I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 656 It’s because there are good things

Li Yuetian said that Jingshu was so selfless and great, which made Jingshu in the dark feel a little embarrassed. In fact, taking out the food was just a win-win situation, and it was not free. Even Jun Jia, the second-in-command of Wucheng, gave it to him. She made sure that all these things were recorded in the account, and the food provided was exchanged for points, and the points were used as the town's internal currency for purchases.

To be honest, Jing Shu now wants to stay here longer and consume more food. After all, the red thread worm cake, which originally only received two million virtual coins, can exchange the contribution points obtained for banned items.

It is difficult to obtain the contribution points within the town government.

Just like the internal points of Wucheng Pharmaceutical Association, it will give you a big pie. The highest points can be exchanged for unexpected and excellent goods.

But people in the hall didn't know. After hearing these words, many people felt ashamed.

It turns out that the food we eat for so many days was provided by her.

We have been trapped here for so long. If we didn't have food, we would have starved to death.

It's thanks to her that we can survive.

The food that can be eaten now belongs to other people. How can this be called hiding private food?

Li Yuetian was very satisfied with the result, and then pointed at the person who was about to report Jingshu for hiding illegal food and asked: As for the person who provides food to the building, you actually want to report her for hiding illegal food.

No matter what, we are the fairest. If you shout to search the villa, we will not provide you with food. You can find a way on your own. Li Chenglong, take these people in to search and see if there is any food.

As soon as Li Yuetian said that there would be no food, not even insect cakes, and that they would starve to death, the faces of these people changed immediately.

No more searches, no more searches.

We were just joking. We didn't know that Miss Jingshu was the one who provided us with food and was our savior. We are blind and blind, so please go around us.

I won't search anymore. I'm just joining in the fun. I don't know why I did such a stupid thing just now when my brain got hot.

Several people who had just said that it was not a big deal suddenly changed their tone. At this time, they must have known that they had hit a brick wall and realized that it would be up to them to see who would eat next.

Li Yuetian's face turned cold: Instead of making noise here, why not do more work and eat more. After saying that, he led the people away.

Li Chenglong chuckled: Have you seen enough? Do you want to invite everyone to cool down outside?

Everyone's expressions changed and they left one after another.

The college classmates were in a state of despair. The news just now was too shocking. They didn't expect that the insect cakes they would eat these days and the next would all come from the hands of a classmate Jingshu, who was a humble and impeccable student.

Jiang Changke said proudly: I'm still jealous that Boss Jingshu doesn't have to work. He does have the capital not to work.

It doesn’t matter whether you hide private food or not. What if someone hides private food? After all, so many people in the building had to rely on Jingshu.

Here comes the key point. If you want to survive and have enough to eat, you have to rely on Jingshu.

Jingshu wanted to keep a low profile and wanted to say that this was not a big deal, but at this moment, the eyes of her classmates had changed when they looked at her, and several classmates had already approached her:

Jingshu, can you give me some more insect cakes?

I didn't expect you, Jingshu, to be such a big boss. Please support me, I can warm the bed!

I am a small electric motor. The frequency can be adjusted. It can be fast or slow, shallow or deep. It is nicknamed Mazda. Consider me.


Jingshu escaped. Jingshu was not used to getting along with her classmates after her identity was exposed.

When she looks at people now, the first thing she thinks of is: Did you come close to me because you wanted to get close to me? Are you attracted to my insect cake or to me as a person?

Jingshu admitted that she actually understood a little bit about the feeling of being in a cold place at a high place, and the emperor wanted to seek out his intimates.

But this did not affect Jingshu at all, hiding in the villa, secretly eating extra meals, and her mouth was full of oil. When I have nothing to do, I will pick a cucumber and eat it on the spot in the space, or cut a watermelon and eat it. Or I can have some after-dinner fruits, such as oranges, peaches, lychees, strawberries, whatever I want.

It's a small regret except that the durian taste is a bit strong and I can't eat it.

The days that followed became much calmer, no one came to trouble Jingshu, and everything seemed to return to an orderly rhythm of life.

Everyone has something to do.

Jing Shu would be woken up by the whistle every day, and she wished she could get back the yogurt dumplings she gave to Jackie Chan. He would wake everyone up at seven o'clock every day to gather in the hall and take roll call.

It is very similar to the military training of the previous militarized management.

Even if she wanted to sleep in, she lived a quiet life. She had a thick silk quilt and a sleeping bag at night, and there were snakes and insects to stand guard for her. Sleeping in a quiet villa all night was not to mention how comfortable it was, but she got up too early in the morning.

Jingshu has become accustomed to taking the roll call in the private room on the first floor and holding a ten-minute regular meeting. She will probably talk about yesterday's progress, today's plan, and make a brief summary.

After that, we will go to the cafeteria to eat together.

In the past, Jingshu would still worry about it, but since that incident, Jingshu always asked Xiao Liu to pay for a meal and send him back to the villa in an honest manner, while Jingshu went back to the villa to take a nap and then got up to do business.

The main thing is to go fishing with a lot of tools.

Jingshu has more and more 'tools' these days, and even the fishing spot has been transformed by Jingshu into a real 'office' spot.

That's right, Jingshu built herself a windproof earthen house around the outer wall of the building. Of course, she spent a little money to hire workers. The good news does not go to outsiders, so naturally it is the classmates from the university who are invited.

There was a Tukang in the house, and a fire was burning under the Tukang. Jingshu usually sat on it to keep warm. There was an earthen stove next to the kang, and Jingshu usually put a teapot on it, boiled tea, and put in yogurt dumplings and milk powder.

The tea and milk are mixed together, turning into fragrant milk tea, which can warm your hands and stomach.

The front of the house has also become a row of steel bars, covered with various wires or power grid wires, and there is a small generator and small motor next to it.

This was borrowed from Dr. Chao Zhang. In order to thank Jingshu for finding the bone powder that solved the bleeding incident, Dr. Zhang generously provided the raw materials.


The wires were filled with electricity and penetrated deep into the sea of ​​mudslides along the soil. Li Chenglong and others did not understand why Jing Shu did this.

Jingshu never explained.

No one understands, but no one asks without the foresight. No one can care about Jingshu. In other people's eyes, Jingshu doesn't stay in the villa every day, but has to endure the cold wind and come out to suffer. Why? ?

Yes, why?

Of course there are good things.

My conscience is very painful, so I decided to update it tomorrow

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