I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 591 Weird Laboratory

That's right, this commanding height, which you think is the top of the cave, is actually the door to biological research and development. This place has no sense of technology but still reveals a primitive feeling. It is really the laboratory that Jun Bao said, and it will be the basis for the research and development of the apocalypse in the future. New food, one of the big names in the food industry that changes the food of the apocalypse.

Gee, who would have thought that he would be so poor.

Looking down from the top of the mountain, you can see a deep cave that goes as far as the eye can see, but there are layers of concave platforms around it.

Miss Jing, look, there are 14 floors down here. Although the place is not big, each floor has an independent space to support various experiments and is well-equipped. Its biggest feature is that the laboratory has a relatively complete ecosystem. The chain can recycle resources and be self-sufficient in energy, which is the biggest difference among R\u0026D rooms in the apocalypse that burn money, funds, and energy.

Song Bin wiped his sweat. In fact, to put it bluntly, he was poor. Without strong backing support, he could only solve the survival problem first and then do other research. In fact, given the status of the Jun family, it is capable of completing the entire real laboratory, but this laboratory belongs to Mr. Jun himself, oh no, it is a collaboration between Mr. Jun and others.

As for the collaborator, Song Bin is a little melancholy again. Maybe today’s trip will not go well? I heard that the two of them had a quarrel over this share, but now Mr. Jun has directly released so many shares.

The fecal biogas can provide electricity for the laboratory and can also be fertile. This first floor is a vegetable garden. Let's go down and have a look. He sounded like a manager showing a house to his property.

However, wouldn’t Jingshu’s shares be in the next laboratory? This is your own property, so you have to read it carefully.

The creaking old-fashioned swinging crane landed on the first floor from the middle like an elevator. Yes, it was manual. It did not waste any energy and could be easily moved up and down through the law of leverage. But Song Bin was frightened and deeply afraid. If someone is not careful, the old-fashioned crane will instantly fall to the bottom, and then he will fall to his death irreparably, so can't you spend some money to get a safety point?

Vegetable garden? Jingshu stepped off the creaking crane and looked at the walls covered with all kinds of scary-looking mushrooms. Some vegetables that didn't need sunlight were planted around the fence, but they all looked strange, or... Black leaves covered with barbs, or purple slender fruits, and some black fruits composed of countless small bumps, densely coiled on the ground, with a long hair on each bump.

What's even more exaggerated is that there is a dazzling white color, which is like a giant cell spore that is countless times covered with another wall. They will squirm like living bugs, and muddy water drips on them. , they immediately swarmed over and stood up together.

After taking a bite, Jingshu would not doubt that white juice would spurt out.

Jingshu grabbed a white cell spore with one hand. It struggled desperately and dragged dozens of centimeters of black thread deep into the wall. Jingshu pulled it out. It felt a bit funny. Song Bin quickly stopped it. Oh my god, isn’t Miss Jing even scared?

Are these vegetables? Jing Shu has never seen these impressive dishes in her long life.

Song Bin forced a smile and nodded, then shook his head. He covered his mouth and pulled Jing Shu downstairs. So everyone here is crazy, and they actually like these disgusting things:

The second layer is livestock, and all the manure will be transported to the biogas side.

There are very few domestic animals, but they are also abnormal.

On one side of this large square platform, stood 5 or 6 chickens constantly looking for food. The reason why I say 5 or 6 is because these chickens have different shapes. Some have six chicken wings, and some have chicken wings. There were some with limbs and legs, some with double bodies, and even more exaggeratedly, there were also hermaphroditic chickens. The two chickens seemed to be leaning away, making Jingshu confused as to how many chickens they were.

We should bring Fat Chicken to see the new world. There are always people with wilder ways than us.

There is also an old sow and a boar, which look relatively normal, of course, skinny and skinny.

But when Jing Shu and Song Bin came down, a group of people were surrounding the boar and sow, sighing with regret.

Failed again.

Damn it, what went wrong? The gene sequence number and chromosomes are correct, and so are the embryos.

If you ask me, the problem still lies with the sows.

I want to say, don't fix these useless things, just go to that direction. The consequences of missing chromosomes and confusing sequence numbers. How can you know what will happen if you don't try it? I don't know that the worst ending is like these chickens. With three heads and six arms, it’s pretty good.”

If you use that thing, it's really irreversible.

There seemed to be a quarrel.

Song Bin was about to cry without tears. It was over. It was a bad year. He met such a group of lunatics when he went out.

Hey, Song Bin is here. Is there any news?

Only then did someone discover Song Bin and Jing Shu, two outsiders. They really suspected that someone might want to rob this place, but there was no safety factor at all. Jing Shu frowned. If she owns the shares in the future, Is this considered her property? It’s impossible not to do a good job of safety in the last days.

Song Bin showed an awkward yet polite smile, Brother Zhuzi, I'm here with Miss Jing who is going to sign the contract today. Mr. Jun should tell you, right? As for the equity, Miss Jing is here for the experiment. The room provides energy.”

On the other side, Song Bin quickly introduced: This is Xie Zhuzhu, the partner with Mr. Jun. Now all the research and development and other matters in the laboratory are under his control. He is also the dean of the laboratory. Xie Zhuzhu himself He has very senior qualifications. Even though he is so young, he is actually one of the youngest scientists in China.

What kind of scientist he was, Song Bin was embarrassed to introduce him, and he couldn't tell.

Unexpectedly, Xie Zhuzhu did not give face to him. He squatted in front of the sow in the crowd, inspected the sow affectionately, and comforted the irritable sow. After hearing the voice earlier, he waved his hands impatiently: No time, no time. Time, let’s talk in a few days, I won’t do anything else until this problem is solved, and I will do the same thing when the King of Heaven comes.”

Xie Zhuzhu is so stubborn.

Song Bin's face stiffened. What the hell, Miss Jing only has three days and will return to Wucheng soon.

Jingshu raised her eyebrows again, look what happened to her, she was very busy!

Jing Shu strode over, and Song Bin was trembling. Did Miss Jing want to use violence? This, this is impossible.

Then Jingshu squeezed through the crowd and squatted down.

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