I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 650 Eating equally

Anyway, it was really unexpected to find food in the toilet, and I instantly lost my desire for food. If it is really distributed to everyone, Jingshu will give her share to those in need. human.

Junjia raised his brows, this was an unexpected surprise, and hurriedly said: Move them all in so that everyone can take a look. By the way, whose is it?

Everyone had different expressions and no one answered.

After a while, a large sack of contents was brought in. There were more than a dozen sacks. The sacks were all covered with soil. Li Chenglong shook off the soil and casually opened a sack, revealing the contents.

What is it?

It's dark, are you sure this is food?

Li Chenglong frowned, reached in and grabbed a bunch of them and came out. They didn't tear apart, they were all entangled together. Yes, they were placed in a sack like seaweed, and they were quite tough.

Li Chenglong came closer to smell it, and finally put a few sticks into his mouth and chewed them, frowning with a strange expression: The taste is a bit bitter, and there is also a fishy smell, a very strange taste, but it should be edible.

As long as you can eat, Junjia's expression relaxed.

This is the end of the world. It doesn’t matter if it tastes good or not, as long as you can eat it and survive, there are not so many requirements.

Many people were relieved to hear that this was really food.

Who hid this food? Can you please introduce it to us? Don't worry, we have a record of the food contributed by each person. After you are rescued, we will not only compensate you with virtual coins, but also give you It is an honorary title, and the benefits of the title are equivalent to those of a regular employee of the town government. Junjia said with a smile.

After saying this, the man next to Jingshu finally couldn't help but stand up. After all, the food had been discovered. What could he do if he didn't admit it? The key is there are benefits.

be mine

Li Chenglong began to count the strange food. Others in the room were silent. Jun Jia looked at the strange man and couldn't help but ask: Who are you? Why haven't I seen it before?

The middle-aged man stared at the food and said, My name is Daji. I just came from the south with these green algae a few days ago. I originally brought them for auction, but I didn't expect to encounter such a thing.

When Li Chenglong finished counting the food called green algae, Daji had a little bit of joy in his eyes. It was not all the food he brought!

Thinking of this, Daji relaxed completely and couldn't help but introduce: Green algae is a newly developed food in the south. It is low-cost, but fortunately it can fill your stomach. Of course, it is also unpalatable. These green algae are cooked Those that can be eaten directly, I am willing to donate all these green algae. Anyway, that's it.

Junjia laughed loudly: Okay, okay, on behalf of the town government and the people in the building, I would like to thank you. Don't worry, what I said before is true. Everyone here who contributed food will be remembered by us here. With this food from you , the people in the building can support it for another ten days.

We can definitely wait for rescue!

After plundering everyone's food, Junjia was extremely satisfied. Once satisfied, he naturally decided to make a bgm.

When these people came, they could still eat private food. When they left, there was no food at all and they had to eat in the big canteen.

It's dinner time, and we just happen to have a meal together. By the way, Li Chenglong, get some ingredients and have them cooked quickly. Remember, the nutrition must be balanced and everyone should be treated equally.

In any case, Junjia not only represents the town government, but also has an armed force behind him. Who dares to cause trouble? At this moment, he is not as obedient as a quail.

A group of people had pale faces. At least they had biscuits and canned food before, but now let’s see what they can eat in the cafeteria.

Jing Shu's face didn't look good either. Hey, it's hard to say not to eat at this time. Isn't it obvious that you are hiding private food? She gently held the black box. Fortunately, no one was paying attention to her black box at the moment. Also, how many things could be in this black box?

The meal came quickly, and each person was given a bowl and a spoon first. The bowl and spoon were earthen bowls that Wangmiao organized some time ago to dig out mud, knead, shape and bake them. The earthen spoon was not very strong and easily broken. Fortunately, There is not much else in the building, but there is quite a lot of dirt.

Then Li Chenglong took the bucket and scooped out spoonfuls one by one and distributed them to everyone. Each person had half a bowl and half was still soup.

Jingshu stirred with a spoon. There were green algae brought by Daji, a little bit of meat, dried plums, and bugs caught by Li Yuetian. In short, it was a bowl of hodgepodge.

It smelled of an inexplicable sour and stinky smell.

It tastes worse than this. It’s not that I’ve never tasted it before. Just killing a bowl of carrion worms can teach you how to be a new person, but that is a previous life after all.

Not only Jing Shu, but also other people's expressions are not very good. After all, they have never eaten such terrible food these days. They are all pampered. Even if the apocalypse comes, they will all come here eating white rice. , how can it be as embarrassing as today.

Eat it. Junjia said, taking the lead in eating and chewing: I didn't expect it to be so bad, at least there is still meat.

Jin Baba rolled his eyes with reluctance on his face. He looked everywhere but refused to eat.

But seeing that Jun Jia had eaten, everyone else slowly moved their spoons, opening their mouths and closing their eyes as if they were being tortured.

Jingshu calmly picked up the bowl, raised her head, and poured it into her mouth. The moment she poured it in, it was all put into the space, and then she put ordinary rice in her mouth and started chewing.

Well, it tastes pretty good. Jingshu breathed out quietly. Thanks to her wit, she fed the food directly to the pigs. The pigs she raised even ate them, but they didn't even eat these black things.

She won’t even eat the pigs in her space!

Jing Shu was speechless, and gave these things to the chicken. The chicken was not so smart, and it was not a waste of food if it ate all the dark food.

Jin Baba finally held his nose and ate it. He had no choice but to do it. His uncle was staring at him. Eat it, eat it. Ordinary people still don't have enough to eat.

Okay, there's nothing else to do. That's it for today. If you find out who has private food, or where there is private food, you can tell me. Junjia said seriously.

No more, no more.

You took it all.

Of course, I am absolutely bound to do this kind of thing!

Their food had been taken away, and they would definitely not see others having private food. Junjia directly asked them to supervise each other. Jingshu sighed quietly, this situation is getting more and more serious.

By the way, Jingshu, come with me.

Everyone else left. Jingshu was called away and called to the soldiers' camp. Jingshu was a little regretful. She wanted to follow Boss Lu to see what was in his safe.

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