I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 571 Send out a lot of dinosaur chickens

What is the strangest thing these days? They are definitely chickens and ducks that have been listed as endangered species!

Not to mention the new apocalyptic species, the dinosaur chicken, which only the upper class would know about.

As soon as these clean and beautiful old hens entered the bright aircraft, everyone in the modified aircraft could see them. It was like a huge rock smashing into a pool, causing a big wave.

The pharmacists who followed them on the plane to compete in the imperial capital opened their eyes wide, looking at such a group of walking people in disbelief, and they all swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Oh my God, are these chickens? Live chickens?

These chickens are fatter than the chickens I've seen from rich people. What do all of them eat? We don't have enough to eat for a day, but there are still people who can afford to feed chickens!

“Especially the chicken at the front, it’s so fat! (Grows saliva)”

Here, how many eggs do you have to lay this day? If I could eat one egg every day, I would die!

Look, it's President Jing who's here. Are all these chickens hers? Oh my God, she's so rich.

By the way, she provided the chicken manure. I guess she does have a lot of chickens at her house.

I want to touch a chicken. I haven't seen a chicken for so long that I have forgotten what it looks like.

Damn it, this chicken bites people, it's so vicious!

I want a chicken feather. I wonder if President Jing will beat me.

Da Nai, you have the best relationship with President Jing. Can you ask for some unwanted chicken feathers?

The crowd was chattering, wanting to get close to this group of walking giants. After being pecked, they became obedient, and their eyes showed complex expressions of wanting, touching, and eating.

Speaking of which, the plane to the imperial capital was a private one, and there were no outsiders. Otherwise, if these chickens were left outside, their feathers would probably be stripped off by now.

Jing Shu saw at a glance that Li Da's group was arranged in front, and they were all trying hard to control the damn flood flowing out.

Wang Dan wiped away the drool and said excitedly to Li Dayou in a low voice, who closed his eyes to rest: Captain, captain, look, it's a chicken, it's a group of chickens. Remember we were trapped and died there. Is it the wish you made when we were traveling to a new place? If you could eat chicken just once in your life, you would die without any regrets.

Li Dayou moved his Adam's apple slightly, swallowed his saliva in a covert manner, and said calmly: Can you not see it? But you can also see clearly that the leader is Jing Shu's chicken. Want to eat it? You have to Go dream.

Everyone in Li Dayou's team knows how powerful Jing Shu's chicken is. If they want to eat that chicken, their lives are not enough to eat it.

Jing Shu heard Wang Dan's words as soon as she entered the door and couldn't help laughing: Haha, it's hard for you to want to eat chicken again in your life, but it's not difficult to eat eggs every now and then.

These dinosaur chickens of hers are no better than ordinary chickens. As long as they can be bred and laid eggs, they can hatch. These dinosaur chickens of hers have obvious advantages. They can be fed anything at will. It can be said that they are a new species that has evolved in the end of the world. They can eat anything. If you eat well and stay alive, they will not starve to death even if people starve to death. If you don't kill them deliberately, they can live for a long, long time.

The shortcomings are also obvious. This second generation of dinosaur chickens cannot reproduce the next generation.

Wang Dan blushed and scratched his head, Hey, did you hear me? By the way, did the seed thing go well last time we said goodbye? I heard that you were sick, and we couldn't do much to help. I'm really sorry. Hey, are you going to the Imperial Capital too? We originally thought we would go back to the Imperial Capital without saying goodbye to you properly, which is a pity after all.

It went well, everything went well. Last time I was sick, thanks to you for completing the follow-up coordination and escort work, which helped me a lot. Yes, on this flight, I took the pharmacists from the Wucheng Pharmacy Association to the Imperial Capital to participate in the competition. Well, say I came out to thank you and ask you to do me a small favor. This can be regarded as mutual benefit for us. Jing Shu said with a smile.

Li Dayou opened his eyes and smiled. They had been together for more than ten days, and they all had a life-long friendship, not to mention that Jingshu saved him. In any case, in Li Dayou's heart, how could this kind of kindness be appreciated? Don’t forget, “If you have any questions, just ask, we will help you if we can.”

It's like this. As you know, food is tight now. My family really can't afford to raise these chickens. I also thought that you would help me guard my things to the death and never found a chance to repay you. Isn't it just right? Each of you will share one chicken equally. These chickens also help relieve some of my burden, and you can also supplement your nutrition from time to time, Jing Shu said with a smile.

Wang Dan's saliva couldn't stop flowing down. He looked longingly at the captain Li Dayou. Seeing how beautiful Jing Shu's words were, he knew that Jing Shu was a person who valued friendship.

Jingshu said this to help her lighten her burden and give these chickens to them, but a discerning person would know that Jingshu was taking care of them and was afraid that they would not want them if she gave them away.

With Jingshu's financial resources, how many chickens can she not afford?

Even if it is difficult to maintain and feed the chickens, what you get in exchange are luxury eggs!

Li Dayou shook his head: No, no, no, this is too precious! Everyone knows how precious chickens are nowadays. You are giving each of us a big car. We can't afford to raise such expensive chickens! And we We do everything we should, this is our responsibility!”

Li Dayou still didn't know that this chicken was not an ordinary chicken. Jingshu didn't even bother to give them an ordinary chicken. How much food would be wasted by eating, drinking, and frail ordinary chickens? What Jingshu had to do was to let these From now on, people will have a stable source of food every day. Even if food is in short supply, they can still eat some eggs every day!

Give a man a fish and he will eat it all.

There were bursts of sighs all around.

President Jing is really rich. I've heard it's related. I can't help but see so many chickens. I just gave them away.

Then these people are stupid. They don't want chickens when they give them to me. If they are given to me, I will definitely want them. Now that my life is gone and I can't even eat enough, why do I care so much?

Jingshu gently kicked the fat chicken with its head up and its chest high.

The fat chicken immediately understood and clucked.

Then I saw these dinosaur chickens looking for Li Da's group in an orderly manner. Each chicken found its owner, then flapped its wings and jumped on.

There was a lot of chattering in the plane, chicken feathers were flying around, and the plane was shaking. When I looked at it again, I saw a group of people from Li Da, holding a chicken in each hand. They were all helpless and very innocent.

Why did this chicken fly into my hand? I don’t dare to use force or anything. What if I crush the chicken to death?

The plane began to slide and the announcement rang, telling everyone to return to their seats. It was about to take off. People in the crowd who had finished picking up chicken feathers began to return to their seats.

Jing Shu smiled and blinked: Look, they have found a home for themselves, so you have to treat them well.

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