I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 655: Doesn’t your conscience hurt?

I heard that it was because they received a report that Jingshu had secretly hidden food.

Xiao Liu eagerly handed Jingshu her exclusive tea cup, and added: It's cold outside, drink some hot water quickly. Tea was not available, and the conditions were missing.

Li Chenglong gave Xiao Liu a thumbs up as if he had learned something. Look at what he is doing, no wonder he didn't take his water.

Jingshu nodded and took the water naturally, then looked at the people on both sides of the villa. One wave was the building's armed forces team, and there were more than a dozen people blocking the door of the villa.

The first wave was Master Lan leading a group of university classmates who were watching the excitement. Of course, there were still people surrounding them.

I heard that someone hid the food secretly, and if they found it, everyone would share it equally.

How many can we share equally? When they go in to search later, we will go in during the chaos and grab some.

Jinbaba snorted, but he touched the yogurt lump in his pocket. He didn't want Jingshu's private food to be confiscated, otherwise he wouldn't be able to eat at all.

Li Chenglong also touched the yogurt pimple in his pocket and strode up: Why are you arguing? What happened?

Li Chenglong is the second in command of the team and Li Yuetian's nephew.

Captain Li, we received reports from these people that food was hidden in this villa. Zhang Shan replied loudly.

Jin Baba also walked up and asked Master Lan dissatisfied: What's going on with you guys? You have nothing to do? Who reported it?

Who is this blind person who wants to trick him into making yogurt pimples? No, I have to perform well today to impress Jing Shu, and then give him a lot of yogurt pimples.

No one in the crowd spoke. Jiang Changke jumped out and pointed at Mr. Lan and said in a strange tone:

Young Master Lan reported it. He insisted on reporting it. I couldn't stop him. You said that we are all classmates. What good will it do to you if you reported it? People like you just don't like others.

Master Lan's face was livid and red at the same time. This was because he was ashamed. The plot obviously shouldn't be like this. Faced with Jin Baba's gaze, Master Lan stuttered in a rare way: It's not like that.

What kind of thing is that? Jinbaba asked with his hands on his hips, and at the same time he looked at Master Lan dissatisfied. He originally thought that this man knew how to read people's eyes and would serve them comfortably, but he never expected that this man would hit him with yogurt. Pimple idea.

Didn’t we agree that the report would be anonymous and if it was true, we would be rewarded? Isn't this a scam? There are so many people here and I don't know what's going on today, so I came here to report it. I took a step back and said, wouldn't it be better to just send that brainless woman Tang Yuan to die?

Master Lan couldn't bear the accusation of cheating his classmates, so he could only say: I was just joking, the classmates are too serious. He winked at several female classmates.

Jiang Changke looked like you were lying.

In the eyes of female classmates, Master Lan's status is still very high, especially with a few close friends, such as Tangyuan, who stood up and spoke: Yes, I just want to see if Jingshu has anything else to eat.

“Purely curious”

Jin Ba Ba nodded with satisfaction and gave Li Chenglong a look with his hands on his hips: Look, it was a joke. There was a misunderstanding. Let's get over it.

Li Chenglong was also very satisfied: Okay, Zhang Shan, let's break up. It's a misunderstanding.

Zhang Shan was also preparing to leave, and two more people came out of the crowd.

No, we can't let it go like this. We heard this guy say before that he has evidence. He has never eaten in the cafeteria. He must have private food.

Yes, search first!

Master Lan's face turned purple and black. When did he say these words?

Jinba arrogantly put his hands on his hips and wanted to scold him. What the hell is Master Lan? He said these words outside. Master Lan shook his head desperately. Although he didn't care about Jingshu, he didn't want to offend Jinba. It's strange, when did Jinba take over? Are you on Jingshu's side?

At this time, several more people shouted and wanted to search the villa.

Jing Shu frowned, looking at the sudden appearance of a few people who felt a little weird. He then looked at the man in the crowd who lowered the brim of his hat. That was Daji who hid the food in the toilet tunnel!

After Daji found Jingshu looking at him, he turned away.

Jing Shu is not angry yet, but Li Chenglong is angry now. If you dare to go against his sister Jing, you are going against him!

Li Chenglong grabbed Zhang Shan's loudspeaker and shouted directly: Quiet, you guys are searching this stupid villa. I think you just want to steal some good things. You don't want to have dinner, right? I'll take a look at today. Who the hell said Jingshu hid food secretly and wanted to search the villa? Come forward, come forward.

Jing Shu held her forehead, why did Li Chenglong scold someone? Still anxious?

Sure enough, after saying this, some people started to fight back:

Hey, are you guys protecting each other? Are you still not allowed to search the villa?

There must be something fishy about this.

Even Young Master Lan seemed to sense that there was a turn for the better. Tangyuan lowered her head and clenched her fists. She hoped more than anyone else that Jingshu would be unlucky. Unfortunately, Jingshu secretly ate something good during this period and gained weight. .

Don’t get me wrong, in the last days, gaining weight is a compliment, and it represents envy, jealousy, and hatred.

Jing Shu actually wanted to say, search, you can search, I will believe you if I find some food, but there are a lot of snakes and bugs in the villa, don't blame me if they bite you to death.

During the quarrel, gunfire suddenly rang out, and then another team came.

I don't know who shouted: Captain Li is here.

The whole hall became quiet.

Li Yuetian came with people, and his sharp eyes made the scene completely quiet. He walked up to the stage and said through the loudspeaker: You can search, why can't you search? Who just said to report the first person who searched the villa? Come out, you, you, you and you, right, stand here.

Li Yuetian pointed at a few people.

Mr. Lan shook his head like a rattle: I won't report it. Just kidding, he still has some discernment.

The few remaining people were a little hesitant.

Li Yuetian continued: It is not so troublesome to report ordinary people, but the Jingshu you want to report is not ordinary.

By the way, I forgot to tell you that the red worm cakes and red worm cakes that are eaten by more than 2,000 people in our building are all provided by Jing Shu alone.

Do you have your next meal? The next meal for everyone in our building depends on Jingshu. I will even have to rely on her for many days to come.

Hiding private food? A person has provided so much food for the building, saved so many lives, and paid you for food out of your own pocket every day, yet you still want to report her?

Doesn't your conscience hurt? !

Li Yuetian's scolding voice lingered throughout the building. For a moment, the hall was extremely silent, and no one spoke.

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