I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 594 The unknown side of the laboratory

But, can bacteria be eaten? Even Jingshu showed a look of disgust. Bugs are still collagen, but what about bacteria? Is this stuff nutritious? If Jingshu guessed correctly, all foods are collectively called carbohydrates. If there is no such combination, let alone whether it tastes good or not, can bacteria digest it in the stomach? It’s not how carbohydrates solve hunger and satiety.

So the question is, do bacteria count as carbohydrates?

Xie Zhuzhu pointed to the densely packed spiral-shaped bacteria next door and said: These are spirochetes that are eubacteria-like. Although they look like this, they actually have a great effect. They can fix nitrogen. To convert nitrogen into a bioavailable form, ordinary spiral bacteria are only 50 microns, but look at these little cuties in front of you, they are magnified a lot.

Jingshu: . So?

Ahem, I have told you so many professional issues that you may not understand. I will tell you directly that these bacteria are very useful. For example, we can divide the bacteria in the laboratory into two major categories. One is It is used as food for humans. Can you believe that humans only need to eat the size of a fingernail to fill their stomachs with this kind of bacteria? Look, it’s like this.”

As he was talking, Xie Zhuzhu reached out and cut off a little bit with a knife. It felt like cutting off an octopus's whiskers. Then the whiskers began to violently resist and flutter, and then Xie Zhuzhu stuffed it into his mouth. Inside, I just swallowed it without chewing it.

Oh, I forgot to mention, it is best not to chew this bacteria when swallowing it, because the more you chew, the more the bacteria will divide, and the effect will not be very good.

Xie Zhuzhu patted himself and took a smooth breath before saying: This kind of bacteria can complete the carbon cycle. The bacteria swallowed will be attacked by the human body's bacterial group. This process will synthesize other organic compounds, which will become humans after passing through the food chain. And part of the bacteria, part of the carbohydrates in the human body are oxidized and decomposed into carbon dioxide and water through respiration as an energy source for organism metabolism, and the energy stored therein is released to meet the body's demand for carbohydrates.

Jing Shu and Song Bin nodded in understanding. Anyway, this bacterium should eventually be converted into the energy needed by the human body. It would be enough for people to not starve to death.

Look at the cut bacteria here, they will reproduce themselves and replenish the bacterial population. In short, as much as they are used, they will replenish themselves and even stimulate them to become more. If it can be inexhaustible, it will be inexhaustible. The problem of full energy that plagues humans has been solved. Xie Zhuzhu's face was full of pride. This laboratory was the result of four years of research by his team. Although he said it was easy, it was done many times during the period. The experimental calculation is unknown.

By the way, do you want to eat some? The taste is a bit strong and the texture is very average. Moreover, it will churn vigorously in your stomach after you eat it. It feels like popping candy. It's a very novel feeling. It's very Stimulate.

What a ghost wants to eat. Song Bin's face turned pale and he shook his head vigorously.

Jingshu is a little ready to make a move. A big boss in the last ten years has eaten carrion insects in order to survive. What kind of suffering has he not suffered?

But seeing the dirty ink excrement and the pungent smell, Jingshu gave up the idea again: It might be good to make sashimi in the future. By the way, what does this spirochete bacteria feed on? ?”

Just like raising chickens and ducks, even if you feed insects, you still have to feed them food, right? What about the energy consumption problem in the middle?

Xie Zhuzhu pointed to another glass cover and said: Look, this is another bacterial species I am talking about. It will be the food of various gigantic animals and bacteria in the future. It is also one of the drugs for the current gigantization of species. We have been Research on how to make food giant without losing energy, and this kind of bacteria is one of the triggers. With some special drugs, they can replicate crazily, then intensify the animal body, and start to crazily destroy and change DNA and chromosomes. , thus causing different levels of variation in these organisms.”

Jingshu frowned and continued to listen to Yunliwuli's words.

To put it bluntly, it is actually about modifying genes to make them undergo huge changes. However, we cannot achieve perfect targeted modification, so we directly and violently deform these creatures, and they can look like whatever they are. It's like Just like those chickens you see, they are actually just baby chickens. Later we will catalyze and try to make them the size of elephants.

That's why they are said to be a group of lunatics. Song Bin moved his lips, but before he said it, in fact, the laboratory originally enlarged the maggots several times in order to cultivate giant maggots as feed and food.

Think about it, maggots as big as a person crawling in front of you, how disgusting it would be. Of course, when you cut it with a knife, it will be full of juice.

Ideals are beautiful, but reality is stark. Xie Zhuzhu's experiments will always encounter various problems, but just like life, he is either on the way to discovering problems or on the way to solving them.

Why don't you give it a try and use fish to experiment with gigantism? Jingshu was a little curious. In her previous life, the first food that came out for gigantism was obviously fish.

Xie Zhuzhu shook his head: The DNA and chromosomes of aquatic organisms are indeed simpler, but their transformation rate is too low, and their deformity rate is also low. The simpler they are, the more indestructible they are, so the cost will be much higher, and it is not as expected. The effect is very high, and the failure rate is much higher than other types.”

Is there any twist in this? Jing Shu pondered for a moment and decided to remind her. After all, she has a 'prophet': I think you can study fish again. Maybe the difficulty is only temporary. It’s not a bad idea to get to the bottleneck and try another way.”

Okay, once we get past this theory, we'll look at fish.

I don’t know if it’s true or just perfunctory, but Jingshu is not in a hurry. She has just participated in this big project. She only has some information from the prophet and knows the development of history. It is of little use at the moment. Detailed research She didn't understand anything about the content, but she could learn about it later.

There are 11 floors left in the laboratory. When they reached the 5th floor, Jingshu expressed that she didn’t want to go any further.

Because the further down you go, the darker it becomes. It seems that the first and second floors still represent hope and light, but it becomes darker and darker as you go down.

Studying the human body, how to make the most of the corpse, and even using human nutrients to cultivate new species, etc. Although there was a signed agreement, Jing Shu still saw the most unknown side of the apocalypse today.

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