The woman said lightly: It's a pity that you are committing suicide. Team leader Zhang should report the truth, otherwise you will be screwed if the superiors hold you accountable. Apparently she regarded Wucheng and him as abandoned children, and began to her new plan.

Zhang Xian gritted his teeth and disqualified Wucheng from participating in the competition first to shirk responsibility. This was something they couldn't contact!

The notice soon appeared on the big data page. On the list of the 31 provincial pharmaceutical associations, Wucheng Pharmaceutical Association wrote four red letters on the back of the list of cancellation of participation. Although it was silent and no one even paid attention, Wucheng's management But the situation exploded, and Lao Zhou's phone began to ring crazily, alerting the person in charge Jin Tianci.

Wucheng Pharmaceutical Association was disqualified from the competition, and its resources for the next year were gone, including the newly developed new energy sources!

For a time, there was an explosion everywhere.

Naturally, Jing Shu didn't know all this, because she was busy, she was really busy.

I hope this last stop won't disappoint me. Jing Shu sighed, there was not much time left for her.

Miss Jing, this is one of the funeral management offices. Thousands of corpses are transported here for processing every day. Those who died here need to be brought in for secondary development. Next door is the crematorium... those who died abnormally. , burned directly on site.”

Song Bin wiped the sweat from his head and was very puzzled. He thought it was at least something difficult to be able to get in touch with the Jun family. Even Jun Bao, the smiling tiger in the imperial capital, said that he would help this young lady with whatever she needed. If she can handle it, then this lady is here to see the funeral management office?

What's so good about dead people?

Oh, that's not all. Miss Jingshu's behavior in the past two days really puzzled him.

They are obviously here to participate in the Pharmacy Association competition. I heard that this is related to the issue of resources in various places. However, Miss Jingshu deceived the pharmacists into staying in a place where birds do not poop and turtles do not lay eggs. I heard that they are not allowed to go anywhere. Closed management was also implemented, obviously not wanting anyone to report the matter.

And the competition is about to begin, but she doesn't want to participate in the competition. What is she thinking?

By the way, this girl first researched various information from major pharmaceutical associations. This little thing is not a big deal, nor is it a secret. The Jun family can get it soon.

Then he asked for a list of all the medicinal materials brought by local pharmaceutical associations to participate in the competition. This was not a secret. There were registration records from the beginning. He also understood this. Knowing yourself and the enemy will always win.

Song Bin still remembers that when Miss Jingshu heard the news that the Jun family found out that the reason for holding this pharmaceutical association competition was to integrate all top resources to find an antidote for this parasitic infection, Miss Jingshu's eyes All lit up.

Why are your eyes so bright? Do you have an antidote? The research and development of the institute has taken so long to make some progress. You can have an antidote as soon as you come?

But leaving this matter aside, when Miss Jingshu investigated in depth, her face turned dark, dull, and gloomy. The cold air emanating from her whole body made Song Bin feel difficult to breathe. What was going on? Why are you so angry?

Then I couldn't figure it out. I read grain storage reports from various places, went to the Botanical Garden in the Imperial Capital, the Ministry of Agriculture, and even went to a breeding farm and looked at grain storage warehouses. As a result, my face became even darker.

Is this person here to travel? Or was it a private visit via incognito? What does she want to do? Isn't it a thief who wants to step in? Thinking of this, Song Bin became a little cautious.

Jing Shu frowned slightly, Let's go to the crematorium to see those who died abnormally.

Bah, the thief won't come to steal the body.

Jing Shu said and looked around. It was obviously the first time she came to such a place. It was already the fourth year of the apocalypse and China was still collecting and destroying corpses in such an orderly manner. It did not let the parasite corpses go unchecked, so it did not cause a big disaster. , otherwise, it is impossible to imagine what will break out in the future.

Ah? Song Bin's face turned pale, I heard that this kind of parasite will crawl out and parasitize again.

Jingshu rolled her eyes: Have you ever eaten red worms before?

Song Bin's face turned even paler, and he shook his head vigorously: I've never eaten it.

That's ok. According to my research these days, if you haven't eaten it, it will be fine. Jing Shu impatiently went first.

Ahem? But... oh! Wait for me! Wait for me. You should wear a protective suit in this hellish place! Wait for me. You can't get in without me!

After putting on protective clothing, Jingshu and the two came to the huge crematorium. The business here was busy, people came and went, and fresh corpses were constantly being transported.

It's very warm here, and the burning corpses can provide good heat and light. Occasionally, there will be crackling sounds. I heard that this is the sound of burning oil, which is normal.

Uncle Wang is the director of the crematorium in charge of the burning.

Hey, there are only a few hundred people every day, sometimes one or two thousand, which is normal. The death rate is not much higher. Before the end of the world, based on the tens of millions in the imperial capital, there were thousands of people dying every day. They all have to be burned. After the end of the world, burning is not allowed from above. Burning started again recently, otherwise I would have no job. Uncle Wang was obsessed with smelling a cigarette, and naturally he had something to say.

Speaking of this, I was still a little lucky: I heard that being infected by parasites is very troublesome. If it is not burned, there will be a more serious plague. This parasite will not infect those who have not eaten red worms. Don't worry. Otherwise, he would not dare to come. .

Jingshu was a little silent. Even if she had to do some things over again, she still wasn't prepared enough. In her previous life, she wasn't high enough and she couldn't see much.

Some time ago, Jin Tianci's document said that only a thousand people in the south were infected by parasites, and the big data also stated the same, but in fact, she didn't know how many there really were after coming to the imperial capital, but when it came to cremation It’s only on the field that you really understand.

Jing Shu was still too naive. If the base number was only a thousand people, why did the imperial capital suddenly announce the competition and pool all the top medicinal materials and resources to solve this matter? It must have reached a point where it is serious but cannot cause public panic.

I'd like to take a closer look at these bodies, okay?

Uncle Wang waved his hand and led Jing Shu and the two of them to a row of corpses lined up for burning. He said, There's nothing interesting to see. These people don't know that they are infected by parasites. What you see are nothing. Of those with symptoms, only some of them found something was wrong and sought medical treatment, but there was nothing they could do. The pain was excruciating... Well, speaking of brain-eating, it was okay. Gradually, they no longer knew who they were and forgot about the pain. Those whose intestines are eaten will be miserable, and it will take more than ten days without pain to get rid of the problem.

Song Bin's lips trembled. Oh my god, are parasites so scary? No one told him.

On the other hand, Jing Shu, wearing rubber gloves, had already begun a detailed autopsy.

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