You think you can survive in the last days by holding on to Zhenfu's lap. In fact, it's just that some people are carrying a heavy load. In order to survive, human beings have begun to think of all kinds of ways. If you live a relaxed life, someone will support you.

Thinking about Jingshu's previous life, she lived to the tenth year of the end of the world. Without the town government, Huaxia's survival rate would not be so high.

That's it. No need to send it away. We have other things to do. I'll leave it to you in the laboratory. If you have any news, you can contact me at any time.

I still have to say polite words. Jing Shu is not in the mood to visit this laboratory where there may be more secrets down there. She also understands why Song Bin's face turns pale as soon as he comes here. The people here are indeed not normal. .

Jingshu saw the enthusiasm in their eyes.

It is not a fanaticism for life or material, but a kind of fanaticism for unknown research. In this fanatical state, their requirements for living materials are almost reduced to zero, so they even use themselves as test subjects.

Jing Shu was rarely in awe of things, but for some reason, the biological research laboratory in the imperial capital was one of the objects of awe. This was a different group of people.

Okay, let's go to the next stop.

Jingshu's footsteps could not be blocked by the laboratory. In fact, Jingshu only stayed in the imperial capital for a few days, so she was still very nervous. Therefore, after completing the signing task, she asked Song Bin to take him to the next stop without stopping.

Jingshu did not take any time off on the way. She began to harvest a batch of seasonings that had matured in the space, and the durians she had longed for finally matured, and she quickly brought them to the space so that she could taste them in private. There was something vaguely in her mind. An idea.

There are some things that can't pass through the open road. Perhaps they can pass through the open road again this time when we go back.

The end of the world has only been a few years, and the few hundred kilograms of seasonings I bought were almost gone, so Jingshu planted them before coming to the imperial capital.

Now whenever she has time, Jingshu clears up the things in the space. Because she wants to stock up on more things before moving, Jingshu also plants a lot of this batch of seasonings, especially the peppercorns in the seasonings.

Because there are not much fengyoujing and toilet water left, and the peppercorns in the seasoning can also be regarded as a good anthelmintic. In normal times, it is often used to repel insects, and it is a good anthelmintic when placed in rice and noodles. In traditional Chinese medicine, In effect, Zanthoxylum bungeanum can relieve pain, kill insects and relieve itching. It can also be used for epigastric cold pain, vomiting and diarrhea, abdominal pain due to worm infestation, ascariasis, external treatment of eczema and itching, etc.

The most important thing is that when the time comes to migrate, the carrion bugs will be overrun seriously, so you need to use a little more Fengyoujing sparingly. If you haven’t figured out how to make Fengyoujing yet, you can put more up and down the RV during the migration. Sichuan peppercorn.

Jingshu remembered the look in the shopping guide's eyes when she bought 2 boxes of Fengyoujing. Hey, I was still too young back then. It would have been nice to have bought a few more boxes.

Then there are too many things to be marinated, and the inventory of marinades and other ingredients is also very low. In preparation for the migration, Jingshu plans to marinate more things. Of course, the cultivation of seasonings such as star anise and cinnamon is indispensable.

Miss Jing, we've arrived. Song Bin said respectfully. Except for Mr. Jun, no one could give him such an attitude.

In fact, what Jing Shu has done these days really makes people feel admired.

Jing Shu nodded and followed Song Bin to the legendary black market in the imperial capital. Of course, the two of them each carried a large box.

Now that we have arrived in the imperial capital, how can we not go to some exciting and adventurous places? And in the apocalypse, the most important thing is all kinds of materials. There are not many things that Jingshu can like in Wucheng. In the imperial capital, there must be a lot of good things.

Not only did she want to broaden her horizons, but the key point was that Jing Shu wanted to see if she could find something she still needed. I don’t know why, but Jing Shu gets very excited every time she hears about novel gadgets and apocalyptic products.

However, it is not so easy to enter the black market. Since some things that cannot be traded outside are often traded in the market, and due to various considerations, the black market has implemented a strict membership system.

Only the member himself or the member's guarantee can bring people to the black market for transactions. And membership is divided into levels.

Ahem, Miss Jing, let me introduce you. This is Mr. Fan Jianqiang. He is a silver member of the black market. He can guarantee two people to enter the black market transaction. He can just take us to the black market. Song Bin introduced.

At the same time, he smiled and said to the young man who seemed a little arrogant: We were introduced by Mr. Jun.

Fan Jianqiang raised his chin and said proudly: I know, I know, you will follow me in a moment, but don't ask for prices or exchange things at will, and don't exchange things that are too cheap, otherwise the points will be too low and I will lose them. To get to bronze, really, if you don’t meet the minimum consumption, you will be deducted points. Do you know how many things I spent to get to silver? If it weren’t for Mr. Jun, I.”

Fan Jianqiang wrapped his big cotton-padded jacket tightly, and after thinking about it for a long time, he wrapped his scarf tightly, yawned, and looked back from time to time, saying: Please follow closely. Don't get lost.

Really, doesn’t that guy know he’s face-blind? If a person is far away, what can he do if he can't find anyone? Hey, you said we can't hold hands with these daily troubles.

Black jacket, black jacket. Two people were wearing black jackets, one man and one woman. Fan Jianqiang remembered the characteristics of the two people, which really caused him a lot of trouble.

Song Bin smiled awkwardly. This was the case in the imperial capital.

Jing Shu shrugged and gestured to follow her quickly, I just feel that the requirements of this black market are too much? Is it so strict? And I always feel that this kind of membership system is not stimulating consumption? Also, I feel like this is all Insider?

Song Bin quietly gave a thumbs up, and then whispered: Miss Jing's guess is really accurate. Nowadays, food is tight, and those who have time to exchange other supplies are people in the circle, so it is better to say that it is a black market. It is a relatively real 'expensive circle' that everyone above has defaulted to, and the top rule is indeed to stimulate consumption, and in a sense, speed up its circulation.

Jingshu groaned, frowned and stopped talking, not knowing what she was thinking.

Naturally, Song Bin didn't say anything. The two followed Fan Jianqiang, and after verifying their identities, they came to the 'black market' in the imperial capital.

It would be more accurate to call it the underground night market.

This place is more like a tomb, and the underground is entirely made of solid stones.

Fan Jianqiang hunched over and walked in front of the tunnel with a flashlight. The path went down diagonally, at least as high as several floors. From time to time, he had to bend down and lift his legs to cross the steps. The rocks on the arches of the steps had clear patterns.

It's a tomb! What kind of graveyard is this? Jingshu confirmed.

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