Song Bin's teeth were chattering, and he watched helplessly as Jingshu opened the sealed body bag, and the old man covered his nose with experience.

Suddenly, a overwhelming stench dissipated, and Song Bin almost retched his overnight meal. Jing Shu just frowned and held her breath, her expression unchanged.

The old man laughed and said, Look, it's still fresh. It hasn't started to rot yet, and the bugs inside haven't burst out. Otherwise... tsk tsk, that scene would be really nerve-wracking.

When Song Bin heard this, his legs softened and he almost fell to the ground. In the past four years of the last days, he had been working in a greenhouse. How had he ever seen such a scene before?

The face of the deceased was ferocious, his face was livid and white, his hair was standing on end, his body was stiff, but his belly was a little big, and he generally looked like a normal death.

Jingshu started to check from the head. Rubber gloves were pressed on the eyes, ears and nose. It was considered normal.

No corpse spots, no corpse green, no swelling. She has collected corpses for so many years to earn points in the ten years of the apocalypse. Jingshu is very experienced in the time of death. The old man is right, the time of death does not exceed six hours.

Jingshu continued to inspect, not missing any details. The body of this corpse was stiff but soft on the inside. This kind of meat was familiar to Jingshu. It was similar to grilling a steak. In order to have a better taste, dense iron needles were used to pierce the steak. , as the saying goes, the flesh has been pierced with hundreds of holes. This corpse feels soft and disconnected, like a sieve.

Also, the stench of the corpse shouldn't be corpse odor. It shouldn't be there so early, so it should be the smell of parasites.

Jingshu frowned and continued to check.

Then Jingshu pressed her finger on her belly. After the skin quickly sunk in, the surrounding area began to ripple like water waves. Then, a terrible scene happened!

Just like stones frightening the silence of the birds, the belly of the corpse began to squirm crazily and spread out in all directions. In the blink of an eye, you can see that the skin all over the body is undulating, and there seem to be countless slender things running around under the skin. , maybe because I was frightened and bumped into my companions, causing my skin to sometimes bulge.

After a while, the stomach deflated, and the body swelled and bulged. The most shuddering thing was that these bugs kept squirming wildly, and some places were about to burst. Their shapes could be seen under the firelight. .

Some bugs were pushed to the edge by their companions, and slowly flowed out from the corners of the eyes, nostrils, and ears, but they still dug hard into the host's body.

This, this, these are parasites??? Will they, will they rush out? Will these jump to me? Song Bin stuttered and moved back. This is completely different from what he imagined. God, how could this damn thing be infected with parasites? Is this whole body filled with bugs?

Being parasitized by these bugs is terrible! If, if he was parasitized... No, that's disgusting!

Even the calm Jingshu was a little touched. It wasn't that the bugs were disgusting. After all, she had to survive by eating red worms in her previous life, so she was already used to it.

She just didn't expect that the parasite incident back then was really so cruel. It was much more serious than she imagined. Maybe this was reincarnation. Humans survived by eating red worms. After a round of genetic mutation of red worms, they returned and started eating humans again. .

The old man put away the cigarette preciously, and showed a hint of contempt for Song Bin who was so unbearable: You people are naturally inexperienced, so there is no need to be afraid. The parasite will not leave the host on its own initiative. Even if it leaves, you haven't eaten it before. The red worm has no genes, so even if it gets into your stomach, it won't be able to reproduce.

Song Bin then slowly exhaled: Then this insect is no big deal.

Jing Shu glared at Song Bin: In the last few years, there are only a few people who have not eaten red worms. If you think about so many people who have eaten red worms, if they are really infected...

The consequences would be disastrous!

After a while, the scattered parasites flowed everywhere from the host's holes and holes, but they always kept one end stuck in the host's body, one end exposed to the air to explore the new century.

These bugs are really long. The red thread worm is only a dozen centimeters long. The mutated parasite is thirty or forty centimeters long. Half of its body is in the air. After a while, it reaches outside the body bag.

They, they're coming out!

Jing Shu raised her eyebrows, grabbed a handful of parasites, and tried to pull them out under Song Bin's shocked eyes.

You, you, you, what are you going to do!

Unexpectedly, the insect refused to obey, holding on to the corpse host tightly, and a handful of thread-like insects seemed to make a sharp scream.

Jingshu frowned and pulled hard, only to hear the sound of the thread breaking, and the parasite snapped from the middle.

The parasites flowing out of the host's body retreated crazily, even the parasites that had just been cut off. The parasites on Jingshu's hands shrank and rolled into wool at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Like the red worms soaked in salt, they died completely.

The corpse turned back into a normal corpse, but the skin was still bulging and the bugs seemed to be fighting, as if nothing had happened.

It seems that it will indeed not leave the host voluntarily. Although the mutation has become more severe, the living space is narrower and it can only live on the host. This is good news.

Jing Shu threw away the shriveled corpse of the parasite in her hand, and Song Bin spread it on the ground with a thump, muttering incessantly. Even the old man took a breath of air, he had never seen such a arrogant person.

No matter how much pressure was applied next, the parasites could not come out, and the skin was about to burst. Moreover, Jingshu discovered that in this short period of time, the corpse seemed to have expanded a lot, and more and more bugs were crowded together under the firelight. , it feels like it’s about to be packed.

The old man was familiar with it after all. He pointed at the corpse and trembled: Quick, quick, push it into the fire. Every time you do this, it will explode. This is the final stage!

Jing Shu shook her head, and actually took out the knife first, and slashed the old man with his eyes wide open. This time, without the need for corpse explosion, the parasites that were not wrapped in skin finally burst out like a flood.

In the air, these parasites were like vampires who had regained their sight, and began to panic. They finally dispersed completely and ended their lives at the same time.

Surprisingly, it is the longest and largest bugs that are the first to become woolly deadworms, feeding all their nutrients and hope into their larvae.

Then, countless tiny larvae popped out from the corpse.

Quick, quick, push it into the fire, these bugs are going to fly all over the sky!

The larvae shoot out like rain, jumping around in search of new hosts.

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