By the way, Jingshu’s red nematode factory also requires a large number of carrion insects to cultivate algae.

But this large number is also relative. There is definitely no shortage of carrion worms now, but according to a certain ratio, if Jingshu uses all the carrion worms to cultivate red worms,

Then the spiritual spring and the bloody spiritual spring are far from enough. Now with synthetic meat, there will be giant food in the near future. Jingshu does not need such a precious spiritual spring to convert a large number of red worms.

If you want to cultivate red worms, you don't need a spiritual spring, you only need carrion worms. Jingshu can definitely cultivate as many as she can. It will be no problem to open factories all over China, so that everyone will have no shortage of food.

The carrion worms consumed by the red worm factory can only clean up the area around the factory, but cannot solve the huge amount of corrosive worms in Wucheng at all.

The mutated carrion worms rushed up from the sea and crawled over, covering the ground in a thick layer, more than the red worms back then!

Jing Shu also asked the factory director to take advantage of the current abundance of carrion bugs and stock up on free raw materials as much as possible. If he stocked up and dried them in the shade for a few years, he would not have to worry about the raw materials.

This is what Jing Shu did before.

In fact, in the previous life, the problem of carrion worms was not solved at all, and there was no need to solve it. In this life, after everyone had a full meal, they really started to pay attention to the carrion worms.

Especially those at the top of the pyramid.

The threshold of the Pharmaceutical Association has recently been trampled to pieces. Regardless of whether it is relevant or not, they all want to get some moxa leaves from the Pharmaceutical Association to smoke, but how can they withstand such a large amount of fumigation?

Relatives and friends who are close to Jingshu all received moxa sticks made by Jingye. This kind is more resistant to burning and has a stronger smoke smell. Burning it for fifteen minutes can drive away all the carrion bugs in a house, and it will last for a whole day. .

The problem of carrion worms really needs to be solved. When digging dungeons, carrion worms always pop up, which makes the excavation work difficult.

The carrion bugs have become my shadow. Every day I wake up covered in bruises, and new ones are added to the old ones.

The most terrifying thing is that I don't know when I got into my clothes, and I penetrated people!

The hall was in a mess, everyone was complaining about this carrion insect, it was impossible to guard against it.

Get some mosquito repellent? Special medicine? Spray to eliminate offspring? Sterilize the males?

At this time, Master Dahuangya next to Jingshu said loudly: I don't agree with planting mugwort leaves. Our Pharmaceutical Association has already planted a large number of them to provide to the town government. Next, we will plant some life-saving herbs.

Jingshu sat on a chair, holding a thermos cup, taking a few sips from time to time, and occasionally chewing a few times. No one knew what she was eating.

Jun Bao sat at the head table and coughed lightly: Okay, don't argue anymore. From now on, I will only make suggestions and what solutions you have. Needless to say anything else. Also, mosquito repellent water and insect repellent. There is no need to talk about increasing planting resources.

The hall fell silent.

Using mosquito repellent water to spray insecticides is really too busy. If you step on it, it may be a nest of carrion insects. Now in the world of ice and snow, they are all buried in the snow. It is a waste of planting resources to treat the symptoms but not the root cause.

What can be done?

If we say, what can impress the hard-working and simple Chinese people, besides being able to eat a species to extinction, what else can give them absolute motivation?

How about we hire another 50,000 people to salvage and clean up the carrion worms? Or even collect them with a few virtual coins per thousand kilograms? Just like the red worms, I don't believe that we can't collect them all, even if we can't collect them all. It will greatly alleviate the current situation. We are the ones issuing the virtual currency anyway, so you can have any number of virtual currencies.”

Someone immediately retorted: People nowadays have no sense of security. Believe it or not, even if you give 1 virtual coin for a thousand kilograms, those people can immediately make you bankrupt? After they get the virtual currency, they will immediately buy food. You Do you have that much money for food?”

Wouldn't it be enough to raise the price of food? Don't those people stop buying it? If the price is increased several times, wouldn't it become free labor... Hey, has anyone used this trick before? Does it need to be dressed up?

Jun Bao patted the table and said calmly: There are no special circumstances for basic food, so there will be no price increase.

Okay, it was denied.

Jingshu tapped the thermos cup and thought of fat chickens and domestic livestock. They would eat all kinds of insects, including carrion insects. She had never found it strange. Don't livestock eat insects?

But a few days ago, Jing’s father came back and complained that there were too many carrion bugs, and several of the chickens in the factory became sick after eating them. Now they have put all the livestock in a closed house and disinfect them every day.

In other words, carrion worms cannot be used as feed for ordinary livestock. They contain a lot of bacteria and will make you sick if you eat them.

But Jingshu's family was not afraid because they drank the diluted spiritual spring.


There was a lot of noise in the hall again. Everyone was talking about solutions to the problem. Some people said that although the food is sufficient now, it should not be too much, in case the situation gets worse in the future.

So, it is better to set up a carrion insect food processing factory to make carrion insect food into food and sell it at the lowest price.

Or ask the R\u0026D team to find out how to make it edible.

Who will pay for the R\u0026D costs? Who will pay for the R\u0026D materials? How much time will it cost? Whether it can be done or not is still a question.

After discussing it for an hour, we still haven’t come up with anything.

Jun Bao nodded Jing Shu's name: Did you think of something?

Jingshu nodded: I said before that we would collect carrion worms by the kilogram and then open a processing factory. This idea is feasible. If we collect hundreds of millions of tons of carrion worms, at least the carrion worms will no longer be so rampant. If the carrion worms continue to flood, it is estimated that The entire city will be eaten up by carrion worms.

When they migrate back, they will be completely naked.

Dahuangya looked surprised: Apprentice, you want to process carrion insects into food and sell them? Who will eat them? The labor cost is not enough, right? For 1 virtual currency, everyone might as well eat the insect cakes you made.

The key is, now that everyone has a job and a meal, who has nothing to eat and eat those miserable corpse insects every day that cause diarrhea?

Selling to other places? Isn't it difficult to transport? The transportation cost is so high.

Jing Shu smiled: The processing factory I opened is not for people to eat.

For livestock? The livestock will get sick after eating it.

Jing Shu added: It's for dark creatures to eat. I'm going to cultivate a batch of dark creatures.

Dark creatures? They can indeed eat carrion insects. Dark creatures can even eat soil.

The problem is the dark creatures that appear here in Wucheng. Are there any that can be eaten? Except for the insect meat from the West Mountain.

It seems there are none. Either they are shells with no flesh at all, or they are poisonous.

What kind of dark creatures are you planning to cultivate? Can you use tens of millions of tons of carrion worms?

Jing Shu smiled and said nothing. Of course they were not mud mermaids or small bugs. They just ate dirt.

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