I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 676: Welfare is distributed and then handed over

Jing Shu opened her mouth, but didn't respond for a long time. How dare this person? How dare?

After occupying her factory, you felt that you had succeeded in stealing from her and started setting up factories on a large scale? This is too.

Wang Dazhi shirked the responsibility and said: This is obviously the idea given to us by your Wucheng Jun Bao. Our boss originally thought that Jun Bao is also from the Imperial Capital and Wucheng City Government. The most important thing is that he is now acting as Jin Bao's agent. A God-given position is equivalent to owning the equity of Sancheng Chongbake Factory. Doesn’t he know how much goods it can produce? Bah, this guy sounds nice. He said that when factories are opened in various places, they will be divided into equity shares and everyone will make a fortune together. This People are just bad at heart!

Don’t you know, Jun Bao?

No, the Wucheng Town Government knows very well that because of raw materials and other factors, this is the limit. She also said it at the beginning.

Now that you know it, why don't you give these people some advice? How many more games should we hold? Jing Shu's face looked a little strange. Could it be that Jun Bao deliberately tricked these people? At this juncture, under the spotlight of everyone, if you can't make insect cakes, how miserable will you die?

In the blink of an eye, Jing Shu smiled, she knew what Jun Bao meant.

Forget it, just cooperate with him.

Wang Dazhi was right about one thing. Jun Bao was indeed a very evil man. He wore a harmless smile, but he did things that made people gnash their teeth.

This matter is no longer something that Wang Dazhi can solve. It concerns the interests of more people.

Then there's nothing I can do to help. Now you know the formula. You can collect some of the blood in the pool and test it to find the formula. Leave the rest of the handover to the original factory director. I'm tired and want to go home and have a good rest. . Since Wang Dazhi can't make the decision, we won't talk to him.

Wang Dazhi also knew about this situation. He had to report it first and see what happened.

Jingshu turned to Xiao Liu again and said: The factory should be reorganized first. Find out all those who betrayed the factory and report them to the town government for disposal according to the new law. Uncle, please contact Xishan and Gas to arrange all the supplies. I will prepare the formula later. Send it over, and then try to restart it within three days. Even if there is no technical content, since you have been bribed, you must be prepared to pay the price for betrayal.

Several people nodded.

At the end, Jingshu said: By the way, the new factory director said that he will give benefits to employees. When you hand over, ask the factory director to first give out the benefits and the virtual coins he promised, and then hand over.

Wang Dazhi: ... Who is he, where is he, what is he doing?

Did you come to this factory just to give out benefits to everyone?

Jing Shu jolted back to the villa in the BYD Song driven by Jing's father. Most of the mudslides on both sides of the road had solidified due to the cold weather, and the shock absorbers of the hybrid car were broken. It was very bumpy. It was the first time that Jingshu was so fucking vomited, and it was the first time that she got motion sickness in her own car!

I used to think that the space has become larger, so I have to move it into the space at least, but now it seems that it is no longer necessary. It is five years old and has a lot of minor problems. It is also missing parts and the battery is not durable.

Jingshu almost wanted to change her car, so she would talk about it later if she had a chance.

There is not much time left for her now, and she needs to prepare for the long-distance migration.

Grrrrrr! The fat chicken's face was filled with internal fluids when he saw Jingshu flapping his wings. His reaction was even greater than that of Jingnai and Jingye. Who knows how it got here without the spiritual spring in the past few months? It seemed like it had committed a crime. Like a cigarette addict, he becomes irritable and has a bad temper.

It was fine for the first month, but then it felt like something was missing. It was anxious and scratching its heart, and its temper became even more irritable. But the fat chicken knew that there was an even more irritable Jingma at home, and Think of it as quiet milk for your sweetheart.

So the fat chicken didn't dare to get angry. It only dared to sneak out during the day to vent and come back to sleep at night. However, after not laying eggs for a few days, before Jing Nai started to show strange eyes, the fat chicken would lay 40 eggs before going out. Otherwise, it will always feel that it will lose Jing Nai’s favor.

Fortunately, even if there is no spiritual spring, as long as he eats enough food, the fat chicken can still lay many eggs, and he has not lost his status in the family.

The outside world is very dangerous, and the fat chicken who vents every day also encountered some things. Not to mention, he also discovered some weird things.

The fat chicken fluttered over and expressed all his thoughts. Jingshu knew that this was probably the disadvantage of Lingquan, but if you want to get something, you have to pay the price. Lingquan has so many benefits, it is impossible not to have disadvantages. She can accept these.

Weird stuff? You can take me to see it when I'm free. Jingshu comforted the fat chicken and could already smell the smell of barbecue.

My dear granddaughter, this mission is too long, isn't it? You came back in a hurry. Your father quietly roasted the leg of lamb for you in the house. You can eat it first and give it to you later in the evening. Make a feast! If Jingshu hadn't come back, they would never have eaten this delicious food, but since their children had been outside for so long, they all wanted to make Jingshu's favorite food.

You damn girl, if you make us worry so much again, just stay out and don't come back! Jing's mother handed over a box of almonds that she had smashed by herself, which was her favorite, I'm hungry outside. Right? Eat something first.

Dad Jing giggled on the side, The child looks clean, much fairer than before, and not thinner. He knew that his daughter had not suffered a loss.

Hmph, we're not allowed to leave for that long anyway, but we're worried to death.

Jingshu relaxed at home for two days and ate several big meals. God knows, she was so cruel when she was trapped there that she didn’t dare to eat anything with flavor, let alone barbecue, not even hot pot. Dare to eat, she hid in the house for the past two days and ate everything before she was satisfied.

Fat Chicken didn't go out either. Pi Dian Pi Dian followed Jing Shu, expressing her longing for her absence in the past three months. After Jing Shu fed Lingquan, Fat Chicken got better and was no longer irritable. The whole chicken I feel so comfortable, as if I can fly to the sky again.

Only then did Jingshu have time to organize the food at home. During the time she left, the most consumed food at home was rice, flour and oil, and the food on the table was almost gone. However, there was no shortage of all kinds of fruits and vegetables. Instead, because Jing Nai had a sense of urgency, he dried all the fruits and vegetables that he couldn't eat and then cooked them.

If there were any extra chickens, ducks, sheep and pigs at home, Mr. Jing would kill them, pickle them, and make them into smoked chickens, ducks, sausages, hams, etc.

Don't dare to raise more, feed is also a problem.

Generally speaking, what can be grown and raised not only has no consumption but also has a surplus, and has been made into food reserves. Food that cannot be processed and grown is basically eaten up.

We don't want to eat first. If you don't come back after eating, we will break the lock on the basement.

There's no need to open the basement. In fact, we can get flour and rice. But we have to keep a low profile. Many people in Xinlan have already starved to death!

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