I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 590 Just call me Wanzi

This, this... The bald man was a little confused. The imperial capital was originally too deep to be messed with, but now that someone has a handle, he couldn't go up and get at him. Even if he did, he might really not be able to beat him. Today, he has to explain here. Already? Of course he could take the risk and kill him, but he couldn't bear the consequences. What if, what if?

At this moment, Jingshu shook the thin dumpling in her hand and said, Forget it, just look at the medical ethics of your Yunzhou Pharmaceutical Association and you will know that you don't care about human life. In this case, I will leave this person to me. As for you in the future, How you explain it is up to you.

With that said, Jingshu left, shaking the stiff dumplings in her hand.

What should we do, boss? People were taken away like this.

The bald man was also very annoyed and shouted: Sister, eldest sister, please give me your name and we will have an explanation. It's easy to make it up. He didn't care whether it was human life or not.

You don't deserve it. Jingshu turned her head and gestured with her fist. If she continues to ask, she will really beat you.

Jing Shu carried the stiff dumplings and disappeared completely into the darkness, leaving the group of people behind her stiff for a long time. It took a long time before someone asked: Head, just, that's it?

The bald man kicked the speaker hard and said, What else can you do? Go ahead and try to chase someone, Ma De! After the kick, the bald man kicked him a few more times to relieve his anger. Then he wiped off the blood stains on his face, took a sip of blood, turned around and said: Let's go, come back, if that's the case, report him dead!

Jingshu didn't know what would happen to the Yunzhou Pharmaceutical Association. At that time, her head was hot, so she gave this dumpling, oh no, it might be a degenerate child back, just thinking that this child would be left behind by the Yunzhou Pharmaceutical Association. In his hands, he was afraid that he would not get any good results, so he saved the person.

Jing Shu was used to seeing life and death, collecting corpses from others, and had seen how miserable it was. She was already numb inside, but the only thing she couldn't ignore was the child.

What should I do? What should I do with you? By the way, what's your name? Jingshu shook the huddled dumplings that had calmed down at this moment, and unexpectedly found that she had fallen asleep, not grinning like before. It was so fierce. The quiet little dumpling was covered in mud and water, but he looked particularly distressed.

Just call me Wanzi.

Well, let's take you back to Wucheng first. Jingshu decided to take the child back first and then make plans. Suddenly, something flashed through her mind. It seemed that there were some things that really needed the child to verify her suspicions.

Perhaps you can try getting together with Hao Yunlai. You have both taken red energy. Maybe you can have a common language. Jing Shu said to herself.

Perhaps there is a saying from ancient times that only by defeating it can it surrender to you.

So Wanzi has been following Jingshu obediently, but as long as anyone dares to get close to Wanzi, he will show his teeth and send out a strong attack signal. There is nothing he can do. He has to solve the trouble he brought back by himself. Find a basin and wash it. After bathing, I changed into a dry and warm big cotton-padded jacket, which made me look much refreshed.

Wanzi still can't speak, and his intelligence is about the same as that of a 5-year-old child. His behavior is somewhat like an orangutan, but not entirely, which is very strange. Wanzi's strength is very strong, much better than that of an adult. His quick reflexes, combined with his thin body, allow him to escape from being captured by more than a dozen big men.

The appetite is the same as that of a cat, not as much as a fat chicken. The important thing is that it is a picky eater and eats almost nothing.

Jingshu refused to eat the homemade hamburger after being given eggs several times, but instead went to compete with the fat chicken to eat the raw eggs. Is this perhaps a degenerated animal nature? But cooked meat has always been eaten no matter what it is, right? Didn't orangutans in ancient times eat cooked food? Just eat bananas? Where can I pack bananas at this time? There is space but I can’t take it out.

Even if Wanzi is not very intelligent, Jingshu cannot take the risk of being exposed.

Jingshu tried a few more things, but unfortunately she didn't eat them. To be honest, this is why Jingshu has so many rich ingredients to choose from.

What she didn't expect in the end was that the meatballs actually ate ham sausage, just like a little kitten. It was very delicious. She was full after eating only two meatballs. Jingshu felt distressed for a while. This is an out-of-print snack in the apocalypse. It was when she was eating instant noodles and hot pot that she was willing to slice and cook some of them, so that if she ate one, she would lose one.

That’s all.

Jingshu didn't pay much attention to Wanzi's matter. What Jingshu didn't expect was that Wanzi, who was lonely and hostile to humans, would get along well with Fat Chicken. Maybe in Wanzi's eyes, they were the same kind.

Cluck! The fat chicken is like an old hen protecting its young, protecting the meatball behind it. The fat and tall body of the fat chicken is actually taller than the meatball walking on all fours, and the fat chicken always lets the meatball go when walking. Following behind it, there is a sense of familiarity: If there is danger, I will go first.

So, Jingshu left the meatballs to the care of Feiji.

How incredible it is to have a chicken take care of a human child, but it actually really happens!

Jingshu left almost all the follow-up matters to Da Nai to handle, and she started to get busy again. The rewards of the competition, the price at which Bodhi was sold, and the next pharmaceutical factory to be developed in the imperial capital, etc. Jingshu Shu has thrown it all away and will take care of it later when I have time.

The competition was completed too smoothly. Wucheng was about to leave the imperial capital in three days. Jingshu only had three days to complete the planned matters.

First, in accordance with the agreement with Jun Bao, Jing Shu and Song Bin came to Jun Bao's biological research and development experiment to sign a contract.

Not to mention, this place really shocked Jingshu, because in Jingshu's imagination, if it can be called a research and development laboratory, let alone high-end, it must at least be as high-tech as a private laboratory with a lot of money. Full, well-equipped, etc., right?

Jing Shu was shocked that this biological research and development room was in a transformed abandoned cave outside the imperial capital. The key is that this cave is not an ordinary cave.

In front of the cave, a stinky methane pool blocked the way. The devil didn't know why there was a methane pool in front of the cave.

Come on, Miss Jing, be careful, the road here is difficult. Song Bin cried and said with a smile, Oh my God, what kind of magical work did Mr. Jun send him? The road here is not difficult, it is impossible. It's a good road, he is most afraid of coming to this death base! I hate walking through this swamp that is actually feces!

The people here are all crazy!

But he has no choice but to come. He can only face life with a smile. Come on, Ollie.

Yanbian used a unique means of transportation to pass through the stinking methane pool. The cave was emitting a faint light. Jingshu stood at the commanding heights of the cave, fully armed, frowning and looking down. What the hell is this? Is this really a research and development room?

Song Bin started to explain while laughing and crying at the same time.

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