I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 589 Want to kill someone and silence them?

The phone call that day was messy. It seemed like a group of people were talking. As soon as Jingshu finished speaking, another voice came from the other side. Jingshu recognized that it was Jun Bao’s voice. Compared with the others, Although excited, his voice seemed much calmer:

Song Bin will take you to the biological research and development company to sign the contract later. I have to trouble you with one thing. Also, although it is as agreed before, there will be some changes in the plan, regarding the ownership of the shares.

Jing Shu raised her eyebrows, what does Jun Bao mean? Maybe even he himself doesn’t know that this small laboratory, which has invested countless materials and funds, will research new types of food in the end of the world in the fifth year and solve the problem of feeding countless people. This kind of understanding of the end of the world His contribution is undoubtedly huge. Although the food is difficult to swallow, he has truly saved many people, including Jingshu in his previous life.

What Jing Shu didn't expect was that something that was out of reach in her previous life, she would actually dream of owning shares in this life. Of course, the premise was that she would invest.

In fact, Jingshu didn't care at all about the number of shares she held, so when she heard that things had changed, Jingshu said without any reaction: Okay, no problem.

Over there, Jun Bao's voice sounded again: Wucheng won the first place in the competition and will soon obtain undeveloped red energy. The test also requires a large amount of this energy, so Wucheng City Government will occupy 15% of the energy. shares, Wucheng will provide this red energy in the future.

Of course, as for you leading the Pharmaceutical Association to win the first place in the competition, I will settle the matter when you come back. In short, I will not treat you badly.

Then he explained again why Wucheng Town Government, which also provides energy, accounts for 15%, while Jingshu can only account for 5%. This is definitely not bullying Jingshu, but that black energy is relatively easy to refine, and in It can be found in the mountains, and this kind of red energy is much more precious. The most important thing is that it is very troublesome and has many uncertain factors. However, it is also known as the representative of new energy in the end of the world. Can it cross the hope of the new era? Just rely on it.

Jing Shu rolled her eyes. To be honest, she not only has a lot of this red energy in the space, but Zeng Jin also has a large piece of crystal. It was just absorbed to upgrade the Rubik's Cube space. What is certain at present is that , it should be a product of the fourth dimensional space, and other Jingshu does not understand it either.

However, this kind of red energy can return to its ancestors and turn chickens into overlord dinosaur chickens, which is really awesome. However, the probability of success is too small, less than 1%. If you want to really understand how to use it, I'm afraid A lot of testing costs have to be paid.

And after Hao Yunlai used that energy, he also had side effects. How should I put it, it seemed to be degradation? Humans are supposed to evolve, but this red energy is degrading?

After hanging up the phone, Jingshu quietly ate her snack, frowning, and suddenly remembered that when she was testing the medicine, Minister Zhao said that the amount used by the Yunzhou Pharmaceutical Association exceeded 100 times, and that the child had severe side effects after taking the medicine, and became It's strange, hair is starting to grow all over his body. I didn't notice it at first, but now that I think about it, isn't he regressing?

Just as he was thinking this, a scream sounded in the distance, followed by a series of noises.

Jingshu's legs stepped over. The closer they got, the louder the noise. Moreover, Jingshu's night vision ability could clearly see that there was a group of black shadows running around crazily, and by coincidence, it was heading towards Jingshu. Hit him head on.

On the opposite side, a dozen people armed with sticks and nets came running, and a bald man with bloodstains on his face, who was furious and panting, ran behind and said:

Cast the net, cast the net! I don't believe it. No matter how strong a kid is, he can break free from this net. If he is caught this time, I will kill him. If he is killed, we will report him as an injury! It's the other way around. Damn it, damn, how much resources will be wasted by bringing this burden back.

Jing Shu frowned and grabbed the black figure under the lightning flash. The other one dodged the net sideways and avoided the spiked fishing net. In the blink of an eye, it was gone. He stood calmly on the other side.

Bah! Bah! The ball in her hand was struggling fiercely, but Jingshu couldn't struggle. The moment she turned her head and stared at Jingshu fiercely, Jingshu was immediately startled. If she looked closely, it was clearly a nutrient. Bad girl, but she must have lost her mind at this moment?

The person who tested drugs from Yunzhou Pharmaceutical Association before? Such a coincidence? Are these people also from the Yunzhou Pharmaceutical Association? But judging by his attire, there was no pharmacist inside, so he must be affiliated with the group.

She caught it!

I actually caught it.

A bald man with bloodstains on his face came forward ferociously. He glanced at Jingshu and knew that this was not a simple person, so he lowered his attitude and said, Thank you for helping us catch this person. It was really a big help. By the way, We are the logistics staff of the Yunzhou Pharmaceutical Association, and this is an extremely dangerous member of our Pharmaceutical Association. You see, I was injured by him. Okay, can you return the person to us now?

Jingshu took a step back, But I just heard you say you wanted to kill people. Besides, if the knife net is really spread, you will be disabled even if you don't die.

The bald man grinned: Well, isn't there nothing we can do? People run too fast and if they get lost, we can't bear the responsibility.

You are afraid that if someone gets lost and someone else finds you, you will have a handle. Why don't you kill yourself? After all, the higher-ups ask you to be there for treatment, and they will send people down regularly to check. Jing Shu smiled lightly. , the ball in his hand suddenly stiffened.

Jing Shu raised her eyebrows, does she still have some sanity?

The bald man's face changed. He looked at Jingshu in confusion, and then realized that this woman was not ordinary or simple. Based on his decades of experience, this woman's temperament was a bit like...

Even the expressions of the group of people behind the bald man changed. Someone asked quietly: Boss, what should we do?

This man knows too much, do you want me?

The bald man glared at the person behind him fiercely, Just because a group of you can't catch a kid, a group of people can make people run away even if they look at a kid. What does it mean if you think they can catch people with just one hand now? ?You guys are asking for your own death, don’t hold me back if you want to die yourself.”

The bald man suddenly shuddered. He knew what this woman looked like. Someone came to rob the Yunzhou Pharmaceutical Association last year. He didn't expect that the two people secretly protecting the Pharmaceutical Association just killed a group of people in such an understatement. This woman is exactly the same as the two people at that time!

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