I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 686: Are you going to eat the painted pie?

When I can't even feel the cold, everything else in the store can't be called a shortcoming, and the weather is getting colder and colder. Even ordinary cold-proof clothes are no longer useful. If you can have one more long-haired clothes to withstand the wind and cold, it will be good. Able to walk outside.

Within a few days, Jingshu also had a batch of long-haired coats with better quality, longer and warmer texture in his hands. The difference from the insect cake factory was that this batch of clothes in his hands were made from Wucheng Town. A batch specially produced by the government's garment manufacturing department.

That's right, places that buy clothes from dead people and second-hand fabrics and clothes for a long time, then disassemble and wash these clothes and use raw materials to remake them into materials needed in the current apocalypse, and then sell them at market prices, are called garment manufacturing factories in the apocalypse.

There are professional equipment and factories there, and the clothes made are of better quality.

After Jingshu put on a down jacket and then put on a long fur coat with a hood that reached her ankles, she felt an unparalleled sense of security.

It's warm, even a little hot. It looks like I can wear it outside when it's the coldest in the future.

The first batch of hairy balls’ output was quickly finished. Since they were on the high-quality gift-giving route, each coat in this batch used enough material. Except for those from the insect cake factory, the lengths were all up to the calf. , after hundreds of pieces of clothing were given away, nothing was wasted.

Jingshu alone gave away more than a hundred pieces to relatives and friends, one for each person in the family, and more than a dozen for the larger family. Within a few days, Yang Yang sent more than a dozen boxes to Yang Yang's family. Brown sugar comes, and I want to buy some more at a high price to give to my relatives.

Brown sugar is a luxury product. Even Jingshu doesn’t have much in stock. She has a lot of honey at home, but she doesn’t grow sugar cane so she can extract brown sugar at any time. Fortunately, she only drinks it except on small days. She usually boils some ginger to relieve the cold and uses it for other purposes. Not much.

Jin Tianci, on the other hand, helped Jingshu make so many coats, so she had to give some away inside and outside.

As soon as the item was delivered, they knew it was a good item. It is so cold now that this item is simply better than a down jacket.

Speaking of which, long-haired jackets are basically not afraid of water and are not breathable. They are made of special materials and will not wear out. Unlike cotton jackets, which become heavy when exposed to moisture, down jackets become less warm the more they are washed.

The product of darkness is indeed very durable. This thing is basically durable.

Unfortunately, the output is low. Many people ask Jingshu whether this thing can be mass-produced? If it can be produced, it will be very rare, and there will even be a lot of heating fuel left.

It's still snowing, just like in my memory. When it gets cold enough, ice shards bigger than goose feathers begin to fall. You can hear the swishing sound even in the villa.

Once it starts snowing, it won't stop. The really difficult moment in the end of the world will come, and countless people will starve to death or freeze to death.

The snowflakes in the apocalypse are much larger than before, and they are not pure white snow, but a gray color after pollution. Looking at it in the dark night, it actually glows with a nice silver color.

Long-haired coats also keep out snow.

Every time Jing’s mother and Jing’s father go to work, they have to wear a coat. The heavy snowflakes cannot hit their faces and pile up on their long-haired clothes. When they enter the house, they pat and shake them off. If If it is a cotton-padded coat, it will melt when the temperature gets hot, so the cotton-padded coat will definitely get wet.

Jingshu did an experiment on cultivating hairy balls, but nothing could be seen in the short term. Experiments No. 1, 2, and 4 all failed. Even the reproduction speed in space was not satisfactory. Lingquan can speed up the growth. Breeding, but it would be meaningless to use the spiritual spring. Her spiritual spring is now consumed and growing to the extreme every day. She can still save a little every day.

It seems that it is difficult to cultivate hairy balls in large quantities.

If it were simple, people all over the country would probably be wearing a set of long-haired clothes by now.

But Jingshu did not give up and continued to record various indicators and test methods every day. At that time, she found a way to cultivate red worms.

You can't go anywhere during this period. Just stay at home and prepare New Year's goods with me. How can I, an old man like me, prepare so many things? Jing Nai took Jing Shu's hand and kept mumbling. , there is really no one at home, Zijin, who can talk to her best, is not here, Wu Youai is not here either, and only a granddaughter like Jingshu, dare not let go.

Speaking of Zijin, Jingshu planned to find her back in a few months. The reason why Zijin stayed alone without her in the previous life, but with her in this life, Zijin accomplished what she wanted to do, but no matter what He said that it would be safe to take Zi Jin with him to watch before the migration.

Milk, the snow is getting heavier and heavier, the weather is getting worse and worse, and natural gas will be even more scarce in the future. We'd better make all the things we need to cook and freeze them early.

In the past, Jingshu would always make a semi-finished product, but that can't be the case now.

Jingshu had emphasized earlier that now Jingnai has no objection and always needs to store more. She is afraid that one day the natural gas will stop and she will not be able to cook. What will the family eat?

I don’t plan to keep any more livestock this year. The situation in Wucheng is not bad. Xinlan and several surrounding cities starved to death and froze to death after the heavy snowfall. I heard that many people flocked to Wucheng. Public security in Wucheng It has been very strict recently. There were many refugees trying to sneak into Wucheng before. At least they had a meal every day. Now that it is so cold, there must be people sneaking in through various passages.

In short, Jing Nai was so afraid that his family's situation would be exposed that he slaughtered more than half of the chickens and ducks. Keep less livestock this year and we'll see what happens next year.

Okay, let's stop breeding dinosaur chickens for the time being, so as not to be targeted by interested people.

Dinosaur Chicken: Thanks for letting me take a breather. I really don’t want to be a breeder chicken! !

The snow will keep falling, either in heavy snow or light fluttering, and the roads will be blocked, as if the whole world is buried under the heavy snow. When all the houses are covered by the heavy snow and it is impossible to even sweep and clear the snow, the people of Wucheng have never thought about it. If you leave this land and the apocalypse comes, where can you go without living?

Hey, I still have to walk again.

Just when Jing Shu couldn't explain how she felt, her reward document finally came to her head.

Although the Wucheng Town Government's work efficiency is a bit slow, they are indeed getting things done. Junjia promised earlier that the two carts of insect cakes she contributed, as well as various subsequent events, were recorded on the internal contribution value wall.

Hi, to put it bluntly, the intranet has carved out a big pie for you.

Jingshu was familiar with this routine, and the Pharmaceutical Association had also created an internal contribution value. The higher the contribution value, the higher the contribution value, the more you could use the contribution value to exchange for internal things every time you unlocked a level.

Jingshu's contribution to the Pharmaceutical Association so far cannot be exchanged for the most confidential thing, and that thing is just for you to see.

I was very excited at first, but then I became much calmer.

But today, Jun Bao, who had already set off three fires just after Jiang Jiang took office, told her in an understatement, Your contribution can unlock the most core things. Do you want to come and take a look and redeem it? thing?

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