I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 592 About raising pigs

Song Bin covered his face helplessly, God, what does Miss Jing want to do again? Why does Miss Jing always do such different things?

Song Bin immediately felt that it was actually understandable that Miss Jing was such a magical existence. He didn't understand it when he went to the crematorium before, but Miss Jing had accomplished something big.

So don't doubt it, no matter what Miss Jing does, she has her intentions! Miss Jing must have made deep plans and plans this time.

This is the way of the boss.

That's right, Jingshu has now risen to the level of a boss in Song Bin's heart, and she is blindly worshiped.

Little did we know that our Jingshu had any plans. She squatted down. Although she was very busy, she was also very interested in these productive livestock in the last days. What on earth were these people doing to sows and boars that made both humans and gods angry? Things make sows so irritable.

But you can’t be so straightforward right from the start. Psychology says that if you want to defeat someone’s frontal audacity, you have to make subtle subtleties. To put it bluntly, you have to comply with what that person wants to do.

So Jingshu asked, What's wrong with this pig?

I'll tell you what happened to the pig. You don't understand this. Someone whispered.

Xie Zhuzhu might not be interested in talking about other people, but when he talked about the headache he was having now, Xie Zhuzhu sighed as if he had no place to vent for a long time and said: After the end of the world, natural reproduction will no longer work, and artificial reproduction can only be done. , the transplanted fertilized embryos were successful, and a large amount of oxy-Q hormone was injected.

But in the end, it still failed. Obviously all the data were normal, and all possibilities that could be ruled out were ruled out. According to the probability, it shouldn't be, so there must be something wrong with some link, and the pig has not posted anything yet. If you are in love, you will not secrete a type of lactin, and the pregnancy rate will naturally be lower.

Would you like to check again? asked the man wearing glasses next to him.

It's silly. Re-examination will waste several months. We can't afford to wait.

Jingshu dragged her chin and asked: That means all the data are normal, but you have been unsuccessful in transplanting embryos? Why don't you try another pig?

Xie Zhuzhu moved the grumpy sow back and forth and nodded: This is the last pair of normal pigs that contain anti-melanin in their bodies. Before injecting them with the new drug variant, I think I have to keep at least a little bit to prepare for the next test, otherwise It is difficult to produce anti-melanin and the purely natural species will become extinct.

Our experiment will reach a dead end.

variant? ? ?

Jingshu looked at the pig in surprise, then turned to look at the abnormal chickens. Was this what she understood?

Then Xie Zhuzhu said to himself again: The end of the world is coming. Ordinary domestic animals must change their genes and then adapt to the end of the world to reproduce. If you don't make changes or evolve, the final outcome will be to be eliminated by nature! This is the most consistent variant. Target, other ordinary pigs cannot withstand large amounts of hormones.

Jingshu's mouth gradually opened wide. Even though she had lived in the apocalypse for a long time, she was still surprised to see these mutants at once. If they don't evolve, they will be eliminated! In the end, the creatures that can survive in the apocalypse will be the survival of the fittest.

At this time, Xie Zhuzhu didn't know what he touched. In short, the sow under him suddenly went crazy, and the pig suddenly started squealing slightly, which was very miserable.

The whole sow struggled painfully, kicked her limbs wildly, and kicked Xie Zhuzhu away with one kick. Even the people around her were frightened and fled away. Of course, they did not forget to pull Xie Zhuzhu away before running away.

Xie Zhuzhu, who was kicked with a black eye, ignored the pain. When everyone was supporting him, he wanted to pull him over to see the situation. He frowned and said angrily: It's a rejection reaction, rejection!

Everyone knows what rejection means.

There is no way to save it. We can only apply medicine directly and prepare for the surgical variant. Xie Zhuzhu was very unwilling. This was an important step towards the giantization of the species and he didn't want to give up just like that.

Biological gigantism and how to mass-produce food have always been the biggest research goals now, but this still requires a large number of experimental areas to verify.

This means there is no way out!

But Jing Shu didn’t understand what this meant. She didn’t know any professional knowledge from beginning to end. She relied on her cheating device Lingquan to support her. In addition, Zeng Jin had killed hundreds of black pigs. For pigs, , Jingshu thought that she knew enough about the pigs that she couldn't handle, so when the sow was squealing, Jingshu caught the pig's trotters very accurately.

With both hands, he pinned the sow to the ground.


It's fierce.

What kind of operation is this?

Under everyone's exclamation, Jingshu quickly subdued the screaming sow. Although the sow was still resisting fiercely on the ground, Jingshu's hands were like pliers, holding the sow firmly. Fixed to the ground.

Jingshu probably understood what she just said. This pig is a pure natural sow with anti-melanin in its body. It is very rare. It is best to breed a batch of natural sows before they are about to mutate.

To put it simply, it’s just about reproduction. Isn’t this simple? In order to let the guys in the space reproduce obediently, she did a lot of homework. I won't go into details about that. It's embarrassing.

Of course, these are not the point. The point is that this pig will also be one of her properties in the future, and she will have her share.

Seeing the sow, Jingshu took out the homemade traditional Chinese medicine balls, which were specifically designed to arouse emotions in livestock. They contained the medicinal dregs after being made in the space and a little bit of diluted spirit spring. This was to increase breeding in the early stages. As for the medicine used for her own livestock, Jing Shu felt that the effect of this medicine was average, but the effect was even stronger after adding the spirit spring.

After a black meatball was eaten, everyone around him screamed: What did you feed me?

What are you doing?

Then I saw the sow that was squealing one second, and then humming the next second.

Jingshu let go of the sow, and the sow moved next to the boar. Then, with everyone's jaws dropping, the shameless scene of giving birth began.

What did you feed me?

What did you just do?

Although they were the same words, when they were said again this time, they had a completely different tone. The transformation was wonderful.

Jing Shu waved her hand indifferently: I have raised many pigs before, all with a little skill. Sometimes data does not mean everything.

Xie Zhuzhu nodded excitedly: Although the embryo transfer has failed, it would be best if it could be reproduced naturally. This pig has not been in heat for two years. Anyway, this is a good phenomenon. By the way. , you are the Jingshu that Xiaojun mentioned, right? You just said that you want to sign a contract? Come on, hurry up and sign it, I have something else to ask you.

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