convenient, but now I don’t have much left. I went out several times. It’s all thanks to my granddaughter that we can eat fresh vegetables during our escape. We don’t know what will happen next. We not only need to plant them, but also make more preparations.”

Master Jing didn't say much, he just said: What do you say, let's do it. The land here has been fertilized and fertilized. Starting today, while Jing Shu is still here, we will identify the seeds and start planting them.

Some seeds need to be soaked, some need to be blanched in hot water, and some can be planted directly in the ground. Jingshu and her family worked hard for two days, formulating new planting tasks and setting goals based on the maturity time of the crops.

Priority was given to planting high-yield corn and potatoes, because considering the large number of livestock at home, the feed made of cornmeal, vegetable roots and red worms was very cost-effective. The several tons of feed that Jingshu bought before was almost used up in just three years. , it will be a long time in the future, we can’t eat all the red worms every time.

Therefore, feed is something Jingshu must consider. She will also plant more in the space. Then she will transition a little more every day, and when feeding, she will transition a little more so that she will not be discovered on the open road.

By the way, another piece of land in Jingshu's space has been completely planted with spices. After harvesting and processing, she can secretly transport them to the basement. This does not require an open road because no one knows how much she bought at the time.

Next, we will plant some vegetables that we can’t usually eat. Jingshu will also plant them secretly in the space and find opportunities to cross the open road.

Jing Nai and Jing Ye were both in high spirits and full of energy, because after a month or two, they would be able to eat vegetables that they could not usually eat, even some rare vegetables that they had never seen before due to their geographical location.

Jingshu was not idle either, and contracted the entire second-floor greenhouse. Some fruits that were easy to carry were planted in the greenhouse, but there were too few varieties, so Jingshu decided to plant more.

It's a pity that durians are destined to die. Maybe I can find an opportunity to bring back one or two in the future? Jingshu touched her chin. Jing's mother at home likes durian the most, but she has never eaten it because of the taste. Moreover, before the apocalypse, durians in Wucheng were also horribly expensive, tens of yuan per pound, and Jingma would rarely be willing to eat them, let alone after the apocalypse.

No, after a trip to the seed bank, Jingshu planted a durian tree. She had to give it a try. Wouldn’t it be good to make some dried durian?

Just wait until I come back from the competition to taste the taste of durian.

Time flew by. Jingshu assigned tasks to Jing Nai and Jing Ye. After almost completing the plan at home, she hurriedly boarded the boat to the imperial capital with the blessings of the family and carrying large and small bags. s plane.

This time Jingshu is still eye-catching, not because of her large and small luggage, nor because she is still so down-to-earth in her cotton coat and coat.

Because Jing Shu did not come alone, but with a football team, but this football team was composed of chickens.

When a huge fat chicken took the lead and walked into the plane door one by one, Jingshu knew that the fat chicken was the most handsome guy on the plane today.

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