I will plant a field in the last days

Chapter 698 How to deal with the carrion insects?

If someone has the financial means, they can also rent a bug car from Xiaowei and let the bugs pull them on their way, which is at least more comfortable than walking.

No matter what happens, one or two families can pool their money to buy one and take turns riding it throughout the day, which can at least save energy.

These days, it’s really cool to be able to use transportation without refueling. Panoramic sunroof, leather seats, and only one piece of earth is consumed for a hundred miles.

Is there any creature more cost-effective than this?

Hey, you are really born in a good era, at least after I am reborn, you will not have to suffer again. Even Jing Shu lamented that in this life, the people in Wucheng were so happy.

In this cold world of ice and snow, everyone is busy. In the previous life, because there was no productivity, many people had no work to do and no food to eat. But in this life, because there is food, there are many jobs to do. .

I don’t know since when, people’s lives are no longer indifferent, but they seem to have a little bit of new expectations. As long as they have food to eat, they can survive. Sometimes people’s requirements are so low.

During the time that Jingshu was stocking up on delicious food, the number of synthetic meat factories increased to 36, which were basically spread throughout the entire Chinese city. However, the supply simply exceeded the demand. In the end, with the purchase limit per person and limited supply per day, new ones were made every day. The meatloaf was also sold out early.

The factory opened very quickly, and the local town government basically sold all kinds of machines and space for free, which can be said to be full support. If it can reduce the number of deaths in the jurisdiction, there should be fewer deaths!

Synthetic meat can be said to have greatly alleviated the food shortage.

But the fundamental problem is still not solved. To put it bluntly, the products still cannot reach the yield of rice and corn.

There are still many people who cannot eat. The imperial capital has begun to mobilize all the food reserves and put them into operation urgently. It is just demolishing the east wall to make up for the west wall. Which part of the country is not short of food?

I have only heard that some dark food has been produced in some areas, such as green algae, which is very abundant and has been transported to various places.

The spread and proliferation of the carrion worm made the Chinese finally attack it.

Just like what happened in the previous life, in areas where there were really no special products, they began to study how to eat the carrion insects and made them into concentrated pills. After one sip, it was more bitter than drinking traditional Chinese medicine.

Or just make it into powder and drink it with water.

There are also those who are reckless, just grab a bowl of boiling water, boil it, pour it into your mouth, don't chew it, just swallow it raw.

Carrion worms contain a large amount of bacteria and are generally inedible. Eating them will cause diarrhea, abdominal pain, and mild food poisoning.

But compared to the feeling of starving to death, abdominal pain and diarrhea can be ignored. If there is food on the table, I can probably eat it.

This is the state of extreme hunger, where you want to eat everything. Of course Jingshu knows this, because she has been so hungry before, and then she ate the carrion worms in one gulp, and was able to survive until she found new food and finally survived. .

Besides, carrion worms are better than eating dirt. Eating dirt will make your belly bigger and bigger, and you will be strangled to death. If you eat carrion worms, you can at least survive for a few months and you won't die.

In this life, Wucheng is also faced with the problem of carrion insects.

Nowadays, everyone can eat the cheapest insect cakes, as well as high-end food, synthetic meat cakes, and some people can even eat luxury foods such as eggs, chicken, and milk.

As long as he is obedient and does the work assigned by the town government, he can eat at least two meals a day and not starve to death.

Who would eat the carrion worms in this case?

The mutated carrion worms lay eggs in various places, and the world is full of carrion worms.

Especially in this icy and snowy weather, when a shovelful of snow falls, it is already densely packed with carrion insects, and their growth rate is particularly terrifying!

Many people in Wucheng were severely bitten by the carrion bug, and their bodies were covered with frostbite, red envelopes, itching and pain!

Although everyone is very careful about this problem, every day before going to bed, they will get out all the bugs in a closed place. If possible, they will use cloth sheets to make a mosquito net or the like.

But when I woke up the next day, there were either zombies under the bed or corpse bugs on the quilt. I couldn't prevent it at all.

When Hao Yunlai looked at Jing Shu pitifully with a ball with blinking eyes and red envelopes all over his body, Jing Shu realized that the carrion bugs were now more prevalent than in the previous life in her memory.

After all, in the previous life, everyone was catching carrion bugs.

In this life, almost no one in Wucheng catches these things because they can hardly eat them. Only some thrifty old ladies can catch them. After drying them in the shade, they cut them into diced beans and marinated them with salt.

Then when you're hungry, just eat a little and eat it as a snack.

Jing Shu took some Aizhu and gave it to Hao Yunlai.

This thing is made by Mr. Jing after hard work compressing mugwort leaves and moxa velvet into long strips. When used, light it and leave it like mosquito coils. It can find most mosquitoes, especially carrion insects. It works.

Jingshu's villa was surrounded by carrion bugs in the past few days, and even in some fields. Although Jingshu sprayed wind oil and toilet water every day, the villa was too big and she had to spray it every four hours, which consumed too much. Big.

So Jingshu buried mugwort leaves in every corner of the villa, and spread a layer of mugwort around the roof and walls of the villa. She smoked it again from time to time, and then put chickens, snakes, and frogs out to remove these things. They all ate cleanly.

The effect was so good that not a single bug was found in the villa.

Hao Yunlai said a little embarrassedly: I can't use moxa leaves, otherwise my whole family will be harmed.

Jingshu: ... Damn it! !

What the hell, this made Jing Shu speechless for a moment, and then she remembered, Hao Yunlai's whole family seemed to be following him? Mugwort is a yang thing and has the effect of expelling evil spirits.

Okay, I'll give you a bottle of Fengyoujing first, mix it with water in a tenth ratio and spray it out. I'll see if I can make some insect repellent water later.

Hey, Hao Yunlai, such a powerful person, is actually afraid of insects. It’s really

A few days later, Jingshu was invited to Xishan to hold a discussion meeting. The content was that the rampant carrion insects had seriously affected the lives of the people in Wucheng, and had become the second most serious problem after ice and snow. Big enemy.

So, what should be done to deal with the plague of carrion insects?

There were many people invited this time, and everyone was very active. Almost no one was absent. This is because almost no one, whether rich or powerful, was spared and was harassed by carrion bugs every day.

We all really want to solve this problem.

After all, there are only so many resources. How can we solve the problem without wasting resources?

Toilet water and mosquito repellent water have long been discontinued, and all raw materials are gone. Except for a batch of mugwort planted by the Pharmaceutical Association some time ago, there are almost no other resources now.

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