I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 581 We all need to find Wucheng Pharmaceutical Association!

The noisy competition venue fell silent in vain. As big figures walked in one by one, the scene began to become agitated again. Anyone who knew something started to introduce to the companions next to them one by one. Which big shot in the imperial capital is this? Who is the president this time? The person in charge waits.

Some people also speculated that the unknown young woman next to the chief referee should be the president of the Wucheng Pharmaceutical Association.

As the big bosses took their seats one by one, everyone from the Wucheng Pharmaceutical Association was also directed to the frontmost place, but that place turned out to be the Fuhai Pharmaceutical Association, which had been disqualified from the competition!

Feeling the burning, envious and jealous eyes on both sides, the pharmacists of Wucheng Pharmacy Association were also very confused. Everything that happened today was a bit too dreamy.

The venue for the competition is also very simple. It is the venue of the former Imperial Capital Pharmaceutical Association that has been renovated. But the key is that there are many precious medicinal materials gathered in this venue, which is quite shocking at this time.

At a glance, they are all medicinal materials that are almost extinct in the apocalypse. Whoever brings more medicinal materials will have more confidence.

The spotlight was turned on, and sounds came from various machines.

Quiet! Ahem! Hello? The sound of the microphone came over, and a man with a microphone and glasses walked out from under the light. He continued as if nothing had happened: Everyone is on your place. Then, I Announced, the game has now officially begun! It was as if the foreplay of the game, which had been paused for several hours, had not happened at all, and there was no explanation or anything.

Of course, the presidents and other staff members of the Pharmaceutical Association at the scene did not dare to speak. The Fuhai Pharmaceutical Association had learned from the past.

First of all, I am the speaker of this competition, that is, the host. You can call me Xiao Ai. In the following time, I will convey to you the opinions of the audience who are paying attention to this competition through big data on the spot, and what I will tell you. Let’s help answer the questions of the audience. The audience can vote for the pharmaceutical association you like. Of course, no matter how many votes you make, it won’t count, because this competition is decided by a chief referee and five referees.

The host hurriedly shuttled around the competition venue. He clapped his hands and said, Everyone knows the rules now. Okay, let's put on the props first!

The Wucheng pharmacists who had just taken their positions and started the competition blinked and asked quietly: What are the rules?

Jingshu raised her eyebrows. It's over. She has been busy learning about this and that these past few days, but she forgot to understand the rules. But she seems to have heard that the rules are very simple? One word and it's done.

Then I saw the props coming up.

Shockingly, there were patients being carried up one by one on stretchers! There were exactly 30 corresponding to these 30 pharmaceutical associations. Soon, an old man lying on a stretcher holding his stomach and wailing appeared in front of Jingshu. Many tubes were inserted into his body, and the terminals were sealed bags. There are a lot of parasites in there that are shed from the body.

In fact, the people on the other stretchers were all the same, and they were all screaming. If nothing else happened, they would be taken out alive in more than ten days.

These are patients whose internal organs have been eaten by parasites who feel such intense pain.

The previous rehearsal was not so exciting, and the parasitic patient was directly carried out. Oh my god, this is still being broadcast live on big data. However, the game is not publicized, and those who pay attention to this are usually people in power from various places.

Think about the scene in which the medicinal materials stimulated the parasites to jump around during the treatment. The pharmacists on the scene looked a little dark. This is different from the rules agreed. During the previous simulation, they only said to take out the medicinal materials for research. , and then go for a test.

As we all know, the competition held this time is to select a pharmaceutical association among various pharmaceutical associations that has the strength to provide a large amount of raw materials or that can replace Bodhi. The higher authorities will give it ownership and concentrate all resources to produce this urgently needed drug.

Now, please ask each pharmaceutical association to use the medicines prepared in the past few days on patients. Anesthesia has little effect on these patients. The main evaluation in this round of competition is: the analgesic and inhibitory effect rate of alternatives.

By the way, the use of bodhi medicinal herbs is prohibited in this round.

Jingshu touched her chin and instantly understood the meaning of this competition. It turned out that the first round of competition was to find a replacement for Bodhi? Judging from the memory of the previous life, this time the parasite seems to have no effect on other insecticides except Bodhi.

Da Nai was still a little trembling and stood next to Jing Shu. She was a little swaying. Just now, several referees on the stage cast friendly glances at her. The most incredible thing was that they actually smiled at her. Now Are all the bosses so easy to talk to? She turned to look at Jingshu and shook her head. Obviously Jingshu is the boss, right?

Ah? Why is this so? You are not allowed to use Bodhi in this first round, so what are you going to use? Many people in the Medicine Association have listened to your advice and have planted Bodhi. They all want to show off their skills this time.

President, according to your instructions in the past few days, we have tested several other medicines, but the theory is of no use, and it is even worse in practice.

Otherwise, we can only increase our immunity and live longer on our own.

What's the use of not curing it? That's not suffering.

Jing Shu shook her head, then raised her hands and said, We in Wucheng give up this round!

There was an uproar.

What give up?

Wucheng gave up this round? What do you think?

I heard that there are a large number of Bodhis in Wucheng. I am not surprised about this round of substitute competition. This time, they are a strong competitor.

So what? No amount of Bodhi is enough, and Bodhi can only suppress it. The top priority now is to find a substitute and replace it.

The old man lying on the ground screamed: Ah? What should I do? It hurts so much. Who can help me, old man, not to feel pain? Even if I die!

There were gloating laughter from all around: Old Zhou is so miserable, haha, I finally came here to try the medicine, but I didn't expect that people gave up. Oops, it hurts, it hurts, can you be gentler?!

The host Xiao Ai nodded without any surprise, and saw the integrator on the big screen showing that Wucheng had 0 points for the first round.

The referees sitting on the stage were whispering to each other, but they were too far away to hear what was being said.

The minor turmoil passed quickly. Other pharmaceutical associations began to cooperate with the efforts of professionals and did not pay attention to Wucheng.

Jingshu, on the other hand, whispered a few words, sat down and started watching the show.

Wang Danai nodded excitedly and agreed, then took out a small black ball from his arms and fed it to the mouth of the old patient assigned to Wucheng.

Just when the Pharmaceutical Association members were all sweating profusely, an excited voice came: I'm fine! I don't feel any pain at all, I'm completely fine! Who was laughing at me just now?

Who is cured? Is it the old man Lao Zhou? Is he cured?

Fart, didn't Old Zhoutou give up the game?

The old man on the ground jumped up vigorously, walked over to the man who had just laughed at him, and kicked him gently: Old taro, you still laugh at me after we have known each other for so long, look at me! Although he gave up the game, he still has Antidote, how about it, why don't you ask me and I can help you?

Old Zhoutou, you're fine now. Of course I'm going to go too. I don't want to treat you here anymore. Damn it, you've been tormenting me for a long time!

I also want the medical association treatment from Lao Zhoutou!

Straight every night from now on. Broadcast, code words~

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