I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 580 Let’s go and participate in the competition

Song Bin wiped his sweat, not causing trouble? After today, I'm afraid you'll have to go sideways.

On the same day, it was originally the time for the Imperial Capital Pharmacy Association to broadcast the competition live, but rumors spread quickly, and even people from all over the Internet who were extremely concerned about this competition were confused. Alas, let’s start soon! This is related to the resource allocation issue in the coming year! If not, why would all the places go to great lengths to send all the precious medicinal materials?

Yes, a competition started, but then it was stopped. I heard that it was because a certain pharmaceutical association stopped the competition, while other pharmaceutical associations could only stand there helplessly, reading the barrage on the big data. .

There were also many people who were dissatisfied and walked back and forth in the hall. The well-informed kept reporting the news. The chief referee was personally dispatched, and the epidemic prevention department was also there.

Of course, the news about the big bosses is not enough to shock the participating pharmaceutical associations. After all, everyone is not from the imperial capital and they don't know or care about how big bosses these people are.

What really made the competition venue feel useless and quiet was that a sudden flash appeared on the big screen. Fuhai Pharmaceutical Association was disqualified for ignoring the rules of the competition. President Fuhai was directly dismissed from the Imperial Capital General Pharmaceutical Association for acting inappropriately! And he criticized the Fuhai Pharmaceutical Association by name!

Immediately afterwards, a notice flashed out: The disqualification of the Wucheng Pharmaceutical Association was due to an operational error by a certain person from the Imperial Pharmaceutical Association. Zhang has been dismissed from his post. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to everyone at the Wucheng Pharmaceutical Association and the general public. The masses are causing trouble! We will learn lessons and provide logistical support...

As soon as the news came out, people who followed the news in Wucheng immediately reported it, and there was another uproar in Wucheng.

The competition venue of Imperial Pharmacy Association.

Wucheng Pharmaceutical Association was canceled from the competition? They didn't even notice.

Now everyone knows it. Damn it, isn't this a disguised apology? This is awesome!

If you say you don't have any inside information, I won't believe it. Operational errors can disqualify people from participating in the competition?

Don't you know this? Some time ago, Fuhai came to us to join forces. They wanted to win the first place and promised many benefits, but our president did not agree. We were all stupid. This time the first place can get a new prize. energy!

Then, what does it have to do with this?

Fuhai bribed the investigation team and knew that Wucheng reported a batch of Bodhisattva. He probably wanted to swallow Wucheng's Bodhisattva to obtain the right to make this medicine... The risk is too great, and Bodhi cannot completely suppress the parasite this time.

Huh, I guess Fuhai kicked the iron plate this time, and instead of knocking anyone down, he got himself knocked down.

Hey, that's not important anymore. What you need to know now is that the Wucheng Pharmaceutical Association may have indeed been disqualified from the competition, but now they are able to ignore the competition qualifications and come back. This competition, tsk tsk, there are some Saw it.

This shows that Wucheng really has goods and is valuable, otherwise who cares about him?

Both sides were in a hurry, but Jing Shu was much calmer. First, she compensated poor Song Bin, and then made an appointment with the tank dealer on various contract renewal matters for Big Goose. The few people were lively. After having a nice meal, there was a rumbling and crushing sound outside.

From a distance, I heard Ohno's excited voice, which then turned to surprise and panic: Jingshu, there are a lot of cars coming outside! So many seems unusual.

Song Bin was much calmer now that he had eaten and drank. He glanced at Da Nai. You, the president, have made such a fuss. It must have alarmed many people. In all the years he has been in the imperial capital, he has never seen those who are really engaged in academics being polite. Those who are really engaged in research are all arrogant, but don't be too polite to Jing Shu today.

Song Bin looked at Jing Shu again and shook his head, wasn't he just looking at a corpse? How did this person directly defeat the biggest BOSS?

The pharmacists from the Wucheng Pharmacy Association looked at them eagerly and whispered: Aren't they here to pick us up?

Are you overthinking this? This battle is so luxurious!

Then I saw a person crawling out of the car. Isn't this person the team leader Zhang of the Wucheng Pharmaceutical Association who deliberately refused to pick up?

He saw Jingshu, and wanted to hug Jingshu who was watching the show, but he missed it, but he cried and laughed without caring:

President Jing, you have been waiting for a long time, we are here to pick you up! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, this is all my fault! I don't ask for anything now, just follow us to participate in the competition! Go and participate! He was just dismissed from the competition. If he didn't go... Team leader Zhang shuddered.

The pharmacists opened their eyes wide, what is going on?

Who would have thought that the most exciting thing was yet to come. Several people came down immediately. The leader was helped down by Minister Zhao. They walked quickly together. Minister Zhao had a serious look on his face but was unexpectedly polite:

It has also been found out here that it was the Imperial Pharmaceutical Association who made a mistake. You did not violate any rules, so the Wucheng Pharmaceutical Association will not be disqualified from the competition. As for those who made the mistake, they have also been dealt with. This The whole network has been informed of the matter, and this is Brother Zhang...the chief referee of the game.

Although the old man's legs and feet were inconvenienced, he was full of energy. He nodded with a smile: It's all taken care of. Are there any other ideas that we can put forward for discussion?

Team Leader Zhang trembled again and again after hearing these words. Who would have thought that a little-known, small Wucheng could have such great energy that all the big guys came to pick him up personally! That old and immortal President Wang still wants to take advantage of others? Oh, you are really overestimating your capabilities!

The Wucheng pharmacists were dumbfounded and finally realized that something was wrong. They were just participating in a competition, but why were all the big shots coming over? The main thing seemed to be to apologize?

After Jingshu greeted her warmly and said something high-sounding, she suddenly asked: Team Leader Zhang, where is President Wang who wanted me to know the rules that day? Didn't she come with you? Today, I still I want to tell her this truth, it’s not who shouts louder or who has a bigger title, but whoever is more valuable is the rule.”

Team leader Zhang smiled bitterly. That day they were still superior. The rule maker who left Wucheng Pharmaceutical Association behind could even be deprived of Wucheng's qualification to participate in the competition with a trick. What about today? I heard that the antidote was discovered in Wucheng, so they were treated like this, and they didn't lose unfairly.

What are the rules? The woman in front of him told him! It turns out that what she said that day was not a lie! This is someone who really has this strength.

She? I'm afraid she won't be able to come. She has been escorted back to Fuhai. The Fuhai Pharmaceutical Association has been disqualified for illegal operations.

Jing Shu raised her eyebrows in surprise, which was quite harsh, but she liked it.

Then let's go? Let's join the competition?

Then let's go. Jingshu clapped her hands, Look carefully at our medicinal materials!

Must, must!

I'm coming!

Who's coming?

The chief referee is here! Minister Zhao is here too!

With them are members of the Wucheng Pharmaceutical Association! Oh my god, why are they together? Sure enough, this suspension is just for them!

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