Dark creatures? Jing Shu raised her eyes and became interested in the dark creatures mentioned by Xiao Liu. To be honest, some dark creatures are of great value, while some are basically worthless.

These creatures that can adapt to the end of the world have broken away from photosynthesis and can only survive by eating some random things, even dirt. All these creatures are just for survival. What use do you expect them to be?

In order to survive, many creatures have evolved so that they cannot be eaten, which is very annoying.

Some of them that can be used as food are very rare, and they also have major shortcomings. Otherwise, they cannot reproduce, such as dinosaur chickens.

So Jingshu's first question was: Can I eat it?

This is the most important point for Jing Shu to judge their value.

Xiao Liu was a little embarrassed: You can't eat it. If it could be eaten, Luo Junren would treat it as a treasure, so there would be no need to come all the way to open a bug cake factory.

Oh. Jingshu was no longer interested. She randomly picked up a few round balls? This batch of dark creatures is just a small truck, with about a few hundred balls? It seems like it still can't move?

Each ball is different in size, about the size of a basketball. They are a bit like sea urchins, with dense spines? It should be called hair. Each hair is thick and long, about thirty centimeters long and as thick as a finger.

What are they for?

Boss, these dark creatures are called hairy balls.

It's quite suitable, but their hair is a bit hard, otherwise they would be suitable for knitting sweaters. Jing Shu felt a little regretful.

Boss, the reason why they are called hairy balls is because they have long hair all over their bodies. Although they are a bit hard, I heard that after boiling them in water and then treating them with saltpeter, they will become very pliable. Finally, they can be cut into pieces. The machine divides a long hair into more than a dozen fine hairs, and you can get a relatively original wool.

Jingshu's eyes gradually brightened, and she motioned for Xiao Liu to continue.

Although the wool obtained by processing long wool balls is not as soft as cotton or wool, it can at least keep out the cold. This material is not breathable. Although the clothes made are very stuffy, they are still warm at least.

Jingshu rubbed the long hair balls in her hands. They were so dark that her eyes, nose, and mouth could not be seen. Their hair was as flexible as a soft sword, and they kept breaking back and forth.

If this product is really what Xiao Liu said and can be used as a material to keep out the cold after processing, then it is very necessary!

Did Luo Junren talk about how to breed, reproduce and existing problems? Jing Shu asked, the species is a good species and its functions are also great.

But there are only so many long hair balls, and the number is too small. If you look at the big house, you can't make waves at all. If you look at the small house, her family has planted cotton for a long time, she also breeds silkworms, and she has sheepskin, pigskin and Cowhide, there is no shortage of these.

Dark creatures can eat anything. You basically don't have to worry about how to breed them. They can eat dirt or garbage. The hairy balls have been studied. Artificial breeding has not been successful. They can only reproduce by themselves. A thousand hairy balls can be produced in a year. There can be about a hundred more, and the longest lifespan now is several years. Dark creatures are just like that, with a lot of shortcomings.

But the hair of a long hair ball can be cut and processed to make a piece of clothing, and it can grow back into such long hair in two or three months. Basically, it can be cut indefinitely.

Speaking of this, Xiao Liu's eyes became hot. This small batch of long hair balls represents hundreds of pieces of clothing, and every two or three months, the wool can be rolled again. These are dark creatures, no need One can survive if you take special care of it

Stuff is good stuff.

Cut off all their long hair, and then follow the method to make a batch of clothes to keep out the cold. As for how to do it, if you can find the old factory, make it. If you can't find it, give it to the town government and let them bring it to you. Let professionals do it, um. Let me take the rest of these guys back. Jingshu finally decided.

Originally she was interested in black potatoes, but when this hairy ball came, Jingshu couldn't take her eyes away. This thing sounded so good, it was like the twine that nature gave back in the apocalypse.

Of course, there are many steps from thread to finished garment.

Zijin and Jingnai also spent a lot of time from silk to weaving at Jingshu's house. When there was nothing, everything returned to the original, so they had to do it step by step.

But time waits for no one.

After Jingshu returned home, she brought back a cart full of supplies. Except for one little piglet that she kept in the space, she kept the rest in the villa, because no matter what she raised, she was used to leaving one in the space as a seed or as a breeding ground. When it comes to security, she is afraid of accidents and extremely insecure.

After that, we started researching on the hairy balls. Half of the hairy balls were cultured in the space. If they ate some diluted spiritual spring and food in a comfortable environment, they would be able to reproduce quickly and grow hair quickly.

Half of the hairy balls were placed in the villa for breeding, and they were divided into three piles, one pile for soil, one pile for mixed nutritional feed, and another pile. Jingshu thought about using the waste to see if she could eat the mud mermaids. Meat?

The Mud Mermaid has no flesh on its body and is just a pile of tough soil. Once it dies, it only leaves a pile of bones.

The long-haired monster has no mouth. The way to eat is to have a small mouthpart on the tip of the countless long hairs on its body. The mouthparts will suck everything into food. If the long-haired monster is on the ground, it will suck in soil, and if there is no soil, it will suck in water.

They can't walk or move themselves, and they won't attack people.

Speaking of which, Jingshu didn't even know if it was derived from plants or animals?

The hairy balls were all bare, but there were many mouthparts on them. Jingshu inserted them into the mud mermaid and ignored them.

Even doing experiments takes time. She just needs to come over every day to check on the situation and record the conditions of these hairy balls.

Then just find one that reproduces the fastest and grows the best hair.

Hey, did you hear that this year's year-end prize not only includes a rare thing called black potato, but also a super warm long-haired clothing reward.

What kind of clothes are long-haired clothes? Aren't they just ordinary clothes to keep out the cold? I already have two cotton-padded clothes.

Hey, look at Jian Yi, he is wearing this.

A bunch of people looked enviously at Jian Yi, who ranked first in performance contribution this year.

This long-haired coat is just like a black raincoat. It doesn't look unusual.

This thing is so good. Look, as long as you wear a piece of clothing underneath and this one on the outside, you can be sure that no wind or cold can get through.

Jian Yi, Jian Yi, how do you feel?

Jian Yi put down his hat and gasped: After walking around outside, it turned out to be a little hot. It's more than 30 degrees below zero. I'm afraid it will keep me warm no matter how cold it is. But these clothes are not breathable and it's too stuffy and uncomfortable. And it feels like wearing plastic, a bit hard and not very comfortable. That's what Jian Yi said, but Jian Yi couldn't bear to take it off.

People around are envious.

It's so cold now. Everyone doesn't want to go out, but they have to go out. The shortcomings Jian Yi mentioned may have been considered shortcomings before, but they don't count at all now.

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