I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 634 Trapped in the Building

But now no one is obviously in the mood to care about Jingshu's truck driver, because people will not die if they are hungry, but they can't live long without water.

We cannot die of thirst without waiting for rescue. We must make plans in advance! Wang Miao, we must prepare at least other food and water sources! In this way, let's quickly return to the auction and start Crowdfunding to find a way to get water. Jun Jia may not know much, but the three Zhuge Liangs can definitely make a cobbler.

Li Yuetian stopped him: Wait a minute! As for the water source, we can simply filter it, send a group of people out to dig out the mudslides, find some stones, activated carbon, sand, etc., dig more holes, and make a filter on site. The method is stupid. , muddy water is also unpalatable, but with more people and more strength, we will never die of thirst. Now we have overlooked one point, that is, there are not many fuel supplies. It is now minus 30 degrees, and it is even colder at night, so the water must be boiled. Drinking, without bedding, etc., it is easy to get sick collectively.

Junjia nodded: Wang Miao, I'll leave it to you to figure out what Captain Li said. Now you take the logistics director to calculate how long each material can last, how many materials can be used now, and the number of celebrities this time. We will collect public and private supplies, search for any useful supplies, and then come and report to us.

Captain Li, go and gather all the armed forces and attach great importance to them, distribute the weapons, and have our people in every place. We must patrol 24 hours a day and keep an eye on Boss Lu and some people from the celebrity club to prevent them from causing trouble.

I am now leading a team of people to seal off the auction house and tell them the situation. We will figure out what to do next!

Master Lan said with an envious look: Brother Ba, your uncle is so awesome.

Jin Ba Ba hummed proudly: My dad is even more powerful. Our family members are all powerful.

Jingshu held the black box in her hand and weighed it. Fortunately, she had the habit of carrying this black box when she went out. Firstly, it was to protect her, and secondly, with her timid and cautious character, she must be armed with all-rounders. When she goes out, the black box contains weapons and various foods, so it won’t be rude to take them out later. Of course, her carry-on space is full of everything, and it can be said that Jingshu doesn’t have to worry about food, clothing, or even food. It is used for various purposes.

I just worry about when I can go home.

Junjia and others walked quickly back to the auction house. Jingshu quietly told Xiao Liu a few words and asked the driver to follow Li Yuetian with the goods. Li Yuetian would naturally arrange all this. In this chaotic time, Jingshu didn’t want others to know that she had several carts of insect cakes still there due to a coincidence.

Jingshu sent more bugs around her and dispersed them throughout the New World Building. She seemed to have countless pairs of eyes watching every move here. Once there was any change, she would be able to immediately Know.

At this time, there is no need to be careless at all. Not only must we prevent natural disasters outside, but we must also prevent any of the two thousand people from wanting to do anything to her. What if there is any downside? What if someone wants to fish in troubled waters?

Jing Shu followed Jun Jia calmly and quickly returned to the turbulent auction scene.

The host, Xiaoshuai, pulled up a chair and lit a fire, crossing his legs and drinking tea. He was talking perfunctorily to the uneasy crowd, and it was precisely because of Xiaoshuai's attitude that the scene would not become chaotic.

Oh? Look, the boss is here. Come on, let the boss of the town tell you what happened outside. Are we in any danger? Xiaoshuai quickly stood up and gave up his seat, and handed the microphone to him. passed.

There is no movement outside now, and there is no sound from the wooden warehouse. It seems that there is no big problem.

The scene immediately fell silent.

Jinbaba took Jingshu and Master Lan back to the box before, and said carelessly: It's okay, I'm back again, brother is here, you don't have to worry about anything, no matter what happens, don't worry, I will protect you .”

Brother Ba, it's great that you are back. You scared us to death just now.

What's going on outside?

Mr. Lan coughed and said, It's not a big problem. Now Brother Ba's uncle is the biggest official here. He needs to make arrangements now. If we follow the arrangements from above, nothing will happen.

No problem, we will follow the command.

A group of people were chattering, as if what happened just now that Jin Baba left with Young Master Lan had never happened. The fact was that even if Jin Baba really left them, they had nothing to do, and they would still have to lick their faces and smile afterward. No such thing.

Xiao Liu took out another blanket and laid it on Jingshu. He also pulled back the stove and laid out a platter of snacks. Jingshu sat on it comfortably and put her feet on the chair. Xiao Liu offered coffee again. Jing Shu half-squinted her eyes, and her thoughts began to spin crazily. At the same time, she also controlled the little bugs around her to continue to inquire about the situation.

Next, she wanted to know how many people there were in this entire building, how many forces there were, whether there were any dangerous people, and what supplies and weapons there were.

Junjia obviously has more experience in this kind of thing. At this time, it is even more difficult to tell the truth. He must stabilize the people's hearts, so Junjia said in a very relaxed tone:

I'm sorry to keep everyone waiting. In fact, nothing big happened. It's not like people came to rob or riot or anything like that. We all know about the mudslides, right? It's just that we are in the suburbs, so the mudslides around us are bigger. Some were so big that they swept away the building.


Then what are you waiting for? Run away!

There was a commotion in the hall again. The mudslide was coming, so why not run away and wait to die?

Be patient! Listen to me, everyone, this mudslide is a bit special. We originally wanted to open a road, but the road was cut off. Now our building is being pushed away by the mudslide. It is no longer the original place, so There will be no signal, but don't worry, we have already launched satellite signals for rescue, and I believe that rescue will arrive soon.

Don’t worry, everyone, professionals have checked and there are no other dangers.

The auction is temporarily suspended. Xiaoshuai, you and your people will seal up all the items currently in the auction and wait until later.

What we have to do is very simple, just wait for rescue to arrive. Junjia said with a natural and sincere expression.

The hall became quiet again, and I felt completely relieved when I heard that there was a rescue call. I was only temporarily trapped and there was no danger.

But! Junjia waved his hand again: Because this is only a temporary base and there is not enough water source, we still have to filter some water ourselves, and because there are so many of us, we may have to stay in this building for a few days.

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