I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 574 Breaking out of the trap

Then, we'll see you next time.

Find a roof and squat down and wait. I will pick you up when I'm done. Don't try to find connections and leave without permission. You can't go anywhere without a pass. Breaking the rules of the game means giving up the game. Zhang Xian threatened.

The bus closed the door and started to move slowly. The girl in the big cotton-padded jacket got out of the bus, smiling and waving goodbye to them under the light, as if she was seeing off her relatives.

Zhang Xian couldn't understand how he could humiliate her to this point. Why was this woman still smiling? It gave him no sense of superiority at all. He frowned and thought it was all a bit strange: That woman has realized that we are targeting Wucheng. It is inevitable that something will happen, if the higher-ups are really alarmed...

The middle-aged woman didn't care: Don't worry about it. The imperial capital is already in a state of confusion because of that matter, and there is no time to take care of these things. The most important thing now is that at this juncture, whoever can solve the problem is a hero. In order to be a hero, We have to do this, what do you think?”

Zhang Xian rolled his eyes inwardly. He just drank soup and it was not worth the price, but he still asked: Is the second step of the plan going ahead?

After bringing them back to the venue tonight, proceed as usual. Don't leave any clues. After all, there are still many things that require their cooperation.

President Wang tapped his leg. The method was naturally not so low-level. It was not just to snatch the pick-up person and make them wait for a few more hours. The key was to delay time. It was useless to humiliate them... but it felt pretty good, old man. Zhou, you are too rigid. Otherwise, we would all share the resources this time, and she would be honored. Wouldn't it be better?

Rules, what are they?

Jingshu smiled and took out the phone.

After a while, grain bureau trucks with passes drove away carrying the full load of medicinal materials, completely disappearing in the darkness.

President Jing, this place doesn't look like the Pharmaceutical Association of the Imperial Capital! This... is too... It's too shabby!

Yeah! It doesn't look like it.

Why are you so talkative? No matter where you are, the president will definitely take us to compete. Although it doesn't look like it.

The pharmacists were hungry and cold, so they finally settled down, took care of the precious medicinal materials, and then ate some dry food with hot water and Snorlax drink. After taking a breath, they took stock of the surrounding environment and found something strange.

This place is like a large warehouse, spacious and echoing, well sealed, and very quiet and uninhabited.

Jingshu held the wolfberry, red date and ginger tea and drank it with satisfaction. After listening to this voice, she nodded with a smile: You also know that there are many people now, and it will take a long time for the Pharmacy Association to pick us up. For now, we will be repairing here temporarily. Take good care of us. Let's take a rest and wait for them to pick us up. Da Nao, arrange the night watch, and let's all rest.

Okay. Ohno blinked. What he said is, if the other party doesn't come to pick him up, we won't return.

Da Nai just quietly asked Jing Shu, now that he has found a car, why don't he go directly to the competition venue, but take a detour to this place where there is no shit?

Jingshu smiled at that time and said, Don't worry, just disappear for a few days to scare them. Dayano swallowed his saliva and said nothing. Don't you know how big this Wucheng is? Even if they all disappeared, no one would care whether they were okay or not.

Jingshu took Feiji out of the warehouse, and met Tank with a silly smile on his face at the door:

Mirror, are everything set up? Don't worry, this is the former grain storage warehouse of the Food and Beverage Bureau. Your medicinal materials are safe in it. Come on, my sister will make you cakes and egg soup. First of all, Warm yourself up.

Tank felt very guilty. When they went to Jingjing's house, they were all treated with good food and meat. It was not easy for them to come to the imperial capital, but the best thing they could bring out turned out to be something that could not be put on the table.

Forget it about eating. Thank you for your kindness. There is something more important for you to do now... Jing Shu frowned and started to speak.

The Fuhai Pharmaceutical Association had several circumstances, either because of past hatred, or because they blocked other people's financial paths or were about to have a conflict of interest. She represented the interests of Wucheng and was in the way.

Because of the past hatred, it was easy to say, but if it was due to a conflict of interest, it would not be such a simple matter next time. The other party must have a plan waiting for him. It is better to jump out of the other party's trap first, then inquire about the situation, and then act according to the opportunity.

After listening, Tank nodded slightly and understood: That's right. You were treated like this on the first day you came to the Imperial Capital to participate in the competition. I don't believe there is anything wrong with it. And indeed, as you said, the Imperial Capital Pharmacy Association's competition happened suddenly. I guess there must be something wrong with the order given.

It's a pity that we don't know much about this location. The Jun family you mentioned should know some inside information. I'll be there in a moment. However, something special has indeed happened in the Imperial Capital recently.

What's special?

According to reports from various places, the death rate has increased a lot, and then martial law was imposed. The corpses used to be transported to special locations for research, but now all the corpses are directly burned and buried. They are doing it secretly and don't know what is going on.

Jing Shu raised her eyebrows. She knew that the corpses were used for secondary development and were now directly burned instead of being used.

But are these things related? What is the reason for the increase in mortality? Is it related to the competition held by the Pharmaceutical Association?

The night in the Imperial Capital was as peaceful as usual, but this night was destined to be a peaceful night. Some people were busy, some were running around, and some were cursing at the Imperial Capital airport all night long.

Zhang Xian never expected that the group of country bumpkins would disappear without a trace, and how dare they not wait for him to pick him up and run away without permission! You dare to turn off your phone!

He obviously said harsh words, and running away without permission is a violation of the rules of the game! These people aren't afraid to cancel their games?

How did several other people escape with several carts of medicinal materials? The imperial capital is under martial law, and trucks are under control. Which adventurer will take this group of people away? ...Could he have been robbed? It’s impossible to hold back the disappearance of so many people and so many medicinal materials. It will be over if the higher authorities hold them accountable.

Zhang Xian's thoughts were confused for a moment, and he could only call President Wang with trembling hands to explain the situation.

The fun lies ahead. We will wait until Wucheng Pharmaceutical Association comes to visit us and then report to cancel their qualifications. The plan remains as before. President Wang hung up the phone and called his secretary within half an hour and handed over a brand new schedule. He asked the secretary to:

No matter what, we must win the production rights this time!

Zhang Xian angrily scolded the street. In the first half of the night, he scolded the idiots in Wucheng as willful as lunatics. In the second half of the night, he scolded Fuhai for burning bridges and being ungrateful. Zhang Xian waited patiently for two days but there was still no news from the Wucheng Pharmaceutical Association. All the pharmaceutical associations came to the venue and the competition was about to start. Only then did he become really anxious. Zhang Xian finally contacted President Wang again for help.

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