I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 649 Search for me!

When they heard that Junjia wanted to search room by room, and not spare any other places, many people finally couldn't help but change their minds!

The food here was obtained through various coincidences, or some of them just happened to be auctioned.

In short, before they know when they will be rescued, food is the biggest source of support for these people!

Junjia smiled and laughed.

The whole room was filled with an inexplicable atmosphere. Some people bowed their heads, some stood up, and some refused to resist.

If you want these people who have spent four years in the apocalypse to contribute all the food, these people are obviously unwilling.

Junjia's smile made everyone present even more uneasy.

Then she saw the man who was bowing his head next to Jingshu stood up suddenly and asked, Where's Boss Lu? It's impossible for the boss of New World to have no inventory. If he takes it all out, I will take it all out too.

Boss Lu was caught in the fire. Everyone looked at Boss Lu, including Jing Shu. Judging from Jing Shu’s raid on the entire building a few days ago, there were indeed many people hiding food, but Boss Lu’s situation Jingshu is not sure.

Because there is a completely enclosed room that even bugs cannot enter. After waiting for so many days, the door has not even been opened.

If Jing Shu guessed correctly, this should be a safe and cold storage several hundred times larger.

Will there be any good things in there? Jing Shu had the idea of ​​robbery, and then shook her head. Boss Lu didn't do anything bad so far. After robbing the high-end luxury goods from the United States, Jing Shu's vision became higher. .

Jingshu doesn't care about livestock, fruits, crops, etc. that are not extinct. She can't risk exposing her space to steal things.

Boss Lu was lying on the boss chair and said lazily: I have contributed all the food. Brother Jun also said that he would give me a first-class merit medal later.

Everyone gritted their teeth, wasn't this a lie? But others also understood that Boss Lu was on the same side as Junjia, this licking dog!

what to do? Let them contribute food without giving up.

Seeing that these people were in trouble, Junjia lit up his fire: It seems you don't want to be rescued? That's fine. Anyway, I am the only one who knows the satellite password. From today on, I will not ask for help. I will just wait to die. Die early and be reincarnated early.”

Everyone's expressions changed drastically again, this was a threat!

Trapped and drifting on this isolated island, if not rescued, who knows when it will drift away. Who can survive in the severe living conditions? Every day of delay increases the risk!

You guys testify that from now on for 24 hours, I will never ask for help. I will stay with you. Whoever asks for help will be the puppy. Junjia changed to a comfortable position, crossed his legs, and took a sip of hot tea. .

Jingshu lowered her head and said nothing. Junjia was lying. He obviously didn't bring satellite equipment and he still asked for help.

However, the effect doesn't seem to be very good. Everyone is pretending to be a quail in the spirit of a dead Taoist friend but not a poor Taoist.

At this moment, the inconspicuous middle-aged bald man in the corner stood up and spoke:

Your appointment is also for us, for everyone to survive! I also want to be rescued and leave this damn place as soon as possible. I won't say anything. I have 200 cans of braised pork hidden away and donated all of them.

Lao Liu unexpectedly

Since when did good old Liu have such a sense of justice?

Later, one or two more people contributed some food, including dried plums and biscuits.

Jing Shu suddenly realized that it seemed that Junjia had found a supporter a long time ago. Otherwise, why would the prize given to her earlier include canned braised pork?

Seeing that the situation seemed to be cold again, Junjia stood up, waved his hand and ordered: Except for those who voluntarily contributed just now, everyone else will search the house and clean out all the food.

There had been discussions before, but now they fell out, and many people in the room stood up. They originally thought that since Junjia had discussed it, they would not dare to use any means, but they never expected that this Just use strong force.

You can't do this, this is private property!

I pay, I contribute, don't search my house!

It's late. Junjia still smiled and waved his hand for everyone to sit down and stop being so excited: Don't worry about it. People have already gone to search. You should wait here for a while and don't act rashly.

Jingshu raised her eyebrows and finally understood. This was a show directed and performed by Junjia, just to get the remaining food from these people. The previous threat was just an excuse, an excuse to be polite before fighting. .

If Jing Shu guessed correctly, several of the trustees here would have already reached an agreement with Jun Jia.

The people in the room were anxious, but they didn't dare to move rashly. After a while, Li Chenglong led people to search everyone's room inside and outside.

Not to mention, the search turned up a lot of food, which was really varied.

The statistician began to count in front of everyone. A steady stream of food was piled up. Many people present looked very bad. Some people's hands were shaking so badly, but there was no way. They also wanted to make trouble and wanted to Resistance, but what to resist with? Mucang is pointing at his head, what else can he do?

It was in vain that they tried to reason at first.

Wang Miao came with another team of people and said with some embarrassment: From the third floor of the residential area upwards, except for Boss Lu's place, we searched everything else, and basically no food was found.

Yes, they are all living in the hall. Even if the conditions were good before, after so many days, there is no food or use. What food can be hidden?

That's really a pocket cleaner than your face.

Continue to search, search the entire building, don't miss the outside, and don't miss any loose soil, pits, hidden compartments, etc. Junjia waved his hand and ordered.

Everyone in the room looked even worse, except Boss Lu who was lazily yawning, Jin Baba who was absent-minded, and Jing Shu who was doing nothing.

As time went by, all the food in the entire building was basically integrated together. Jingshu estimated that if these things were saved, it would be enough for the people in the building to eat for at least two or three days.

A drop in the bucket.

Jingshu fell asleep, opened the space, fed pigs, collected vegetables, put fresh vegetables in the space to dry, and made dried vegetables. After the space can generate electricity, it is indeed much more convenient.

Soon, footsteps sounded again outside.

Report, a tunnel was found in the toilet in the square on the first floor, and a large amount of edible food was found in the tunnel!

After hearing this, the middle-aged man next to Jingshu knelt down tremblingly.

Everyone cheered up.

Jing Shu frowned. Is this a toilet where countless mud mermaids are constantly pouring out? Why didn't she notice it then? Or is there some coincidence here?

I forgot to add an update

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