I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 633 The building was washed away...

Chapter 633 The building was washed away

A large number of mudslides are coming, coming from all directions, as if they are going to flood this place, but these are just illusions. The real crisis is not the mudslides, it is just a visual.

Jingshu has night vision and can see clearly. The New World Building is like a new tectonic plate that has been cut directly and floated out.

This building is like an isolated island, floating on the sea, moving away from its original place at an incomprehensible speed, and the surrounding scenery begins to change and become unfamiliar.

Jing Shu, who has experienced the apocalypse for ten years, is not very clear about this situation. She only knows roughly that this should be the 'plate movement' that started in the second year. These plates may be random or have other reasons. It might be a big mountain, or a piece of land. In short, they mess up the map, and the original place is no longer the original place.

Unfortunately, the land under Jingshu's feet was a tectonic plate, and it began to move.

Junjia took out his mobile phone and began to curse: Some people reported earlier that there was a large amount of mudslides coming in, which might flood the New World Building. They were going to call for people to evacuate, but the signal was blocked in the remote area. All our distress calls were blocked. As soon as it was posted, I knew something was wrong. Then the surrounding area started to crack. All the ways out were broken bit by bit.

Jingshu took out her mobile phone, but there was no signal, so she asked: Have you sent someone out to ask for help after the signal was blocked?

Let's go and ask Wang Miao if the people have been sent out. Junjia kicked the prepared off-road vehicle angrily, and ran to the other side with a few people, shouting: Wang Miao, how are you? Someone escaped. Are you going?

This person was Wang Miao, the manager who had just come in and was in charge of administration and logistics. He said in a painful voice: We had no time to evacuate and fled. We only got out of three convoys. One of the vehicles was surrounded by mudslides and sank. Our side There was no time for rescue, and I don’t know if the other two cars could survive this mudslide.”

Jinbaba opened his mouth, and the car lights illuminated the surrounding scene. Only then did he see clearly that the surroundings were no longer the suburbs before. They seemed to be floating on a boat, and the mudslides here kept pushing the building. , it’s almost like a dream!

It should be said that the building is like a small boat, and there is an extremely wide mudslide river pushing the building around.

All signals have been blocked. We just tried the signal transmitter and it was completely useless. Wang Miao was a little frustrated and it was too late to call for help.

Everyone was confused at the time. After all, when planning this matter, all dangers must have been considered, even sudden disasters, etc., but they never expected that they would be separated and the entire building would be destroyed. They are all floating in the ocean of mudslides. What does this mean?

You wouldn't even dare to act like this in a movie. It took a long time for Jin Baba to say something.

Junjia patted Wang Miao and said: With so many of us missing, the higher ups will definitely take it seriously. Don't worry, all we have to do now is wait for rescue. It would be great if there was a helicopter at that time.

If there is a plane, it can be located and rescue can be carried out quickly.

Wang Miao continued to sigh: The problem now is that we can't determine our position. I don't even know where we have been. There are no signs around us, and the people who escaped to ask for help don't know which direction we are floating in now. In this situation, it would be too difficult to search and rescue us.

The wind was blowing, indicating that they were going very fast. Junjia frowned and said, This must be dozens of yards, right? Just pray to stop. They kept changing positions, It also increases the difficulty of search and rescue.

At this time, Li Yuetian came running with a team of armed forces, breathing heavily: I have sealed the building just now, no one will come out, our people are standing everywhere.

I have also explored the surrounding area, and there is nothing dangerous. I will find someone to fence the boundary later to prevent people from falling in. Now let's discuss a charter and explain it before going in.

Mr. Lan quietly let out a breath, as long as he wasn't a robber. Although the whole building was pushed to an unknown place, Jin BaBa was here, and countless celebrities were also inside. There would definitely be money spent on it. A lot of effort was put into the search and rescue effort, so what we have to do now is

Wait for the rescue and appease the people in the building. Before that, there should be no casualties or other problems, and no internal fighting is allowed. Junjia said it out. He has the highest administrative status in Wucheng after all. The leadership team.



Wang Miao, please make a list of all the people who came to the celebrity meeting this time, and discuss it with the logistics director. Regarding the next meal and accommodation issues, what existing supplies can be used, and what items are missing should be reported first. Let's find a way. Jun Jia is worthy of being a member of the Jun family. Even if he is a bit of a money-hungry bastard, his subordinates still have real abilities.

Jing Shu frowned the whole time. She was slightly uneasy because this was not the first time she had encountered this situation. It was too familiar and similar.

Things may not be that simple. If we just wait for rescue, it will be very difficult, because the plate movement will completely disrupt the understanding of geography. This is the case in the United States and the same in the mountains. It is very likely that they are now in the The place is no longer within the scope of Wucheng!

Wang Miao took out his mobile phone and said: There are a thousand people participating in the celebrity auction, 300 people in service and security, more than 100 people in our administrative logistics, and 600 people in the armed forces, a total of 2,000 people. But there are also the previous ones. Boss Lu, the original developer of New World, has been living upstairs with his more than 200 people.

Since we originally planned to finish the auction in two hours, we didn't prepare any other food supplies. The food and water supplies we have now are enough for more than two thousand people to consume for a day or two at most.

Because just before, all the food supplies and other supplies of the celebrity auctioneers in the parking lot were separated from the building. But as for food, Boss Lu should have some, and as for water, it is a very serious problem! If we're stuck on the building for more than seven days, then...

In other words, the New World parking lot dedicated to storing supplies was not divided, but a bare building with nothing was divided.

Boss, Chief Financial Officer Liu!

At this moment, the driver behind Wang Miao ran over excitedly. He patted his chest and said, I was scared to death just now. When we were handing over here, the ground over there cracked. Fortunately, our truck was inside. Otherwise I won’t be able to see you.”

Xiao Liu's eyes lit up, then he nodded, quietly pulled the driver behind him, and asked some more questions.

In other words, Jingshu’s carts of red worm cakes are still there!

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