I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 573 You still don’t understand what rules are

What does this mean?

It shows that someone will pick you up as soon as you get off the plane. I waited for half an hour in Wucheng but no one cared.

Are you so bullying?

President Jing, what are you doing? It's so cold and there's no place to stay to avoid the cold.

President, it's okay if we keep it cold, but I'm afraid some of the delicate medicinal materials will freeze to death if they don't have a special car to escort them.

Jingshu rubbed her hands, breathed a sigh of relief, and gave Dayano a look: I'm going to visit the people from the Pharmacy Association in front of me. The rest of us will wait here for a while.

Special transportation vehicles are loading and transporting various medicinal materials. Just looking at the number, it is really impressive to be able to get so many medicinal materials in the end of the world. It seems that this is the provincial capital of the powerful Pharmaceutical Association, and maybe it has also obtained the trail. information?

About twenty people got on a bus with the characters of Pharmaceutical Association printed on it.

It was about to close.

Jing Shu ran and put her hand in the door, stepped on it and put one foot in her head: Wait a minute, please wait a minute!

In the bus, the driver in the driving seat turned and frowned and asked, What's the matter with you? This is a special car owned by the Pharmacy Association. No strangers are allowed to approach.

Although a whole car of people looked over, they were all noisy and talking about their own things. They were very excited and didn't pay much attention to this.

Jingshu took out her work permit and said with a smile: Is the person in charge of the Imperial Pharmaceutical Association here? I am the team leader of the Wucheng Pharmaceutical Association for this competition.

Team Leader Zhang, Wucheng Pharmaceutical Association is looking for you! the driver shouted.

The person lying in the last row of the bus moved his feet, and then stood up from his seat. Jingshu raised her eyes and saw a middle-aged man with a gentle appearance rubbing his eyes that had just woken up. His impatient expression disappeared in a flash. , then put on a fake smile.

The man got up and came over.

After reading the information, I knew that the person leading the team from Wucheng Pharmaceutical Association this time was a great person. He must be someone special if he can represent a city at such a young age. After a long time, Jingjing will become famous! Oh, by the way, I am the team leader in charge of transportation and coordination for this competition, Zhang Xian. You don’t know what you need from me, but I will definitely help you if I can help you.”

As the man spoke, he came to Jingshu. After seeing Jingshu's face clearly, his eyes lit up and he reached out his hand enthusiastically to shake hands.

Jingshu ignored it, but pointed to a batch of supplies under the light outside, and said with a faint smile: Hello, Team Leader Zhang, when will you transport the medicinal materials from our Wucheng Pharmaceutical Association to the venue required for the competition? We are in Han We’ve been waiting in the freezing weather for half an hour. Shouldn’t we line up on a first-come, first-served basis? Why do we have a special car to pick them up when they arrive later?”

Zhang Xian retracted his hand without embarrassment, looked down, and smiled: Oh, you asked the wrong person. You should call the dispatch department to ask the dispatch department for details. Only dispatch can issue orders. We are strict in executing orders. I picked it up according to the transfer order above, how about I call you and ask?

Okay, please call me and ask. Jing Shu raised her eyebrows.

Zhang Xian called and asked Jing Shu's question. After a while, he hung up the phone and said with a smile: That's it. Since you reported the information later than the Fuhai Pharmaceutical Association, I waited behind them to catch them. I'll pick you up as soon as the medicinal materials are sent back. It only takes five or six hours to go back and forth...Look, you will gain wisdom after eating one sting, so you should hurry up next time.

Jing Shu squinted her eyes and looked at Zhang Xian. The guy on the other end of the phone didn't say anything, he just made an empty call.

So...this person is related to Fuhai Pharmaceutical Association, so he transported Fuhai's things first?

This is the end of the world, and there are still connections.

Then... I think there are still a lot of seats on this bus. Can we let the pharmacists who are coming to participate in the competition get on the bus and go back with you first?

No matter what, it's just a matter of precedence. If you're cut in line, you'll be cut in line. When you come to someone else's territory, stay there first, write down the things, and talk about it later.

Zhang Xian showed an embarrassed expression and smiled at the middle-aged woman sitting in the first row: I can't make the decision on this matter. Chairman Wang of the Defuhai Pharmaceutical Association will decide. After all, this car is specially designed to pick them up. Yes, President Wang, look...

The middle-aged woman pushed up her glasses, leaned back reservedly, and said seriously: The rules of the competition prohibit pharmacists from different competition areas of the Pharmaceutical Association from gathering in groups to discuss. President Jing, please go back and take care of the medicinal materials and wait for the special car to pick them up.

Jing Shu frowned and looked at the two people who were singing together, feeling a little confused. There is no such thing as hatred without reason in the world. According to common sense, they would not target her/Wucheng without any reason. Using the rules of the competition as an excuse... was obviously an excuse.

The transport truck was preempted, and the bus was not allowed to board. As soon as we arrived in the imperial capital, we hit a wall, and we didn't know who we had offended.

Zhang Xian looked at Jing Shu's little hand with some pity and made a gesture of invitation: I'm sorry then. President Jing, please get out of the car and wait for our next trip. I will definitely come back as soon as possible.

Jing Shu sighed, Do you really want to do this?

Zhang Xian blinked, not understanding.

No one is talking on the other end of the phone. You are directing and acting. Yesterday, we determined the time and place to pick you up. Even if you have to pick up Fuhai Pharmaceutical Association first, we won't even have to pick you up. What's the purpose of letting us hang out like this without making arrangements? What's the point of giving us small shoes like this? Just delaying it for a long time, what's the benefit to you? Just to let us stand in the mud for a few hours? Jing Shu showed her face. He looked puzzled, this method was too low-level, it was impossible.

Zhang Xian's expression changed drastically. Most smart people knew that he was playing dirty tricks, so they would say goodbye and look for an opportunity to attack in secret. Both parties would smile on the surface but secretly make things happen, and never tell the truth on the surface.

If interests change, both parties can even become friends.

But he didn't expect that this stunned Qing exposed it in public, which directly turned the conflict between the two parties into mortal enemies. Zhang Xian knew that there was no room for turning back with Jing Shu, and Jing Shu successfully pushed him away.

President Wang, who was sitting upright, smiled. He was a young man after all, and he was a little more energetic. Why did Lao Zhou send such a successor? She retracted her smile and said seriously: Since you have seen through everything, go down and wait. Come on, the Pharmaceutical Association is a place where rules and strength are respected, you don’t care about this matter anywhere.”

Jing Shu was really surprised: Aren't you afraid that I will file a complaint against you for doing such a thing?

Zhang Xian was a little worried about speculation, but President Wang smiled calmly and shook his head: You still don't understand what rules are.

The bus was still busy, and no one even paid attention to the person who got on the bus as if he wanted to ride on the bus.

After Jingshu was silent for a while, she nodded: Okay, I suddenly changed my mind. I decided to be willful. I wish you good luck, President Wang.

Being willful will destroy all your supplies in Wucheng, so you should think twice before you act. The sitting middle-aged woman waved her hand and sent Jingshu away.

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