I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 632: Someone wants to rob?

At this time, Jing Shu half-closed her eyes and said calmly: What Xiao Liu said is what I want to say.

The atmosphere in the box became cold again. They didn't expect that Jingshu was so disrespectful and awesome that even Master Lan didn't take him seriously. In their eyes, Master Lan was the eldest brother on campus. He was rich. She has status and power, and now controls the iron rice bowl of the power grid. She is so awesome. Where can Jing Shu get the capital to fight against Master Lan?

In the past few years, Master Lan has even become the bread and butter, boss, and boss of many people.

Young Master Lan is asking for peace in a low voice, Jingshu, why are you still like this?

That's right. It's so weird. I thought it was just a bunch of bugs. Is it necessary to be so awesome?

That's right, you really treat yourself like a green onion. Who in Wucheng doesn't use electricity? Who doesn't ask for Mr. Lan's time?

Master Lan's face became even greener and turned purple. He clenched his fist and pointed at Jingshu, nodding and saying, Okay, okay, Jingshu! Just wait for me! But he didn't dare to say anything too harsh. After all... there is really a shortage of food now!

Jing Shu was still lazy, obviously not paying attention to Master Lan. She didn't even bother to move and change her position.

Jin Ba Ba watched the show happily and ate the food on the tray in his hand. In the end, he shook his head in disgust and just ate what he had. He wished the two of them would fight.

There was tension on both sides, and when the atmosphere was tense, the door suddenly opened.

A fat man rushed in in a panic and shouted: Ba Ba, Ba Ba, come on, come with me!

Jin Baba, who was watching the fun, frowned: Uncle, what's going on in this panic? What happened? Did someone come to rob or rob? Jin Baba became excited when he said this. , it’s been a few years since the end of the world, is there still something so disgusting? You must know that there is a lot of momentum this time, and of course there are precautions. There are also many people with force behind the scenes. If there are really people who are blind, then there will be a good show.

As if to verify Jin Baba's uncle's words, the whole building trembled slightly, and there was even a rumbling sound outside.

There were uneasy sounds in the hall, and even the auction was temporarily stopped. The host Xiaoshuai asked everyone to calm down, and asked everyone to stay where they were and not to move, and turned on the alarm. Xiaoshuai was very He calmly told everyone: Don't be afraid. No matter what problems you encounter, there are powerful armed forces outside. What we have to do is not to cause chaos.

Jun Jia was so anxious that he was sweating profusely: My ancestor, please stop causing trouble here. Come with me first, and hurry up! If you are late, it will be too late!

The surroundings also became quiet, as if they realized that something was wrong. People like Jin Baba had to go to 'escape' first, which might not be a good thing!

Jin Baba didn't care at all. What kind of stormy weather had he not seen before? There is also an army from the town that is here today. Where is the team under his father? What are you afraid of?

Let's go, let's go. By the way, what should we do with these people I brought? Do we have to go with them? Before Jin Baba left, he did not forget to help the younger brothers behind him, so that the livid-faced Young Master Lan His face became better, and he was a little nervous now. Could it be that he really encountered a robbery that had never happened in a century? In this case, it would be safer to follow Jin Baba.

Jun Jia pulled Jin Baba and walked outside: You friends, please wait for the next trip. There are only a few places now. I will arrange for Xiao Zhang and others to take care of your friends. Don't worry. Hey, Jing Shu, you are here too. ? Let’s go, let’s follow me.”

Jingshu frowned, then nodded, stood up neatly, picked up the inseparable black box in her hand, and winked at Xiao Liu, gesturing for him to follow, while the other man who was assigned to serve Jingshu He said neatly: I'll go check on Captain Wang Miao's situation first.

Jingshu realized something was wrong. With Jingshu's cautious and fearful character, she placed a few snakes and insects at the door and around the place when she arrived, just to avoid any danger.

Although it seems that no one has been 'robbed' now, these creatures are feeling uneasy, very uneasy!

Maybe something big is about to happen!

Jin Baba was dragged away, but he still said unwillingly: You asked me to bring someone with me, Master Lan. Let Master Lan follow me first. Among so many people, Master Lan is the better at speaking. If you are lovable, you will feel comfortable serving others.

It's too late, hurry up and leave, I will ask someone to take care of your friend. Junjia was a little impatient.

Jin Ba Ba protested: How come Jing Shu can take someone with her, so I will take one with me too! Master Lan, come with me, hurry up, I don't believe me anymore.

Young Master Lan Pidianpidian quickly followed, clinging to Jin Baba tightly like a dog-skin plaster that could no longer be shaken off.

He left everyone behind him with complicated expressions.

Let's go, they are all gone. It seems that things are not good this time.

They didn't take us with them, it's so abominable!

What happened?

Jiang Changke jumped out at this time: Let's not run around. If there is any situation later, just follow the host Xiaoshuai. I think he must be safe. Besides, we are so poor. We may not even see the ones who rob or rob. If you get along with us, the women will look ugly and the men will look miserable.

Jiang Changke was like a star that lost its light at night. He suddenly gave these students a good idea.

On the other side, Junjia hurriedly ran out of the building with Jingshu, Xiao Liu, Jin Baba, and Lan Shao.

At this time, Mr. Lan has discovered that Jing Shu seems to be related to these people in Jin Ba Ba's family? Otherwise, why didn't Jin Baba and his uncle take anyone with him, but he called Jing Shu instead? Jingshu's identity is really a mystery. What kind of person is she? In the past, he was just an ordinary person who was not popular, not even an internet celebrity, right?

As Jingshu ran, she asked more snakes to inquire about the situation, but soon, Jingshu understood what the situation was.

Outside the New World Building, there was a mess. It was not like someone was coming to rob or rob, which made Jingshu feel relieved. Although she was not afraid, it would be a bit unreasonable if she exposed her strength or something.

But soon Jingshu burst out with swear words. If I had to use two words to describe Jingshu's mood, then it would be f*ck.

It's over, we can't catch up, we're completely separated! You kid is so annoying! Junjia blamed Jin Baba, and Jin Baba asked in confusion: What's wrong, what happened? Are you so excited?

The mudslide is coming!

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