Even though the upgrade of the Rubik's Cube space was much simpler this time, and there was no routine of repairing it for several hours at every turn, in the short period of time when Jingshu lost consciousness, a large number of countless mud mermaids had already captured it layer by layer, and they were coming soon. Arrived on the seventh floor.

The last place of survival for people in the building!

Thousands of bugs and snakes that Jing Shu released had been almost wiped out at this moment, and they did not dare to show their heads at all. That is to say, some bugs trembled and hid in the cracks in the wall and escaped.

The building was crowded with mud mermaids who would eat anything. Although Li Yuetian and his men guarded the entrances of each passage and even used various methods, they could not withstand the tide of these mud mermaids who were as hard as they were and had their upper body bowed. them.

Jing Shu didn't have time to figure it out. When the bug finally wanted to suck blood, she was obviously sucked some blood, but what happened next?

Subconsciously, he touched his neck. He was worried that he would be possessed like Daji and have sarcoma. It didn't happen. It was just a little bulge, just like a mole.

Forget about all that!

Even now, regardless of the upgraded Rubik's Cube space, Jing Shu must first stop the mud mermaid from attacking.

Otherwise, when all the mud mermaids rush over and eat everyone, what will she do next?

There was a constant chirping in her mind, as if there were countless mud mermaids talking, but she couldn't understand it, and she just kept quacking with tens of thousands of ducks, which made her extremely irritated!

It would be nice if I could calm down. Jingshu thought.

Then something magical happened. What had been noisy just now suddenly became quiet. There was only the rumble of tinnitus and the faint screams outside.

Jing Shu's mind was spinning very fast. She came out of Boss Lu's treasure room. The passage was still full of mud mermaids falling down. Li Chenglong and a group of people had already retreated to the next exit.

Therefore, no one around had a chance to see the scene just now. Instead, there were many mud mermaids passing by Jing Shu, and they were attacking the place where Li Chenglong was guarding.

Not only that, the mud mermaid also consciously made way for Jingshu.

Jing Shu had a guess, was she treated like Daji? These mud mermaids stopped attacking her? So, is there the same treatment as Daji?

Everyone stop, don't move. Jing Shu thought like this. According to Daji, he can't control these mud mermaids, but as long as he has a strong desire, such as what he wants, these mud mermaids can do it for him. arrive.

Hold on, we must hold on. As long as we don't die, we have hope until the last moment! Li Yuetian shouted while asking people to get everything that could be burned.

Bring the bed, the things from the single room, and the door frame, and put them here to burn!

Tiedan, guard the other entrance!

Captain, Staircase No. 4 is lost. They all came in and rushed in!

After Li Yuetian heard the news, he immediately ran over like crazy. The central hall on the seventh floor was so crowded that it was impossible to stand, and everyone was trembling.

If there were only a few hundred, they could still resist tenaciously, but there were tens of thousands of these densely packed monsters, and the scary thing was that they were still squeezing in here.

Ah, help!

A monster is rushing in!

People in the already crowded hall immediately screamed and tried to run away, but it was so packed with people, where was there any room to run?

The mud mermaid rushed into the crowd and opened its mouth, only to find a person.

It's over. Li Yuetian thought absentmindedly, and he shouted to Li Chenglong: You haven't found Jing Shu yet?

Li Chenglong responded: I don't know, I've been here since the beginning.

Junjia squeezed Jin Baba's hand and sighed: In this case, she may be in danger.

Li Chenglong shouted: She is such a powerful person. She must be doing things we can't think of. She will be fine.

Li Yuetian murmured: If she were here, there might be something we could do.

Suddenly, a monster rushed over from another blockade. It stepped on the corpse of its companion, jumped into the crowd from a high place, opened its mouth and bit Li Chenglong.

It's over. This was Li Chenglong's first thought. Then he gritted his teeth, held the torch with his bare hands and stuffed it into the mermaid's mouth, thinking that they would just die together.

But I never expected that something unexpected would happen at this moment.

All the monsters suddenly stopped moving, as if they were stuck. The attacking monsters stopped moving, and the monsters that were eating people stopped moving. They seemed to be still. Li Chenglong put a torch into the monster's mouth. If the monster usually would There was a reaction, but at this moment, the monster stopped moving and allowed the torch to burn it to ashes.


Immediately afterwards, everyone else in the hall found out.

what happened?

These monsters are immobile, hurry up, no matter what, kill them first! Li Yuetian reacted the fastest.

Jing Shu walked forward and looked at all this in disbelief. As expected, all the mud mermaids were motionless, just like the sculptures, very obedient.

It wasn't like Daji said that it would take a very strong wish to come true. She just recited it silently.

It's very easy.

Go back to the ground! Jingshu ordered this time, but after giving the order, Jingshu's head almost exploded with a bang. It felt like it had been sucked out by something.

The next second, how did these mermaids get here and how did they go back? They are stupid and have no IQ, but they know the way, and one by one they just turn around and go back.

The hall that had just settled down erupted with frightened sounds again, but this time, these monsters did retreat like a tide.

It wasn't until all the living mud mermaids returned to the underground mudslide sea and completely exited the building that Jingshu, who was holding on, exhaled. This matter was finally resolved, but were there conditions for ordering these monsters? This has yet to be verified.

Who is there! Li Chenglong, who had just come out to see the situation, immediately realized that there was someone in the dark corner.

Jingshu summoned a black box from the space in advance to carry it, and said weakly: It's me.

Sister? Sister Jing! It's you, great, you're not dead! I knew it! Li Chenglong ran over excitedly. In the dim light, he smelled the rich blood. He turned on the flashlight and took a look. Jing Shu was shocked. His face was frighteningly pale!

What's going on? I'll help your sister, are you okay? Li Chenglong carefully helped Jing Shu take the black box that he couldn't forget anywhere.

What's so heavy? Li Chenglong couldn't even lift it.

Back in the crowded hall, no one dared to go out at this moment. Who knows if those monsters are gone?

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