I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 677 Qian Duoduo’s Banquet Hall

Our Wucheng is much better. No one has starved to death this time, but we don't dare to take out any more food. Let's say that our food will be halved in the future, otherwise this natural disaster will pass. Now It’s very difficult to grow some rice.”

Jingshu felt a little uncomfortable because she didn't explain it well before she left. Another family member also regarded the basement as a last resort and was unwilling to break the lock and open it until the critical moment.

Milk, it's time to eat. Our family eats a lot, so how can we cut it in half? You don't have to worry about food. You've seen the basement before. There's a lot of rice and noodles. Jingshu bought a lot of rice flour and flour from the basement. Oil comes out.

Peanut oil, olive oil, rapeseed oil, Jing Nai have learned over the past few years which vegetables and oils are more delicious, and a more detailed classification can improve the taste of food.

Jingshu began to consciously guide her family to make everything into semi-finished products, or to cook them directly and then freeze them outside. When they want to eat, they can be reheated and eaten directly.

Some of the flavors may not be as delicious as fresh ones, but most of them are blessed by spiritual springs, so they are still very good.

This has great advantages, that is, after integrating several ingredients together, it is more convenient, takes up less space, and is easier to carry.

The weather in the future will be a natural freezer. If you want to eat something with a more complicated process on the road, it will be difficult.

Now, if you can be extravagant, do it quickly. Jingshu took out the recipe book for Jingnai, and decided to go through the dessert column first, and then extend to other varieties one by one.

You have to have dreams. Drinking coffee, eating desserts, and baking in the snowy weather is her biggest dream in her life.

Whether it was the cows in the villa or the cows in the space, there was a lot of milk left over, so let’s start with durian mille-feuille, matcha mille-feuille, and chocolate mille-feuille. She had eaten a lot of the desserts she had brought back from the United States. In the cold It's so nice to have a bite of cold durian millelay in the weather.

Jingshu is addicted to making various desserts these days and consumes a lot of dairy products and sugar. Of course, the reason she gave everyone is also very valid: the weather is getting colder and colder, and it is best to eat a bite of cake like this to supplement calories and increase fat. But it’s a great winter snack.

A week after returning to Wucheng, Junjia called and said that he had written a report on the drifting of the building, and had compiled all the data on the losses, promised credits, etc., and that it would be completed in 10 days. We will re-auction the town hall building and deal with the follow-up matters of the building. I hope she can come by then.

Jing Shu had to go. It would be fine if the building floated to other places. Now that it has floated back to Wucheng, this matter must be dealt with.

The red thread worm factory has also started construction again smoothly. Jingshu has been the hands-off shopkeeper for a long time. After the explanation this time, it will be handed over to the people below. However, Jingshu specially upgraded the driver to 3 levels in a row to commend him. behavior this time.

Regarding Xiao Liu, Jing Shu remained silent as she had other plans.

By the way, Zhu Dazhi completed all the handover work the next day. On the third day, Jun Bao invited her to have a meal together. For this man who seemed gentle and gentle and liked to laugh, but his methods of doing things were frightening. , Jingshu could only agree.

The place to eat was at the banquet hall in Xishan, a place Jingshu had never been to.

Jun Bao was the one who entertained the guests, but Qian Duoduo from Xishan was the one who brought out the ingredients and the venue. The key was that Qian Duoduo hadn't arrived yet.

The banquet hall was used to entertain distinguished guests before the end of the world. It was on the second floor of a garden. All the original flowers and plants in the ancient garden outside were gone and were bare. Only an indoor garden with a closed and complete system was left.

It is said that it used to be a place where precious flowers and plants were raised. In order to better absorb the sunlight after washing, it was completely enclosed, so it was luxuriously surrounded by tempered glass. It is much larger than Jingshu's villa.

Now, it has become Qian Duoduo's private vegetable garden. Under the constant temperature system, there are many fresh vegetables and fruits here.

Jun Bao pulled out a cucumber, bit it down with a bang, and pulled one out for Jing Shu. The two of them sat in the middle on a large mahogany round table for 16 people and ate cucumbers. Jun Bao was giving Jing Shu some popular science:

Do you know how expensive this set of tables and chairs will be before the end of the world?

The chair we sit on can be replaced by a villa.

Jingshu twisted her butt. She was not used to this kind of chair that was taller than her. It was hard and she couldn't lean back when she sat on it. When she leaned on it, her whole legs would come up.

Have you ever seen a chair one meter deep? Well, this is it.

Qian Duoduo is a wonderful man. Let's go see other places later. Jun Bao looked up and down, smiling so hard that he didn't know what he was thinking.

Jing Shu was shocked, and kept thinking about how to change Jun Bao's mentality after killing Qian Duoduo. In this life's butterfly effect, she opened a bug cake factory, and had a bug girl micro, plus Qian Duoduo. I also got involved, and no one in Wucheng has starved to death so far.

Until Wang Dazhi came with his boss and a group of people from the inspection team, she was thinking about things. She was even thinking about the mud mermaid. How to cross the road and add a kind of food to everyone?

Jingshu, Jingshu? What do you think? Jun Bao asked Jingshu several times with a smile, and Jingshu came back to her senses.

Ah? Jing Shu raised her eyebrows and said calmly: I don't think what Brother Zhou did is authentic. You said that before the technology was completely stolen, you opened so many factories across the country. You never thought about what would happen if it couldn't be done. , are there any consequences? Look, if you can't do it now, is there any use in asking me? Otherwise, just kill me, and you can still have dozens of kilograms of blood at a time, which can last until the first wave of your factories. raw materials to be used.”

Zhou Yun and other members of the inspection team rubbed their noses in embarrassment. Zhou Yun, Wang Dazhi's boss and a serious official in the imperial capital, no matter how thick-skinned he was, felt a little ashamed at this time.

The world is so big that I never thought that one person's blood would be needed to make raw materials. This is indeed something that even the whole country cannot accomplish. They are exaggerating.

Jun Bao said in a good temper: You blame me for this. It was me who came up with the idea at the beginning. You see, Brother Zhou also said that people from their inspection team came from all over the world. He wanted to open a worm cake factory in the imperial capital. Others When people return to their hometown, they will definitely open a bug cake factory. No, one person has one factory and the technology is shared, which is just right.

Jingshu picked up a dish she had never eaten before, tasted it, and frowned, feeling a little strange.

The money is generous, and the table is filled with Michelin three-star meals. There is no other special feature, just one word, less.

On a plate, put a carved radish, a piece of coriander, and a pile of black stuff with some caviar on top, and you have a dish.

It's not even enough to fill the gap between your teeth.

It is said that this dish has 36 steps. Jingshu didn't eat it, but everyone in the inspection team was very satisfied.

Zhou Yun had to speak: Miss Jingshu, you see, things have already happened. Today we are here to talk about the solution.

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