I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 593 Bacterial dish culture

Jing Shu: ... Isn't this a little too casual? Weren't we just talking about pigs? This topic is a bit too big.

Xie Zhuzhu couldn't wait to drag Jing Shu to sign the contract. At the end, he urged Song Bin, who looked confused and incredulous: Hurry up, didn't you say you have to hurry up? I still have a lot to do after finishing it. Where are the things? Get them quickly. Come!

Song Bin: This change of attitude is too fast, isn't it? And you just agreed? What on earth did Miss Jing do? My God, Miss Jing is always so unexpected. It was originally a big problem, but It was solved in a few minutes.

Oh oh oh. Song Bin hurriedly opened the big data on his mobile phone, which contained electronic contracts. After all, paper production will no longer be made after the apocalypse, so it is better to use the electronic version. More importantly, it is more convenient for the town government to monitor.

Song Bin originally wanted to read out the content so that both parties could know how many shares each person in the laboratory currently holds, how many shares the new shareholder has, as well as the various responsibilities that both parties need to perform, and future dividends. and existing assets, among others.

This matter is the same as divorce. Shouldn't we discuss the division of property? Shouldn’t we dig out the other party’s property and responsibilities?

There is also the issue of child custody in the future. Everything is important.

As a result, Xie Zhuzhu was just like a scumbag. He didn't care, even looked at it and felt disgusted. He directly entered his fingerprints, and then looked at Jingshu, meaning to hurry up, otherwise the change in equity must go through the person with the largest shareholding. He didn't want to engage in these tricks with either of them, so he just left them all to Jun Bao.

If you don’t even pay attention to the profits, then what is the purpose of running a laboratory? ? I originally thought that it would be difficult for Xie Zhuzhu to deal with Major General Jun's joining the town government and taking away some shares, but I didn't expect that he didn't care about this at all.

Xie Zhuzhu didn't care, but Jingshu had a temperament like that and wanted to calculate every dime, but she couldn't ignore it, especially a big deal like signing a contract. She didn't have a chance when Xishan Qianduoduo's shares were transferred. This time Jingshu looked up and saw Xie Zhuzhu looked at him eagerly.

Okay. Jingshu also took her fingerprints and finished the matter hastily. She always felt that such a major event was not performed well. After all, the biological research and development laboratory that emerged after the fifth year is a big boss.

This feeling is quite similar to when Papa Ma founded the company with only 13 people. You were reborn as the 14th person and owned 5% of the shares. Are you excited?

Uh. At this time, Song Bin saw that the share holdings of everyone in the laboratory had changed. This scene that should be solemn and solemn was completed with everyone paying attention to the old sow. No, I should say I don't care, right?

No matter what, it's not as difficult as I thought. I finally completed the task. Song Bin quietly exhaled.

It seems that Jing Shu didn't come here to sign a contract today, but was invited to the sow and boar mating scene as a 'pig breeder' and was asked a series of experience questions.

Jingshu is not polite when talking about raising pigs. Not only raising pigs, but also killing pigs, how to eat them, and how to eat various parts of pigs are all Jingshu's strengths.

Song Bin's head was buzzing and he couldn't quite hear what Miss Jing was saying, but he could clearly see that Miss Jing was drooling. Every time she raised her hand, everyone nodded in unison, with a look of approval on their faces. , especially Xie Zhuzhu, a person who values ​​everything above all else and only talks about data. Looking at Miss Jing speaking at this moment, his eyes are full of admiration.

The sows that had been bred were not just left alone. Jingshu simply came to provide a complete service, which almost made Xie Zhuzhu applaud. In short, there was no way to save the sows, so they had to do the mutation test. Something changed in Jingshu's hands. For the first time, researchers pursuing data had doubts about the data, because the data on the sow began to change at a speed that violated common ethics.

When the irreversible becomes reversible, everyone will have doubts, and they will have doubts. Has the world changed or has it changed?

Song Bin didn't know what to say anymore. Miss Jing was popular everywhere and was so awesome. He didn't have to do anything. He just clapped from behind and shouted 666.

Breeding sows is not a temporary matter. When Xie Zhuzhu knew that Jingshu would leave the imperial capital and return to Wucheng in a few days, he felt regretful for a long time. He could only add Jingshu's WeChat account and the two of them discussed it. If there were any problems Then we can have remote meetings.

The next step should be called patrolling the territory.

Yes, Jingshu has regarded this laboratory as one of her own industries.

Why is it called the biological research and development room?

Because all of this is based on biological research, in this laboratory, Jingshu saw some incredible creatures, which completely subverted her world view. Oh no, it was the end of the world.

The third floor of the laboratory is the microscopic world.

Of course, this is a nice name, and it was the name that Xie Zhuzhu said with pride. He introduced the third floor with a proud look on his face: The creatures here are the main objects of our research at this stage.

Jing Shu frowned. When she reached the third floor, her scalp began to feel numb. Because Jing Shu had night vision, she could clearly see the panoramic view of the third floor, which looked a little like a science and technology museum.

On the recessed third floor, when the crane sent a few people down, only a narrow passage was left, so they clung to the glass.

This is a closed glass cover surrounded by a transparent tempered glass fence. The glass is densely covered with various strange-shaped creatures. Jingshu is only a few centimeters away from these creatures.

These things are not bugs. In Jingshu's ten years of survival experience in the last days, she has seen too many new species, but she has never seen the creatures crawling on the glass.

This is this? Jingshu frowned and pointed at the dense mass above her head. It looked like a large whole, but individual ones were squirming, as if they were strange things that could disintegrate and rejoin at any time.

Xie Zhuzhu said proudly: This is a bacteria that has been magnified a thousand times and looks like it has grown up. How about it? Isn't this bacterial dish a great culture? Even though it's only such a small piece, there are tens of billions of bacteria in it. Bacteria have a strong ability to reproduce and can replicate each other, making them relatively worry-free materials in the microscopic world.

Ugh! Song Bin almost vomited out. He looked at Jing Shu and whispered: Miss Jing, these, these are food, yuck!

Just looking at these things is disgusting, let alone eating them.

Xie Zhuzhu nodded as if you were right: Yes, if food is tight in the future, we will consider releasing a batch of bacterial food to solve the problem of hunger and fullness. After all, our human body is originally composed of bacteria.

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