I'm fine. I just wanted to take a good rest, but she didn't even have time to upgrade. She seemed to have been completely taken away after giving the order just now.

Sister Jing, where did you just go? We can't find you no matter how hard we look! Li Chenglong complained a little but also expressed concern. It was so dangerous, so why didn't he know how to protect himself?

Jingshu: ...

I understand, sister, you must be doing something big. Maybe this time all the monsters retreat, and you have something to do with me, sister.

Li Chenglong helped Jingshu sit on the ground and turned on the loudspeaker mode to tell his uncle that Jingshu had been found, and Junjia came with a large group of people.

Li Chenglong was relieved when he saw that Jing Shu was fine, My turtle and snake wine is found. Otherwise, the old rheumatism could kill him.

Jin Baba's hands holding the two pigs kept shaking, and he snorted: Looking at how scared you are, you are no better than me.

Jinbaba never forgets the extinct Jinhua sows wherever he goes. He has even made plans to eat them when he is in dire straits. He is drooling just looking at these two pigs.

It's okay. Jackie Chan, please take the patrol to take a look around. We'll go down after making sure it's safe. Junjia saw Jingshu covered in human blood and asked again: We couldn't find you just now, what happened? Something happened?

Jingshu rested for a while, took a sip of the exclusive hot water handed over by Xiao Liu, and then asked everyone to go to the previous hot pot restaurant with her.

Junjia temporarily arranged several tasks, asking Dr. Zhang to take people to see if the injured could be treated, and asking Wang Miao to take people to make statistics on the current situation. Every time after the war, a group of people were in chaos, and there were many trivial things to do. But now everyone is more worried about whether the monster will rush over again.

The hall was in a mess, and of course many people were so frightened that they peed their pants. Not to mention, many of them had been constipated for weeks and couldn't pull it out even if they wanted to.

I was scared out of my skin just now, and there was a rush of heat in my crotch. I haven't felt such a warm scene in a long time, but it was a little sticky.

There is an unspeakable smell in the hall.

Jingshu walked faster.

Xiao Liu followed up with his head held high, not caring at all about the strange looks from the people around him after he handed over the water. He was very proud. He would never forget the leader's hot water cup wherever he went. He knew that the boss was bringing hers with him. Black Box must be on to something serious.

Everyone looked at the storage room with a big hole in it in surprise.

That's it. Jingshu kicked open a pile of muddy mermaid corpses blocking the big hole in the secret safe.

Jin Baba felt a cool breeze behind his head, and everyone swallowed quietly. It seemed that Jing Shu had killed a lot of monsters just now.

After entering here, I couldn't help but take a breath of air. The secret storage room was very small, and I couldn't stand even after a few people stood there. There were piles of supplies all around.

However, the supplies at the moment were very miserable. Rice and white noodles were scattered everywhere, and the hanging sausages, smoked duck, etc. were all embedded with many small stones and flakes, and there were various blood stains.

None of this is devastating.

There seemed to be a shock wave that ransacked the place, and most of the materials were shattered.

Jingshu felt that the explosion had destroyed some supplies, and the roar of the insects had damaged her eardrums. It should have been the shock wave.

The other person was not Jing Shu, and her focus was different from Jing Shu's. Jing Shu was a little surprised when she saw this storage room. There was a lot of food and a lot of meat, but most of them were ordinary things, and she had enough space. produced.

If it was not contaminated, Jingshu might consider taking it into the space, but now it is stained with blood and invaded by countless small stones. The key is that it is Daji's body. It makes me sick just thinking about it. I don't know if it will be okay if I eat it. So Jingshu immediately looked down on it.

But there are still some weapons in the storage room. Jingshu took advantage of the chaos and took it into the space, which can be regarded as a fruitful harvest. After she goes back, she will take a closer look at what weapons there are. In the end of the world, these weapons are almost perfect. , the key is to have no bullets.

“Oh my God, so much food!”

Is this Boss Lu's storage room?

Jingshu nodded.

Junjia gritted his teeth. He always wanted to ask: Where is Mr. Lu?

Jingshu pointed to the ground.

Others looked over and discovered that Li Yuetian was stepping on a piece of dry skin and some clothes.

Junjia stepped back and sat down on a bag of rice noodles. He screamed again and his butt was punctured again.

Li Yuetian kicked it away calmly, feeling disgusted.

Jingshu explained: I was sucked dry by a powerful monster.

No one asked where the powerful monster had gone, because only Jing Shu came out in the end. Seeing this tragic scene, everyone couldn't help but look at Jing Shu with admiration again.

Her black box is like a treasure chest, with many layers and all-round supplies. She is even more mysterious, not only powerful but also has unexpected abilities.

Sausage! Jin Baba threw down the cage. He didn't care how powerful Jingshu was, so he grabbed the sausage and started chewing it. He bit his teeth off on the spot and shed a lot of blood. Why are there so many stones? They are so sharp!

Jing Shu didn't have the heart to tell him that it was Daji's corpse.

At this moment, Li Chenglong hurriedly ran over: Uncle, they are all gone without a trace, none of them are used, but on the second floor, all the food on the second floor has been eaten, and there is nothing left. What should we do!


Everything, including Sister Jing's two trucks of insect cakes! Even the tables, chairs, kitchen utensils, and the earthen stove we burned are all gone. All that's left is a pile of shit. Li Chenglong was about to cry but had no tears.

They were trapped on an isolated island and relied on Jing Shu's two carts of insect cakes to survive. As long as there was food, they could survive.

There is nothing now.

Junjia pointed at the storage room, but before he could be happy, he was poured cold water on him. He said, How long can we survive with the food in this house?

This time there were serious casualties, unlike last time, most of them were blocked by Jingshu, only a few dozen were jumping upstairs, and they were scattered to the seventh floor.

Li Yuetian looked at the abundant supplies and said, Even if 1,500 people live frugally, they can only last three or four days with this food.

The supplies here are very miscellaneous and are prepared for individuals. Each one is small, some can fill the stomach, and some are just snacks.

Xiao Liu was weak and said: I asked the driver and a few young men to move out dozens of boxes of insect cakes, but so many people can only consume them for one day.

Jingshu is powerless this time. All the insect cakes in her truck have been eaten by the mud mermaids, and she can no longer produce food.

Let's divide the spoils first. We have to survive first!

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